
Author Topic: Best Game of All Time?  (Read 5730 times)

Offline Greenranger

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Best Game of All Time?
« on: February 13, 2008, 01:29:35 PM »
I noticed that there was a request for what one considered the best game of all time. For each one who plays, the answer would be different. Since if we were all the same, the gaming world would be small and boring. In my case, many years ago, I was sucked into gaming by one that has been placed in the gaming hall of fame in the old gaming magazine Computer Gaming World. It was placed there for a very good reason. It moved forward both gaming and pushed computer systems and advanced many of the things we now take for granted. This game series was and is Wing Commander. If one could find a Windows version of this game, the difficulty, story line, and play would still stand up. In comparison to modern games, it was designed with branching paths instead of the linear paths that seem to be more of the norm. With the branching story line there was more than one way to win, or to lose. The modern games that come closest to that today is your RPG. No this game series was not perfect, but it had all the elements that made it fun. Yes at times frustrating, but the story pushed you on, and when it ended you could not wait for the next one to come out. This game was produced by Origin, which like so many is gone. Yet to this day I have all 5 of the games and all the individual expansions. Plus and old computer to play them on. Although right now with no space, that computer is being stored (darn it). So what is your take? It would be fun to find out what your favorite is and why, or what you consider the best of all time.

Offline BFM_Spartan

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2008, 01:57:54 PM »
    My favorite game of all time is "Ninja Gaiden" for the classic nintendo. I havent played that game in over 10 years,(since my mom donated the system WITH all the 40 games  :'() But if I had it now, I wouldnt be playing halo. Now a days with all the new systems coming out it's easy to forget where it all started, I honestly think I would rather play an older game like "Ninja Gaiden' then a newer game on PS3,X box 360 etc.
    Ninja Gaiden is cool, becuase It is probably one of the first "gaming series". Theirs NG 1,2 and 3. Basically theirs a character "Ryu" who is like in a Ninja family or whatever. His Dad "dies" in Battle, and he finds a note telling him to go to America, and like fight alot of people. Then he goes up the "food" chain and kills alot of people just to find out his dad isnt dead, but got converted to "badism" (<-- made up that word by the way). I got to the last level, got PWNED by his dad, and it brought me back down a couple levels and I was so irritated, I quit (It took me hours lol).  I shouldnt of quit. After a while when I got a Nintendo 64, I quit playing the classic, My mom brought it to a reslae shop, and I never saw it again... :'( :'( I shoudlnt've taken it for granted.I miss it lol. Oh well I have some good gaming memories playing that game lol. Long story short, Ninja Gaiden is my fav. game.
-Spartan :munch:

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2008, 10:13:24 PM »
Spartan Ninja Gaiden is for the ps3 and 360 and it's pretty good on there exact same story line just better graphics :/
but anyway

my favorite games are not out yet but soon to be out and they're called battle field bad company, killzone 2, and resistance 2 all for the ps3 but battle field bad company might be fore 360 and pc i didn't look at that.

battle field bad company has hig graphics quality and the scienory is unbleavibly destructible from buildings to trees to even the ground you walk on it can be blown up and left there as a creator or what's left of your enimy too :P but not only is it destructible but it has maps that are miles long that take actual real minutes to pass accrost and the that's just the fun part it also has a really advanced lighting system unlike those games that when you blow up the wall the shadow is still there it actually does not stay there it wraps around the buildings structure until the structure does not exist which is really cool also do you hate having to go around buildings to get to your enimy that keeps running around the building over and over calling for help? well don't stress yourself anymore just run threw the building with the tank and make sure he can't hide as you blow him to the moon but you're probably tired of not being able to hear your friends over the mic or the sound from enimy fire is so fast the bullets didn't hit you yet well both are fixed when someone talks on a mic the sound dims and you hear their voice not the backround for that moment unless you have a headset then don't worrie about that also the enimy fire from takes or machine guns far away can't be hurd until it's too late the bullet gets fired as you see but you watch it get closer but now sound closer and no sound still then close to impact you hear the shot fire sound then the next thing you know you're blown up by a tank shell or machine gun shredded the echo even sounds real

in killzone 2 with the graphics and highly interactive scienory it's very fun and the fact that you can make people bleed to death and watch the blood pool grow like in real life and the cool part about it is that the AI learn from your succeeding or failior of missions so it will adjust to your tactics and throw difficult fights in the game making it even more compitive

resistance 2 has great graphics and a few great features like the landskape is never the same when playing the game and the fact that it has 2 full campaigns in one game with 8 player co-op online and 2 offline who couldn't have a lot of fun but wait 64 people to shoot at in normal servers like ctf or slayer or capture the nodes along with this stuff comes the unique lighting and coloring features the lighting changes as time passes and the shadows are not out of line like most games the coloring makes the game and people look real but not just that but the sky is almost real the clouds are random and move with the wind and shape depending on the direction and always change and move and roll over eachother unlike most games with cardboard clouds or 3d clouds that don't move or change much resistance 2 shows that gaming isn't just all about the shooting and killing it's more about the quality of realism and the fact that a little person can take out a 400 foot tall monster created to help destroy the human race

all three of these i can't wait for they have so much time put into the game to make the game seem like you're actually involved in it these games will literally DRAG you into them and you wont bother to notice until it's too late and you can't remember the last time you got off your game and went outside to play :P all so far have great graphics and look unbeleavible killzone 2 and resistance 2 are for ps3 battle field bad company is for all consoles i think but i don't know and don't feel like checking :P
« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 10:18:00 PM by BFM_Reaper »

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2008, 03:51:38 PM »
Melikes Age of Empires II, Transport Tycoon Deluxe, Crysis......Have not played Call of Duty 4.

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 07:09:37 PM »
command and conquer

all of them

homeworld 2

EVE online

Halo (obviously)

Crash Bandicoot :D
"Sir We Are Surrounded!"
"Excellent! Now We Can Attack in any direction!"

Offline Tanger

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #5 on: March 13, 2008, 11:09:53 AM »
Counter-Strike Beta 1.4
Counter-Strike 1.5

These two games were great. I played these two games for years and their what brought me to the competitive gaming world. I played in many CAL counter-strike teams. Not the best graphics but still one of the most fun games you can play.

Offline Jake360

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #6 on: March 13, 2008, 12:29:34 PM »
well, obviously Halo 3 has to be the best game ever in my opinion. Its everything i look in a game, great graphics, awesome game play and truly the best sound track any game has ever had, and the online is emense, i get so competative playing it and i love every moment. That is the best game ever.

But there are other games that i love, command and conquer 3, thats a good game, im borrowing call of duty 4, i thought i would hate that but im getting used to it and i can see why people find it better than halo 3.

But if i had to choose a real classic game, then rayman on the PS1, that was AWESOME!!! It was so simple but so addicting. If any of you own a PS1 or two, you have to get that game, it is really amazing. You will love it :winkgrin:

Offline Bob Marley

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2008, 01:20:52 PM »
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Bubble Bobble
Paperboy (thats a given)
The Boy and his Blob
Fusion Frenzy
GTA 1&2 (or all)

Offline Igor

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2008, 01:33:26 PM »
In sort of order:-
Burnout Revenge.
Spiderman 2.
Call of Duty 4.
World of Warcraft. (mainly cause I admire how addictive they made the game)
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Offline Gryphon

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2008, 02:41:33 PM »
I'm going to have to add Mass Effect to this, as it includes both RPG and FPS type game play, has an incredibly good story, gresat depth and replayability.

The only other game that might challenge in in all those areas is Too Human, whenever it eventually comes out .

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2008, 09:40:42 PM »
<in no particular order>
Halo, Trackmania United, Twisted Metal II, Worms2, Jak & Daxter.

Burnout Revenge, Ratchet & Clank III, Worms: Armageddon, Crash Team Racing and Wip3out are also somewhere up there.

Offline Bob Marley

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #11 on: April 21, 2008, 10:11:20 PM »
<in no particular order>
Halo, Trackmania United, Twisted Metal II, Worms2, Jak & Daxter.

Burnout Revenge, Ratchet & Clank III, Worms: Armageddon, Crash Team Racing and Wip3out are also somewhere up there.

crash team racing!!

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2008, 06:42:35 AM »
Super Mario 64.

Offline Jake360

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2008, 01:50:53 PM »
sorry, im bored with halo 3 now :)

 :siren:MARIO KART WII is amazing. I love this game, i havn't acctually got it yet but i cant stop going round my mates house and playing it. Its so addicting, i ordered a copy yesterday so hopefully MR Postman will come and bring it to my door tomorrow some point. YAY! :siren:

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Re: Best Game of All Time?
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2008, 12:19:37 PM »
the best games for me are

HALO ( all of it)

and Gran Turismo the game of racing who introduce me in the carreer of  mechanic engineering thanks a lot GT!!!!

