
Author Topic: {HM}Santa, Saltine & BFM_KØËHL£®  (Read 1715 times)

Offline {HM}Santa

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{HM}Santa, Saltine & BFM_KØËHL£®
« on: February 24, 2008, 12:42:20 PM »
I was in a BFM server last night, don't remeber what number. I entered this particular server because I saw that BFM_KØËHL£® was present and was looking forward to some good admining.
At one point I found myself gunning a chain hog for saltine in Blood Gulch. We get to the rear ramp for second cliff(which was nowhere near our next nav) and she jumps out of the drivers seat and she orders me to drive? I find myself in a situation where I'm
A:either not helping this player develop by catering to her whims and
B: camping cuz she won't get back into the drives seat.

Now, anyone who has raced with me knows I try to follow the rules in whomevers server I'm racing in. So to try and teach her the meaning of race, I proceed on foot to the base where I see a chain hog just waiting for a driver(this was to force her to drive herself). While running to it, a teamate spawns and true to form jumps in and races away without a gunner. I then go through telleporter and proceed towards the first cliff where my next nav was. A chain hog goes by me towards the cliff so I throw two (2) nads up on the cliff and knock the hog down, kill the driver(BFM_KØËHL£®) and drive to my nav.
BFM_KØËHL£® then starts telling me that I should get in a hog, I tell him I just did.
He then tells me that I should not be jacking hogs but taking the ones available at the bases and that there were some at both(as stated previously, the only hog there left).
I can only assume that
A: Saltine was on vant with him and was upset that I wouldn't cater to her whims
B: BFM_KØËHL£® should know better than to arbitrarily accuse know rule abiding racers.
NOTE: On at least two(2) other occasions Saltine posted in chat that she could/would not drive a given map. I responed with "time to learn" which was ignored.

Now I fully expect to be attacked and chastised for daring to make this post.
I could have posted in questions for the officers but Saltine would not be able to respond if she chose to do so and this seemed to be the approprate area cuz I was being treated like a problem player.
I understand that the hog policy that BFM_KØËHL£® stated in race chat is a rule in BFM scrims but to the best of my knowledge is not a rule in BFM public servers.
I pride myself on following any given clans rules in their servers and even posted for recruitment at one time with BFM so am pretty familiar with their rules. In my opinion I did nothing wrong and maybe was even doing Saltine a favor by forcing her to drive her own hog on the easiest map in the rotation. I can understand when she was reluctant to drive in Gephy but we all had to learn to drive these maps at some time.

-BFM_KØËHL£® sorry if I offended you by taking your hog last night but I believe I was racing by the rules.

-Saltine, I see you posting and being posted about in "player who have performed well" so I was surprised by your behavior. You're not doing anyone any favors, including yourself by not learning to drive the maps yourself. You shouldn't expect someone else to do all the mule work while you gun. Learn to drive all the maps, it's make you an all around better racer.  :)


Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: {HM}Santa, Saltine & BFM_KØËHL£®
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2008, 12:59:23 PM »
So you feel it is fair that you critisise Koehler about warning you because you are a "known good raccer"....fair enough but is that not what you have just done to Saltine?  I think everyone here knows that Saltine is a good of the best.  Forgive me if it seems you are demanding a kind of respect that you are unwilling to give.  You could argue that, in spite of the fact that Saltine is a known good racer, you are just calling it as you saw it...again...fair enough but is that not also the situation Koehler was in?  How do we claim to be fair admins if we don't at least warn someone for something that appears to be out of order, even if it does come form a know good racer?  Just as you expect to be seen anf treated as a "known good racer" we would like to be seen and treated as "kown good admins" and be given the benefit of the doubt.  We aren't perfect you know?  There is no need to take every little warning so seriously.  Thank you for brining this to our attention.  Constructive critisism is always good.  It is just always nice when the critisism could be givin in a less accusartory fashion....I think we have earned that.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.

Offline {HM}Santa

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Re: {HM}Santa, Saltine & BFM_KØËHL£®
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2008, 01:49:18 PM »
You are 100% right Booyah and I am man enough to admit when I've come across a little to srong.
Appoligies to BFM_KØËHL£®, I was just trying to explain my actions last night and I was trying to point out to Saltine that driving is all part of being a good racer, we all had to learn how to do it at some time.
I did not call Saltines  actions as I saw it, I called it as I experienced it throughout several maps.

« Last Edit: February 24, 2008, 01:52:57 PM by {HM}Santa »

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: {HM}Santa, Saltine & BFM_KØËHL£®
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2008, 03:10:46 PM »
I am not sure if you have the same expiernce with Saltine that we at BFM do.  Saltine is an outstanding driver...I cannot explain what you expierenced.  In spite of a little warning now and then, I want you to know that good racers such as yourself a highly valued in BFM servers.  It is the reason we have the companion board to this one about acknowledging good players.  Thanks again for the input and no wories about apologies....I know your frusteration....oh....I know!  See you on the tacks soon.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.
