
Author Topic: camping v.s. Spawn killing  (Read 730 times)

Offline Stone_Cold

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camping v.s. Spawn killing
« on: July 27, 2009, 03:20:39 PM »
Everyone here has more that likely played CTF, Someone please define what Camping really means.  I really hate it when someone, obviously has an aim bot and wants to show you how it works or there are two to three tanks right outside the base and you never get to move because you always dying before the count down is finished.  To top things off someone, mainly the guy who is spawn killing accuses you of camping.  This is killing me.  Anyone else have the problem? 
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Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: camping v.s. Spawn killing
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2009, 05:13:29 PM »
If you are asking what the definition of camping on a CTF map is...ummm...well...camping is allowed in our CTF servers, Rules Section 11.  I don't play much CTF but I am pretty sure that camping is an accepted part of the defensive strategy in most CTF servers.

If you are asking what the definition of camping is in our RACE servers then I direct you to Rules Section 6.

As far as aim bots go.  There are not as many aim bots out there as you may think.  Since the newest release of Halo 1.08 many of the aim bots stopped working and, with Halo being so old, not a lot of effort has been put into recoding and acquiring new up to date aim bots.  No doubt there are some cheaters out there but most of the people who are interested in "owning" in that way have moved on to other newer games.  The Halo world is relatively clean in that aspect.

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Re: camping v.s. Spawn killing
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2009, 08:24:20 PM »
I've noticed the same thing in the BFM race servers a few times.  I mean the false accusation of camping (not any botting) because it just so happens that a spawn point is right next to a nav point.

Then there's also the people that accuse you of chase killing because they walk right down the middle of the most direct route to the next nav, or you happen to swing through the nav point they happen to be standing on.

I have another scenerio though that bothers me.  (this might be a good question for the "ask the officers" forum but since we're asking what people think...)
I know it's allowed for a lone driver to exit a vehicle to shoot at a trailing enemy vehicle when the second vehicle's gunner is shooting them, but in the past few weeks I've had something happen to me twice that goes a little further and I wanted to call "Camp" on the person.  I was either driving or gunning (don't remember which) and we had a single driver in front of us that was just far enough away they weren't on radar and the rockets weren't making contact.  Then, just as we rounded a corner, there they were with a rocket launcher and we had no room to dodge.  We're dead and they drive away.  I would ask "was that a camp" and they replied it was just defense.  I wouldn't have never questioned it if I saw them jump out, turn, and fire.  It's the fact they were far enough out in front that they had time to set up an ambush that we couldn't see or dodge until it was too late (because it was around a corner) that makes me go Hmmmm.

So, back to the question of "what is camping."  For me, it's if you stay in one spot waiting for the kill, you're camping.  I try to give the benefit of the doubt if it looks a little like camping but happens to be a spawn area.  Those guys that jump in the back of a hog with a driver help take the guess work out of the equation.  :)
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