
Author Topic: !MY SKULL!  (Read 40554 times)

Offline RadZakpak

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« Reply #120 on: October 09, 2010, 01:29:25 PM »
so zakpak puts poison in the drink and grabs the skull plus puts up a dragon shield keeping dragons away from his camp site

Fraggle is out for 2 because he must be revived

Eragon cant have it til the skull leaves the camp site  ;D

Offline Infërnö

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« Reply #121 on: October 09, 2010, 02:50:12 PM »
The camp-site however, wasnt too hard to get into. a simple waltz into it, singing quietly as i go, convincing the camp-sites inhabitants that i wasnt even there.

The music was almost hypnotic... or should i say fully hypnotic, just one of those abilities. I sang to Zakpak, and convinced him to bring my the skull, as soon as he had, i smiled confidently and started to hum a small interlude as i forced the poor lad to walk into a wall repeatedly until he was rendered unconscious.

I placed my hat on my head, and brought up my microphone... i had work to do, a skull's secrets to uncover.

"the show must go on i guess" i smiled as i walked off, my cloak whirling in the wind.

My skull.
and Zakpak's out for 1 to regain conciousness.

Offline Eragon

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« Reply #122 on: October 10, 2010, 12:01:12 PM »
Eragon had fully recovered so he and his dragon immediately went on on a quest to re-find and re-claim the skull. As they flew over the undulating landscapes and craggy mountains across convoluted rivers and rolling valleys they saw a thread of smoke in the distance rising above the plain. "Saphira, who would be camping this far out in the wilderness?" Eragon asked. "I suppose no one unless they had a good reason too" she replied, "Let's go check it out then, but be careful, we never know who could be out there."  Saphira spiraled down through the sky and landed with a rush in a soft, green meadow by the edge of a forest. "You stay here, you're too big to get through these trees, and it will only take me a moment, I'll be right back"
 "You better be, 'cause if you're not, trees or no trees, I'm coming to get you" Growled Saphira.
 "Stop worrying, I'll be just fine, wait here"

 Eragon crept through the trees following the smell of smoke and roasting meat. As he neared the area he felt an unusual force holding him back, the closer he got the stronger the force against him grew stronger to the point where could make no more progress.
 "Saphira, there's some sort of shielding device here, I can't get by, I'm not sure what is but there's no way around it, we'll just have to wait I guess"
  Eragon and Saphira flew to the back-side of a nearby hill and made camp. They planned on watching these strangers till something happened. On the third day of their vigil, they saw a man on a brightly decorated horse ride towards, and into the strangers camp whistling merrily, something seemed rather odd about the man on the horse but Eragon couldn't quite place what it was. Several seconds later one of the men in the camp got up and walked over to a high stone wall than ran along the camp's edge but did not stop, he walked right into it, then backed  up and did so again and again, he kept doing this for several minutes till, the last time, he walked into the wall, and simply fell over, unconscious. Eragon continued to watch as the stranger walked over to a large pack and rummaged around in it for a while till, as it appeared he found whatever it was he was looking for and hurriedly left the camp.
 Eragon mounted Saphira and followed the strange man for a while from the air.
 Suddenly he saw the man pull a large, round object from his saddle bags and hold in the air triumphantly. Eragon and Saphira both immediately recognized their lost skull and were furious that this stranger would have it in his possession. At once, and as one, they dove through the sky, hurdling toward the stranger. Saphira roared and let out a jet of azure flame as she plummeted through the sky. The horse the stranger was on reared, dismounting his rider, and bolted into the nearby forest. Saphira landed near the stranger, teeth bared as Eragon jumped off the saddle and ran over the stranger, putting his sword to his throat and demanding the skull, the stranger grudgingly handed it over. As Eragon reached for it, the stranger pulled a short dagger from his boot and slashed at Eragon, however, Eragon's months of training paid off as he wrenched the knife from the mans hand and delt him a blow the temple that knocked him unconscious. He mounted Saphira and flew off into the sunset, with his skull in his bag and a smile on his lips...

My skull. The mysterioius musical stranger out for 2, he was really out cold!
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awesome sig made by bfm_Arya, thx! =)

Offline RadZakpak

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« Reply #123 on: October 12, 2010, 10:26:37 PM »
when zakpak awoke he saw the dragon and its rider surfing the skys. He pulls out a crossbow and fires hitting the wing of the dragon

Eragon is out for 2 to fix the fallen dragon......again.....


Offline ¥Mderms¥

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« Reply #124 on: June 22, 2011, 03:11:51 AM »
After 8 months of the Skull being in Zakpak's possession, I finally track down Zakpak using a complicated method involving a rubber chicken and a plastic spoon.

He was tracked to his secret cave, and having had possession of the skull for 8 months,  he has gotten senile and had completely forgotten to lock it up.

So, while he went to run his daily errands, I simple picked it up and walked out of the cave.


Offline Tanxs1

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« Reply #125 on: June 22, 2011, 07:08:12 AM »
*Tackles Mderms to the ground, takes his skull and runs*


Offline Eagle

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« Reply #126 on: June 22, 2011, 07:16:50 AM »
*distracts tanxs with a baby panda and steals the skull* My Skull

Offline Tanxs1

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« Reply #127 on: June 22, 2011, 08:12:32 AM »
Who wants the skull? I have my own baby Panda! :D

In this post I'm not stealing the skull. I just wanna know about the "if this happens you can't post for # many replies". How does that work? :P

Offline Marty

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« Reply #128 on: June 22, 2011, 08:34:22 AM »
I just wanna know about the "if this happens you can't post for # many replies". How does that work? :P

Just say it, and the person you refer to has to honour it. Just be '5 billion turn' breaks. Oh, and try and make it funny.

Eaglesfate mistakenly handed Tanxs the baby panda rather than the skull, so spent the next half-hour tracking Tanxs down again. When he finally did, it was to discover that I had already beaten him with a tennis racket and taken the skull.

Eaglesfate is out for two turns as he goes to the zoo to learn more about pandas, and how to not mistake them for skulls.

Click on the Europe sig to get the link and image code.

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Offline -Ajax-

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« Reply #129 on: June 22, 2011, 09:25:19 AM »
While Marty is out finding more sports equipment to beat Tanxs (or anyone else for that matter...) I find him hiding around the back of the Wimbledon Championships and "persuade" him to leave the skull under one of the seats. While he is watching the Tennis, i sneak behind him and steal the skull.

My Skull

Marty is out for the number of days Wimbledon has been running thus far... 3... hopefully his backhand shall improve

Offline Ford

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« Reply #130 on: June 22, 2011, 09:51:27 AM »
When Ajax ran to the muffler shop to attempt to purchase smarties, I decided to train a Elite force of rats and a package  of fruit snacks to create a replica of the skull. While Ajax returns to location of his skull. He is confussled to only find a mound of rat's forming the appearance of the skull. While i Cliff dive off the side of his super secret location in the middle of a Twinkies factory and flea to Madagascar.

Ajax is out because he needs to go to therapy. Lesson learned, do not look directly into the rat's eyes.. you will turn into a fruit snack.. Ajax is out for the amount of fruit snacks I ate while typing this.. 4 turns..



Offline Eagle

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« Reply #131 on: June 22, 2011, 05:25:34 PM »
As Ford is exploring the jungles of Madagascar He is suddenly attacked by wild monkeys and is quickly knocked unconscious and drug into some unknown area Luckily the monkeys left the skull and I stubble upon it.

Ford is now lost and is out for 3 turns


Offline RadZakpak

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« Reply #132 on: June 23, 2011, 06:35:27 AM »
As eagle holds the skull, a Rocket is launched, causing him todrop the skull and be thrown back by the Rocket.

Thankfully I was there to retrieve the skull.

Offline Tanxs1

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« Reply #133 on: June 23, 2011, 07:08:30 AM »
As Zakpak is playing Halo: Reach I send him a message pretending to be a Bungie employee, and tell him he is invited to a Bungie meeting. I tell him that no skulls will be allowed in the room, and he should probably leave the skull at home.

He was too busy putting on make-up instead of putting the skull in a safe, so when he left the house I retrieved the skull and left a message on his Xbox, saying "PWNT!".

Zakpak is out for 3 turns while he is removing the make-up.

Offline RadZakpak

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« Reply #134 on: June 23, 2011, 07:53:51 AM »
As Zakpak is playing Halo: Reach I send him a message pretending to be a Bungie employee, and tell him he is invited to a Bungie meeting. I tell him that no skulls will be allowed in the room, and he should probably leave the skull at home.

He was too busy putting on make-up instead of putting the skull in a safe, so when he left the house I retrieved the skull and left a message on his Xbox, saying "PWNT!".

Zakpak is out for 3 turns while he is removing the make-up.
