
Author Topic: Medieval RPG  (Read 9560 times)

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Medieval RPG
« on: July 21, 2007, 02:28:11 PM »
{From Geek 7/21/07: I'm copying and pasting this RPG from the old forums.}

This is an RPG based, if you didn't read the title, in Medieval times. It is a fantasy RPG, so basically the only rules are:
1) Do not control other people's characters without permission from that person, only NPC's (Non-player Characters) can be controlled.
2) no futuristic weapons, only a basic gun is allowed, and that is a small, cannon-like weapon that straps to the arm.
3) When you die, you are dead
4) Vampires and undead can only come out at night, change from day to night will be posted by the GM (game master [me])
5) No God moding. This means you can't dodge every slice with a sword. You can parry them all, but then your weapon will break eventually.
6) Not every attack will hit. It is up to the person who's character is being attacked if they get hit or not, but remember, they can't dodge them all.
7) once started, you cannot change your class/job. If you start as a fighter, you die...i mean end as a fighter.

So, now that we have the rules out of the way, you are probably wondering, "What classes/jobs are there? What races are there?"

So here is a list of classes/jobs:

Quote:1.Assassin (Skilled with small weapons such as knifes or daggers, and has basic herbal [poison] skills, can also use thieving skills)
2.Slayer (Dragon or Vampire, but not both) (Uses specialized weapons, Wooden and silver for Vampire Slayer [uses crossbows as well as light swords] or gold/rune for dragon [rune as in magical, enchanted etc.] both can use crossbows)
3. Warrior (uses all sorts of swords, axes, blunt weapons, and other bladed weapons.)
4. Royal Guard (uses pole arms such as Pikes and Spears)
5. Mage (uses magic, and staffs. Also has advanced herbal skills)
6. Conjurer (uses magic to summon creatures to his/her aid.)
7. Gunner (uses arm cannon, and uses ranged weapons such as crossbow)
8. Barbarian (Uses heavy swords/axes, can use 2 small 2-hander swords at the same time)
9. Druid (can transform into animals, controls nature to fight)

10. Priest (can heal, pacifist)
If you are also wondering what races there are, here is a list:

Quote:1. Human- all around average race, has no outstanding powers or features.
2. Dwarf- short, and stronger than humans, but slower as well. Also can take more hits than humans.
3. Elf- Tall, thin, and mysterious. They are faster than and a little weaker than humans.
4. Vampire- One of the only races that is fast AND powerful, Vampires can only come out at night and are weakened by weapons made of silver. They can fly.
5. Dragon- there are no classes or jobs for dragons, they just run around and destroy villages. They are strong and slow, and hard to kill for anyone but a Dragon Slayer. They can fly, and their weapons are their claws, teeth, tail, and fire. The younger dragons are pretty unintelligent, but the older ones can become pretty smart.
6. Undead- slow and strong, weak against fire and holy things. Undead priests can steal life from their enemies, but cannot heal.

so what else is there? The story line!

Two days ago a new king was crowned. One day ago he was murdered. The only people to talk to him in that time were his 5 advisers, one of each race. The human adviser said that it had to be one of the other 4. The others all blamed each other. War broke out in the capitol city of Algroth. Everywhere around the country though, strange creatures were emerging. They were new races. They weren't intelligent, but they quickly grew in number. Today, Half the cities across the country have been taken over by these creatures, and a few main fortress cities are trying to make armies. Many skilled people across the country are now showing themselves and becoming heroes, or some cases, villains. Suddenly, every person who could be a hero or villain hears a voice in their head. The voice says "Now is the time to prove yourself!"

Name: Nograth
Race: Vampire
Class: Assassin
Gender: Male
Age: 354

Name: Arcane
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Age: 57

Name: Trathel, son of Genlok
Race: Drake
Gender: Male
Age: 234

Name: Dex
Race: Dwarf
Class: Barbarian
Gender: Male
Age: 68

Name: Sirus
Race: Human
Class: Slayer (Dragon)
Gender: Male
Age: 28

Name: Nograth
Race: Vampire
Class: Assassin
Gender: Male
Age: 354
Location: The Crypt of Azlack

Nograth awoke in the Crypt. It was finally night. He got up and walked out. He wondered around the forest for a few minutes, and quickly found something to eat. They were children, and they were already mortally wounded. Nograth was a "kind" Vampire, and put wounded people out of their misery, thus getting food at the same time.

Then he went to the city and went to a local inn that he liked to sit in and hear gossip. As he was sitting there, he heard someone say that the king had been murdered. "Maybe i should start waking up more often then every 2 nights" He thought to himself.

^^ From Devin

Name: Arcane
Race: Vampire
Gender: Female
Age: 57
Location: Her small one person cabin in the wilderness right outside of the city.

Arcane awoke, it was near midnight. She woke up a little later than usual...
"Blast," she breathed, getting off her bed and lighting a candel the size of an adult's thumb.
"They make these darn things too bright," she said, shaking her head and walking outside.
It was a beautiful night, the stars were shining and the air was crisp. A perfect setting for breakfast...
Arcane whistled slightly and at once a large, wild adult male timber wolf approached her. She petted it softly and whispered in it's furry ear. It howled in reply and took off in a mad dash.
"Good boy," she sighed, smiling.
Within a few minutes, she heard him barking about thirty yards away. Arcane followed his call and found him circling around a guard on a horse on the main trail to the city. He held a torch and was trying to kill the wolf with his incompitant horse.
She quickly moved along the wooded area and picked up a rock the size of her hand. She chucked it forcefully and it hit the horse dead on, causing it to screech, buck up, and forcing it's master to fall on the ground.
"Now, he's all mine," she whispered, disappearing into the darkness.
The guard stood up and took out his sword, swinging it at the wolf. However, he stopped cold as Arcane took him by behind, snapping his neck and feasting.
"That was delicious, my dear," she said to the wolf, petting it again.
"Go ahead and have the rest, I am finished," she told him as the wolf joyfully began to eat the rest of the soul-less guard.
As Arcane began to walk into the city, she found a scrolls on the city gates.
The king has been murdered!
Is this the work of one person?
Or is there more accomplices!" It read.
Arcane gasped with disbelief. The king.... Murdered? Something was going on and it was very bad...

^^ From Geek

Name: Trathel, son of Genlok
Race: Drake
Gender: Male
Age: 234
Location: His lair

Description: Trathel is a mid-sized drake, meaning he's about 25 feet long. He's a mix of browns, reds, and black, and has yellow eyes. This is what I see when I think of him (with appropriate size modifications, of course).

Trathel had just gotten back. His lair was a well hidden cave in the tall mountain cliffs, and if you didn't know where it was, you probably weren't going to find it accidentally. He carried two things with him. A pouch and the hind leg of a cow. Hunting had been good, with little distraction, and he had been able to stay near the kill scene and eat. He even had saved some for later.

Leaving the leg near the entrance, he continued further down a side passage. In it was a large pile of shining... stuff. There was a lot of gold and jewels, but there was also polished armor, silverware, varnished wood, ect. If it was shiny, it was there. Emptying the sack onto the pile added a brass bed knob, a couple rings and a length of decorative chain. Trathel often contemplated why he (and other drakes) spent so much time collecting things but never really came to a satisfactory conclusion beyond "That's what dragons do".

^^ From jr-Coyote

Name: Dex
Race: Dwarf
Class: Barbarian
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Location: His Mine-House carved on a Wall at the base of the Mountains

Dex is a very strong dwarf how lives alone in his mine (shaped to be a confortable Home (for a dwarf at least)) he is very skilled with wood and stone (most stone). he make profit from his mine at the very botom of his home carving jelwels and precious stones out of the mud, stone, and roots at the cave.. he often goes to the village of Aysenbrak** to sell his wares and drink a good botle of wine. **(random name if u like to chage be my guest).
This nigth he has gonne to the tavern to drink with his fundings from today's mining.
He is Wearing a Bear Skin (padded armor beneath it) to scare the cold away and he got his two favorite weapons (he often take em to the town just to show them off) a Great Hammer and a Large Axe, the hammer is made of a very dark stone wicth shines with the ligth of the torches in the place, and the axe is made of steel and silver with green stones attached to its holding.
(he dedicated 3 years of his life gattering the materials to make em)
(he often talk about how he made them and how hard are to find the materials)
People are talking about the assasination of some1 important.. he listen as people tells their stories and versions of wat happened as drinking his wine.

^^ From Mottin

Arcane sat down at a table in the inn (it was one of her favorite hang out spots... It wasn't too light in there). She found Nograth there, listening in on a conversation. Arcane knew him, but not too well. He was a very mysterious man... Very old also.
He was a vampire like her, but he was more experience in how he got his food. He could simply walk up to a person and feast.
She was so afraid that people will know who she is, that she uses the animals of the night to cath her food for her. Arcane was very untrusting and she loved secruity. A good amount of people KNEW she was a vampire, and that's not a good thing when you're in a city with a bunch of regulars who don't drink human blood like it was water.
Besides... There were hunters that go after vampires, it wasn't good. Arcane was always mulling over moving, but how in davey would she get enough gold for that? She was still trying to save up more money to pay the rest of her cabin off to that goon who lives on the other part of town...

^^ From Geek

As Nograth sat in the inn and listened to the gossip, he felt a presence in the room, one much like his own. He knew there was another vampire in the building. He could even smell the blood on their breath. He shifted positions in his seat, so that while he was still relaxed, he could quickly look around 90% of the building. He closed his eyes and slowly turned his head from side to side, as if he was shaking his head "no". Suddenly through his eyelids, he saw the smoking form of a humanoid creature. He thought to himself "I guess i found you", as he got up and walked over to the vampire. When a vampire closes their eyes, the only thing they can still "see" is if another vampire is around. The vampire appears as a humanoid puff of smoke, and by paying attention to the density, color, and how the smoke spreads out, one vampire could identify another.

Nograth recognized this vampire, but could remember nothing about her. He sat down a table away from her, and looked over at her.

^^ From Devin

Detail Atun Hut!

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 02:33:05 PM »
{From Geek: Copying from old forums part two:}

Name: Sirus
Race: Human
Class: Slayer (Dragon)
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Location: a room in the Inn

Sirus wakes in the darkness with a cold sweat again. Nightmares of his home town burning haunt his dreams. If only he wasn't away looking for that dragon, he might have been able to save them all. As he sits up and lits and candle he remembers everything that he lost. His wife, his children and his home. he puts his boots and and pushes those thoughts from his head. Looking around, he grabs his sword (a runic emerald green longsword) and straps it around his waste. The sword was a gift from a clan of dwarfs he helped save years ago. He walks over and opens the door, smelling the food and drink. He makes his way down the stairs and heads over to the bar. "I'll have a pint please" he says to the bartender and lays down some money. The bartender turns around and grabs him one. "Have you heard the news?" he asks. "Tell me" Sirus replies. "The king has been murdered, but no one knows who did it." Sirus tips the bartender thanks for the information. He grabs his drink and sits down at a table.

^^ From Jixar

Arcane watched as Nograth walked over to a table next to her and sat down. She darted her light red eyes at him and smelled his bloody breath. It was a sweet smell... He must've eaten someone under 18.
Arcane got up and went to Nograth, sitting on the other side of him.
"The king is murdered," she said, placing her hood over her head.

^^ From Geek

"I know..."Said Nograth," But why murder the king? The times were peaceful. Why start a war among all races?"

Calling over some thin looking person, Nograth asked him to go get him some tea, as he needed to calm his nerves.

^^ From Devin

"Someone must've wanted to over-throw him.... But why? He had taken up the throne not for two days! It's a scandel I say," Aracane said, shaking her head.

^^ From Geek

Sirus looks over and sees two dark figures huddled together talking. "Hmmm I wonder if they had anything to do with the king's murder?" he thinks to himslef. He gets up and sits at a table closer to them try to see if he can overhear anything.

^^ From Jixar

Arcane's ear twitched as someone was moving closer.
"Nograth, who is that. They're watching us," she whispered, trying not to point a lot of attention at her or Nograth.

^^ From Geek

OOC* well looks like ur all AT the capitol city... i tought it would be nicier to start at a not-know village welll w/e *BIC

Dex got a lot of info about the murder and tought to himself
"hmm the capitol city mitgh be a good place to get some new materials and sell some of my stones"
he knew every 2 days a caravan leave the village to get suplies from the capitol.. today he was going to be in that caravan!
he left the tavern and gonne home to get suplies for a 1day horse ride he got his bag and filled it with dry meat, some fruits, a rope, water, a bottle wine, bread, a torch, a tent (smal 1 person tent) an a blanket. his weapons hangin in his belt he left home locking his door with an anti thief device he created so when sum1 tries to push the door or unlock it without the proper key a trap opens a (*dont know da rite word) 'door* on the ground' and open a way to a 20meters hole.
he gonne to the inn this time to wait the caravan settled there to leave.

^^ From Mottin

Arcane stared harshly at the person trying to evesdrop on them. Her bright red eyes flared and then she looked away. She didn't need people staring at her, she hated that.
"I'm going to take a walk, Nograth. I will see you tomarrow, good bye," she said, getting up in a hurry.
Arcane left the inn in a nice fashion... But she began to run as fast as she could as soon as the door shut behind her.
"Why must I be running? I needn't this," she told herself, slowing down.
She was now in the town square, the big fountain spurting water everywhere.
"This is a peaceful sight," she said and sat down on the ledge of the fountain.
Sifting her hands through the water she smiled, watching the moon cascade it's light among the liquid.

^^ From Geek

"Shoot." Sirus thought to himself as he say one of them get up and leave. "I must have got to close. Well, I might as well go down to the guard house and see if they know anything there." He gets up from the table and tries to get out with many people noticing. He foot catchs on a chair and he hits the floor face first. The whole room bursts into laughter, except for a few. Dan gets up, dusts himself off, waves at everyone, and leaves the inn to so find the guards.

^^ From Jixar

Detail Atun Hut!

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 02:39:19 PM »
{From Geek: Copying from old forums: Part Three:}

Arcane was a hungry for a snack. Maybe a small treat like a young person. She got up from the fountain and walked around, stalking the city for some food. Finally she found a silouette leaning on a balcony, looking at the sky.
"They smell delicious," Arcane breathed, the aroma sending her into a dream-like trance.
As the person turned away to go into their room, Arcane made a fade whistling sound. Suddenly a flock of tiny wood peckers came wizzing to her, landing gracefully on the cobblestones.
"My dears, please pick the lock to this house, I'm very hungry," she said, pointing to the wooden door.
The birds flew at it and began pecking fiercly. The wood around the keyhole began to vanish as it was being chaffed away. In about three minutes the keyhole fell out, leaving a hole in the door.
"Excellent, my dears. Now go and get some food else where. You earned it," Arcane said to them as they darted off.
It was now time for a midnight snack....

^^ From Geek

Nograth walked outside and immediately smelled blood. "She must be feeding" he thought to himself. He looked for her and found her, and all he said was "Its almost morning. you should find somewhere dark to hide". he then ran swiftly through the shadows, almost as fast as the wind. if you would have seen him, you would have thought that he WAS a shadow. But he got back to the Crypt, and sat there looking at the sky. When the sun finally started to come out, he went down into the Crypt, laid down on the hard floor in the shadows, and slept.

^^ From Devin

The girl was around 30 or so. She was delicious, perfectly aged. Arcane glanced to see Nograth around. He told her to get out of there, for it was almost morning.
"Why isn't the night ever so long as the day is? The day always drags on...," she whispered, very agitated.
She found that the sun's rays were slowly making it's way up upon the land.
Growling, Arcane flew in a mad dash, leaping over obstacles and panting heavily. It would take her 6-7 minutes to get back to her cabin, but it wasn't fast enough. The sun would hurt her, and she didn't like that.
Arcane whistled and a massive black bear came from the woods.
"I need to get home, my dear! Fast! Fast!" she cried, hopping on it and taking off.

^^ From Geek


It is a sunny Tuesday morning, the birds are singing, the towns are full of trade and commerce. Storms are on the horizon, tho.

(basically all that happens since my character sleeps during the day, so basically thats it unless he has a dream)

^^ From Devin

As the first rays of ligth hit the ground the caravan left.. Dex left with them!

The trip was nice since it had been so long since Dex left the village... He was excited about the capitol! plenty of good bussiness there!

the day went on, the sky became orange as the sun lowered on the horizon. Dex could see the city walls and towers! a Very pretty sight!

as the caravan aproached the city the guards on the gate screamed "HALT, who goes there?"
the leader of the caravan got near the guards and talked for a while with them explaining the purpose of the caravan. the guards let the caravan in and they settled at the inn. Dex was tired and paid his room and got to it to sleep.

^^ From Mottin

Arcane collapsed on to her bed, the light from the sun were just coming through the windows, forcing her to scowl at it. She quickly got up and pulled the shades down, sighing deeply. Tired and drained, she stumbled back to her bed and laid down, the slab of rock feeling very nice and comforting. It was her time to sleep for the day had just begun...

^^ From Geek

OOC well it seems that only i will 'use' the day around here... lol BIC

^^ From Mottin

(OCC) sorry guys my computers be out of comish for a bit but i'm back now (BIC)

After spending all night trying to get information out of the guards, Sirus heads back to his room with the sun rising in the sky. "Well that was worthless." he says to himself. He heads back to the inn and has a few drinks. After a while his head starts to feel fuzzy and he decides to head up to his room for a quick nap. He stumbles up the stairs, and opens the first door he sees. Looking in he see a dwarf laying in the bed. "Excuse me" he mumbles on shuts the door behind him. Going to the next door, he opens it to find that it's his room. He lays in bed and closes his eyes, praying to the gods to make the room stop spinning.

^^ From Jixar

{Phew, well that's all of it! The game shall continue!}

Detail Atun Hut!

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 09:55:03 AM »
hey thnx for copying geek!
ill post my next action later.. (i gotta go now =P)
"for i AM Brazilian, and i Never give up!"

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2007, 05:13:46 AM »
{OOC} No problem, I still need to copy and paste the rest of the stuff lol {BIC}

Arcane lay sleeping on her bed, silence all around her which made her slumber peaceful. However, there was a sudden scream outside, less than a mile away. She jolted up and hopped out of bed, reluctantly opening the curtains slightly.  She couldn't see what was going on, but she had a bad feeling about it. A VERY bad feeling...

Detail Atun Hut!

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2007, 03:57:13 PM »

It was nearing night, and after a long day, the farmers and their children went inside to enjoy dinner.  As the air got cooler, the storms that had been on the horizon all day finally fell upon the land.

Nograth awoke, startled by lightning. He chuckled to himself, thinking. "I should go look for humans who decided to go for a food."  He was joking around, and actually went back to the inn of the day before.  He decided that some undercooked meat would suffice, since he didn't feel like going back out into the storm, seeing as it got worse than it had been.  He listened once more for gossip, but heard nothing of interest. He ordered a steak, and waited patiently for the weighter to come back with a raw steak, as Nograth had shown his fangs, so that the human would know that he wanted his meat bloody.

Once it arrived, he devoured it quickly, and took a seat at a table by the window, his back to all the people.
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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2007, 10:20:32 PM »
Sirus wakes up with a splitting headache. "They must have been throwing a loud party last night." he thinks to himself. Putting on his gear, he heads down stairs. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the man that he saw the other night sitting by himself. He sits down on the far side of the room and orders his meal. The waiter bring it over and he digs in trying to get rid of the hang over. After he finishs his meal, he decides he's going to see what he can find out about this stranger. He gets up, walks over, and sits across the table from him. "So you come here often? I'm Sirus. I noticed you and your friend the other night. Are you here to find out about the king too, or do you have some other agenda planned?"

(OCC) Sorry, my bad  :-[ (BIC)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2007, 01:30:43 PM by Jixar »

Thanks BFM_Rypto for the sig! xD

Without war, there can not be peace.

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #7 on: July 24, 2007, 10:02:31 AM »
(OOC) well....some people really need to read the thing that says "READ ME FIRST"....# Absolutely no alcohol or illegal drug references or usage!  This is not up for debate.   Your thread will be locked and moved and there is the possibility of losing your forum privledges (banned).    (BIC)

Hearing this man talking to him, without turning around, Nograth answers, "I don't know yet.  I haven't heard much about it, and am waiting for more information.  But if what i heard was right, anyone in the kings court could be guilty.  That being said, if the person had gotten injured and was bleeding when they murdered the king, it would be simple for me to find the murderer."
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Former BFM_Devist8 (long ago) and bfm_ÐeviÑ

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2007, 10:33:17 AM »
There was a loud boom as thunder and lightening crashed down to the Earth. The rain pounded on Arcane's roof and windows, making her very annoyed. She did not like very loud noises for her ears were sensitive. It would be better for her to go to the INN in town and maybe get something to eat.
She put on a cloak and placed her hood over her head while stepping outside. She found a small wolf pup under a tree, getting very soaked.
"Poor little dear," she whispered as she went over to it and picked it up.
"It is too wet outside for you. Come, you will be with me," she told it and carried it on.
While walking on the muddy trail to the city, there was a big lump of something on the road. It looked as if it was a large tree branch as Arcane got closer-
-but when she got close enough, she found it was a body. It was a young girl around the age of twenty or so. She was beaten to death, her arms and legs broken in a lot of places.
"Must've been the source of the scream," Arcane said, shaking her head.
This was a bad sign. There were many murders in the past couple days, starting with the king. Something was very strange, and Arcane didn't want to meet the person who was the cause of all of it, so she took off for the INN, pup in hand.

Detail Atun Hut!

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2007, 07:35:52 AM »
(OOC) Its ok Jixar, just didn't want ya to have to face the consequences if ya didn't know :) (BIC)

Listening to the rain pouring down outside, Nograth decides it is time to take shelter, as the storm is getting MUCH worse.

"I must depart now," he said to the man who has recently asked him a question.

Without giving it a second thought, he walked out of the Inn, cloak blowing in the wind.  He smelt animal blood, and followed it, finding Arcane running to the inn with wolf pup in hand.

"Wait," he said, "that pup is injured, and the storm is getting worse. The inn is not safe. Follow me."

Quickly, without looking back, he jogged off into the night, towards the crypt where he lived, which he figured would be the only safe place from the storm to come.
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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #10 on: August 02, 2007, 07:42:13 AM »
(OOC: sorry for not replying in a while, my internet was being uber stupid lately >_< BIC)

As Arcane approached the INN, Nograth stopped her and told her to avoid going in. She nodded as he went off. Arcane followed right behind him, trying her best to help the small pup in her arms while not injuring it more. They went about going through this and that until they came upon a crypt. It must've been his place.

Detail Atun Hut!

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #11 on: August 02, 2007, 10:06:24 AM »
Nograth quickly opened the door, and let Arcane go in ahead of him, then shut the door behind him, moving an extra stone slab over it to keep out the storm. He light a few lights (they were dim so that they didn't hurt his eyes) and he showed her to the dining room, and said "Please put the pup on the table while i go get what little medical supplies i have".

He then walked off, to the small room where he stored his stuff.
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Former BFM_Devist8 (long ago) and bfm_ÐeviÑ

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2007, 11:20:23 AM »
"Where did he run off to so quickly?" Sirus thinks to himself as he heads back upstairs to his room. "He must know something more, I better see if a can go find him." He quickly puts on his armor and the rest of his gear, and heads downstairs opens the door to the inn, and sees that it is downpouring. "Oh well I guess this will make him harder to find." He steps out into the rain, hearing the pings off his helmet. Using his basic tracking skill, he looks down and sees footprints on the ground. "Hmm, looks kind of fresh." He follows them and sees that there is another pair of footprints with them. "He must have a friend." he thinks. Slowly, the footprints fade as the rain continues and he finds himself lost, not knowing where to go next. He decides to sit under a big tree and try to wait out the storm. "I guess I wouldn't have made a good ranger after all."

Thanks BFM_Rypto for the sig! xD

Without war, there can not be peace.

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2007, 06:58:00 AM »
Arcane waited patiently for Nograth to come back with the medical supplies. The pup was lying down and whimpering, it was some what annoying. She pet it with her index finger and it seemed to calm down a little.
"What is happening in our town? I sense great danger, Nograth," she asked loudly for him to hear her.

Detail Atun Hut!

How are you're feet?

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Re: Medieval RPG
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2007, 09:10:05 AM »
Walking back into the room with some bandages, he quickly gets to work.  Being an assassin, he is trained in the arts of poisons, but also, when he was young, he studied under a healer.  He pulled out some herbs and put them on the wound, and wrapped a mummy-like bandage around it.

"Yes?" he said once he was done.
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Exodus.....why is there a cat in my post?
