
Author Topic: Hog Camping at beginning of Game  (Read 5724 times)

Offline Qotsa

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Re: Hog Camping at beginning of Game
« Reply #15 on: August 21, 2007, 10:26:03 AM »
Just to add to the discussion, and if i can recall corectly, i remember on the old forums there was a *lengthy* (and not conflicting) discussion with one admin and officers about wether jumping into the back of the hog at the begining of the map was legal, and if my memory serves me correctly, the conclusion was you can jump in the gunners seat and defend while your driver jumps in to drive, but there were very specific circumstances in which this could take place. Not sure if i recall correctly or not, just trying to help  _idk_
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Offline Bleach

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Re: Hog Camping at beginning of Game
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2007, 03:21:19 PM »
in my opinion you should be able to nade a driverless gunner no matter the circumstance because either that gunner is camping(against the rules) and deserves to be killed or is waiting fora  driver and(most often in my experience) is about to get a driver in which it will most likley become a case of stopping and killing the hog behind you inself defense(saw that rule somewhere in the rules)

thats my opinion anyway feel free to run it into the ground  ;D
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