
Author Topic: you ever wonder why!!  (Read 790 times)

Offline burnfist

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you ever wonder why!!
« on: May 31, 2009, 12:45:07 PM »
 :chief: Things happen on halo that are unexplainable, Don't you? People who like to race being turned down from different clans?

Here are some few tips on getting admitted to a racing clan:

1. you wouldn't want it said to you (cussing) be respectful,
2. think twice before u bump (ramming teammates hogs its wrong, go around if possible) :interesting:
3. when racing don't walk the map it gets you in trouble (camping)
4. don't even pick that up (rockets or snipers, that way they can't blame you for doing it) :haw:
5. get that floating blue thing (getting the nav points are important to your score, by getting 4 or 5 laps it shows your interest in racing) :zoot:

Any more tips you would like to share!! 2c
« Last Edit: May 31, 2009, 12:55:26 PM by burnfist »
Playing race need to rank up!
