
Author Topic: REAPER!_! story(update)  (Read 728 times)

Offline REAPER.

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REAPER!_! story(update)
« on: July 30, 2009, 08:09:13 PM »
well here it is!

I havn't fixed it all yet but this is where i am now
Some of it might not make sense because of that

Chapter 1
12 Hours

4:00am Ubenta Drive, Pennsylvania.

Fredrick Morrison.
Age 25.
position Co-owner.
He smiled at the last part, he'd worked at Ubenta Software Inc for four years.
 Ubenta was a software company, mainly creating new security software for major company's.
Fredrick was working on a program for a company called Umbrella, a major distributer of cosmetics and commonly used meds.
While enrolled at Ubenta he didn't only learn to make security programs, he learned how to crack them.
And he'd done his share of that, hacking other company's to receive more income, hacking his own bosses computer to give himself a raise.
 But today he would try Umbrella, he planed it all out, sneak a couple mill and head for the border, never come back.
 He opened his laptop and started it up, hmm he thought this should be easy enough.
 He was alone in the his office, and no one in there right mind would be still here.
 He logged onto the Umbrella website and hacked a owner's profile to find his password. He found it, typed it into the login, perfect he thought, proud of himself.
Form there he logged in on the bank file.
So far he was having fun he thought he would check there spending files.
“What!” He said out loud. the page read.
1,000. Bradly sniper rifles. Total: 20
700. Assault rifles. Total: 150
450,000. Smith helicopter. Total: 5
The list went on.
 He calmed down a bit thinking, hey I guess they need some protection, but 5 Tanks!?.
He went back to the page he was at before saying to himself, hey I will never see that stuff I'm taking there money from a computer, not running in there and taking it from their vault.
The bank page loaded and he was surprised to see how much money they had.
But then again them buying enough weapons to start a  large war had surprised him to.
He was just gonna take a couple million but with the money they had he was gonna try for ten.
He tried the owner's pass.
ERROR flashed across the screen, great he thought.
He pulled out his pocket laptop with his hacking programs on it, plugged it into the back of his computer and went to work.
Now how these things work, it insert random numbers in random order never putting in the same combination twice.
Most of the time it took a couple minuets, but he'd been here for about twenty minuets.
“Soo boring.. ill just check me Email” he said to himself.
“You Just Won a Million Dollars!!!” Spam he thought, but he opened it anyway.
The screen went black, “NO!” He said “must be the battery,” checking the back he saw it still plugged in. An message flashed on his screen.
 “Hello Freddy my name is Smith and you will be dead at at 4pm, do you understand?”
He quickly typed on his computer, “How do you know my name who are you?”
Another message came, “The 10Million you requested has been sent to your bank, you now have 11 hours to live, spend your money wisely. Good bye Fredrick”.
He shut the lid on his laptop just as sparks began to fly from it, it caught fire.
 He popped out his hard-drive and headed for the door.
Just then his cellphone rang. Unknown number,  he picked up anyway.
“Freddy aren't you forgetting something you left your comp...”
He closed his phone and looked back at the growing flame on his desk.
The water fountain was on the 1st floor and he was on the 5th, he took his suit coat off the door and began to beat the fire.
It worked a little but then a explosion sent him flying across the room hitting his back on a file cabinet, he yelled standing back on his feet, he remembered the assorted chemicals he kept in his drawers. “Fireworks!” stupid hobby he thought, the top drawer was the one that had exploded sending  collard  flame all over his office.
The bottom drawer contained the big stuff.
He ran across the room just as it exploded sending him flying through the quarter inch thick glass.
He quickly grabbed a cord he saw sticking through the window, someone is still here he thought.
As he slowly climbed back up he realized the cord was the one that went to his old clunky computer, wow that things good for something he thought.
When he got back inside he saw the computer stuck halfway in the window.
His office was covered in fire, he went for the door holding his breath, the fire alarms had went off. Thank goodness he said, again his cellphone rang, he picked up,
“the police are coming leave the building do not get caught, understand?”
“Uh sure” he said.
But he didn't understand, how did this no brain computer hack  get in his computer, he'd never heard of this guy how did he get his phone number?
for all he knew it was one of his friends playing a little hack joke, but blowing up his office was to far whoever did this was going to pay.
He kept the phone so he could find the location of the call, next time Smith called.
“Smith?” he said heading down the stairs.
“What a dumb fake name.”
 A siren in the distends made him laugh,
“Oh run for your life Fredrick don't let the nice cops catch you, this is so pathetic some wacko blows up my office, tells me he gave me 10million dollars, tells me I have 11 hours to live, and tells me not to go to the cops? Ridicules!”
 He laughed. But it wasn't funny and was not a joke, and that was the part that scared him.
He reached the main door and went to grab the handle when he heard voices,
 “Men this is a terrorist act, we go in hot, shoot first ask questions later, do you understand me men!?” Now this was insane he thought as he stepped away from the door.
He hid behind the front desk when they came in, he lifted his hands in the air and asked them not to shoot.
They stood there no movement none like a group of statues, then a bigger man came in and asked him his name.
“Fredrick Morrison,” he shouted back.
“Open fire” the Sargent said.
As he heard those words his life flashed before his eyes, he saw all the people he'd never get to say good bye to.
Just then a bullet went whizzing a inch from his head hitting a lamp behind him.
A shard of glass flew into his arm he screamed as he fell to the floor.
He'd always been such a sissy every little cut he treated like he'd been shot.
“Hold fire!” the Sargent yelled.
Fredrick knew this was his last chance to escape.
He shot up and headed for the nearest door to the stair well, bullets pinged off the walls as he entered the door.
Once inside he double timed it to the 5th floor and saw that his door was closed, but how the fire had been burning for almost 5 minuets he thought.
He slowly walked up to the door and felt the handle.
“Not hot,” he said.
He twisted it slowly, the room was pitch black no fire.
As he stepped in an arm caught him by the neck and threw him to the ground like a ragdoll he rolled until he collided with what was left of his file drawer
Before he could react a knee was stuck hard into his back an hand grabbed his arm and stuck it under the knee pinning his arm to his back, at the same time a cold pistole was shoved to the back of his neck. “What are you doing?” he quietly said.
A gargled voice asked him his name.
“Fredrick Morrison,” he said.
The gun was slowly lifted from his head and the knee was released from his back, he sighed relief.
Just then a light turned on, he rolled over.
And saw that the person that had thrown him like he was a girl, was a girl.
About 5 foot 8 blond hair with dark sunglasses, aiming a pistol right at his head.
 And then it all went black he thought he was dead because it was so dark.
“follow me” she said.
at least he wasn't dead, but then again it might be better. 
The building was completely dark, apparently the cops or whatever they were had cut the power to the whole building.
They found there way to a grate she'd already unscrewed, she climbed in and told him to follow.
He paused for a second then vent in, it was small and cold and seemed to go on for ever.
She stopped and told him not to move, but she never told him not to talk.
He asked her, who those people out there were he knew the weren't police.
She didn't answer for a while but then said “their just some  goons you don't need to know about,” “Right goons with police cars, a swat buss, and assault rifles! Who do think your kidding!  Who are you and why do they want me dead?”
“You will be filled in when you are taken to base,” she said.
“Oh I'm not going anywhere until you tell your name at least.”
“Oh” she said in a soft voice.
“My name in Jessica Swanson, you can call me Jess.”
She said extending her hand, he shook it surprised by pain he felt in his hand.
Blood dripped from a wound in his hand.
 Jess asked him “you alright?”
what an idiot he thought
“Oh sure yeah I'm fine some guy told my I'm gonna very wealthy, I get blown all around my office, blown through glass, get shot at, and get mulled by you. Yes I'm fine thank you!”
He felt kinda bad about saying that, but what did she expect.
“yowe sorry didn't think you would throw a fit,”
“I am not trowing a fit, and no I'm not fine,” He said holding his back.
Jess pulled a needle from her backpack,
“its adrenalin it will help the pain.”
Without asking Jess stabbed the needle into his leg,
“Ouch!” he yelled.
“Oh sorry but thats the smallest size they come in,” wimp, she thought.     
She said it was safe and they headed for the roof, once on the roof a helicopter came into sight.
“Thats our ride” she said.
Just then flashes of light came from two angles hitting the helicopter sending it down to the earth in a ball of flame.
“No!” Jess screamed,
lights went on.
“Um” was all that uttered form Fredrick's mouth.
Two Smith Helicopter's flew just in sight, took aim and fired.
It was just like the movies he'd seen, Jess ran for cover but he was frozen.
“Run!” Jess screamed.
but he just stood there.
Two lines of bullets hit the roof about 2 feet apart, they moved in slow motion toward him.
Just as they reached them he turned to his side bullets flying in front and behind him.
He snapped out of it and ran to an air duct located on the roof, Jess was already prying it open.
It popped off and she jumped down he followed as bullets riped the air duct to shreds.

Chapter 2

They fell for about ten feet landing hard on a metal floor.
Fredrick came down clumsily making a loud thud.
“Why didn't you run!”
“ Why do you care?” he said quickly.
She was quite, but then came back
“Well you know if it wasn't for me you would be dead”
“No if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be wondering what you want from me, and best of all I wouldn't be wondering if I'm going to die, you see my point. If you had left me to die I wouldn't be  wondering if I am going die, capiche?
But he didn't see what he was saying.
I must be losing my mind, he thought.
Jess stood there stunned.
He won, I think, she thought
“OK look at it this way, for right now I am your only friend an..” he cut her off.
“Wow your my only friend!? The one that stuck a gun in my face and threw me across a room. Last time I looked I had lots of friends, and you are defiantly not one of them,  Understand?”
“Ok I'm not your friend, but I'm not your enemy you got that!?”
“fine” he said.
After that they were quite as they inched thou the air ducting in the building, stopping every time they heard footstep's.
They heard some voices “were moving out!”
“Whats that guys name?” Fred asked.
She looked at him as thou she had no intent on answering but then said.
“Deacon Muller, an ex military officer”
“What?” he said, a lump swelling in his throat.
“It's just one guy, some one just hired him to kill you, and he brought his goons” Way to early, she though.
“How am I suppose to know that, when you won't tell me a thing” he said.
“you will find out about everything when we get back to HQ, hurry my car's in the parking garage” she said getting out of the air duct.
When they reached the parking garage, he saw on the first floor his yellow 1989 Corvette of which he was very proud.
“um I think I'll drive my car”
“If you touch that door the whole thing will explode” she said just as he reached the car.
That made him back off, he quickly caught up with her.
When they reached the third floor Jess pulled out a set of keys and hit a button.
He heard the rev of an engine, and headed up to the fourth floor.
A brand new Monty Carlo Expedition Z75. 

Robert Carson paced the floor of an apartment, not your normal apartment, he thought.
Concrete walls, no windows, a guards stood at ether side of the door.
The only access was thou that door which lead to an elevator which also had a guard in it.
Robert didn't want to draw attention so he only brought 10 of his people with computer equipment and various items.
“Alright people we have 20 minuets to finish setting up, they should be here soon”
His men quickly set up tables and put computers on them, a white board and projector were set up as well.
His phone rang.
“Hello, Robert here” he said.
“Just what do you think your doing?!”
He recognized the voice as Smith Smithson, creative parents he thought.
“What do you mean I'm not doing anything!”
“Why did you bring in the Military to kill the people your suppose be protecting from me? Starting at 4pm”   
“Excuse me but that must have been you, how dare you start the game now?”
“Well there not mine and if there not yours, well then more people want him dead then I thought.”
“So let  me get this strait, the Military are in on this to?”
“Not on my count, but hey it makes the game funner. Thats what you want isn't it Roby?”
He shut the phone and yelled, “Now the Military are in this, Great!”
Everyone was already listening in, but at that they all froze.
“What?!” Jim Weston Said with a Hotpocket half stuffed in his mouth
Jim was a 22 year old who spent 4 years in computer collage and could hack any thing he wanted.
And pretty much do anything to a computer you could imaging.
“They just broke into his work building and tried to kill him” Rob said
“I'd say is Smith pulling a fast...”
“No! I trust him” Rob said.
“Just set up, where are they?!”

Jess slipped in the drivers side and Fredrick went to the side seat. Inside the car was amazingly quite,  but then again thats how they made them.
Jess pulled her cellphone out of her pocket, flipped it open, and turned it on.
“One missed message from Robert” she read aloud
She turned her phone on speaker and played the message.
“Hey Jess, Robert here. I hope you have him, uh um did you by any chance see the Russian Mafia?
Ether way get out of there fast come to HQ.” his voice sounded shaky.
She quickly typed a phone number into her phone and began to talk
“The Military? Let me guess, uh SMITH!? ” Jess screamed
“Look Jess, Smith said it wasn't him. And personally I believe him. So just get back here as fast as you can” she heard though the phone.
She put the car in reverse and worked her way through the parking garage, they got down to the first level and speed out the exit.
Once on the street Jess popped open a laptop that sat neatly in the middle of the car and handed it to Fred.
“Find out what you can about why the Military want him dead”
“What?” he replied
“Just do it!” she  answered
He took the laptop, similar to the one he had in his office., opened it up. and turned it on.
“So you have a fingerprint password” he said
“Try yours, it should work”
He put his finger on the pad and the computer started up
“Hello Fredrick J Morrison” the computer said 
But how? He thought to himself, how did they get his fingerprint?
When he got where ever he was going, he was going to get some answers from somebody about how they found his fingerprint.
“So what do you have for food?” Fred asked

Jim Weston sat at a computer, stuffing a hotpocket in his mouth.
“Hmm well.. there is  a Fredrick Morrison on here, but this guys from the middle east.
They wouldn't come all the way here if they weren't sure it was him, would they?”
“All I can tell you is that the tried to kill him, its up to you to find out why”
Robert said.
“O-k. Well, apparently he took a about 50 million from the USA. And according to this they want him dead at all costs. So I would say, we drop out and let Smith deal wit..”
“We are not dropping out! Do you have any idea how much we can make for winning?”
“Well according to Smith we are around 100,000 Million”
“Thats right and were not going to lose, or drop out.”
 Just then Rod's cellphone rang, he picked up.
“Hello Robert here.”
“Yeah yeah I know, were  at the top of the building well be down in a few minutes”
He recognized  Jess's voice
“Glad to here it, were you followed? Is he with you? Is he alright?”
“Yeah he's ok, and I'm fine thank you. Were on the elevator”
Rob closed his phone and waved his hand toward the door.
“There here” he said. 
The Elevator door opened and Jess and Fred walked out in to the room.
“Stay here” Jess told Fred
“No no no Fred come in we need to talk to you” Robert said
“Why don't you tell me what this is all about! Why did you blow up my computer! Why did you blow up my life!?”
“look Fred we didn't blow up your computer” Rob said

Smith sat in his chair laughing like he often did, a deep kind of stupid laugh.
“Hahaha Johnson very nice work”
Johnson Washington, about 29 was a reject from the USCS(United States Computer Security)
who mainly made viruses and SADbots(Search And Destroy(A SADbot could be sent through an Email or a download Allowing complete Control over the computer it had infected))
“Ahh thank ya very much sir” He said with a chuckle.
“ Deacon Deacon, why oh why haven't you learned” Smith said
Smith was about 6foot, had blond hair, always wore sunglasses, and over all was one cool bad guy.
“Do you know what I love about my job?” he asked
Just then a girl walked through the door.
“Well do you want in numerical or alphabetical?”
“Amanda! did you get the... oh... what cha thingy ?”Smith said in a funny voice.
“Yeah just like you ordered, Bradley sniper, extended barrel, laser scope, low recoil, LED flashlight, explosive tip bullets, duel yield leugars, extra clips, laser aiming system, twin throwing knives, oh yeah... and a grenade! And... do you want fries with that?” she said.
“well well, looks like you just made a lot of money, good job. Now Get Out Of Here!” He yelled 
with that she walked out the door and came back with a large briefcase.
“Ill be expecting my pay sometime soon you know” she said
“you will be paid what I said when I say. Now.. if you don't mind I have some work to finish”   
Amanda walked out of the front door and got into her car.
“What a Jerk” she said to herself
With that she drove to the main highway, where she began her way home.
“SLAM!” she jerked forward hitting her head on the steering-wheel, as a black car hit her bumper.
“What's your problem!” she yelled at the black car behind her.
Its tinted windows didn't allow her to see the other drive.
Just then the window on the passenger side rolled down, and a Pistol-Uzi popped out of the window.
“Oh you've got to be kidding me” she said to herself
With that she floored the gas and went speeding down the highway, followed directly behind by the black car.
Seconds later bullets ripped into the tail lights of her car, shattering the rear window.
She pulled out a pistol that she kept in her glove department, and popped off  a couple rounds out the back windows.
“heh a lot that will do” she swerved behind a truck as bullets ripped into the side of her car.
The gunner shot at the front right tires of the truck causing in to swerve towards her car.
She sized things up and took a hard right turn going under the truck, slamming into the black car which swerved of the road a bit before gaining control.
See looked up the road just in time to see the hummer heading right her car and made a quick turn.
But she nicked the front tire of another car sending her spinning down the highway, she ended up facing backwards with a car heading strait toward her, she stuck the car in reverse and began to head down the highway backwards.
Shells ran along the front of her car and she popped out her handgun.
With a clear shot she began to fire, hitting the cars front right tire sending it rolling off the road settling in a pile of dust.
Just then her car caught on fire, “Great!” she yelled, as she pulled over and ran out of the car.
“Way to go you jerks!” she yelled looking back down the road, the black hummer heading her way.
She turned to look the other way pulling out her pistol.
“Well thats that” she said as she began to climb a large wall behind her, on the other side she found a motorbike.
“Well well its my lucky day” she said, as she started it up and began to pull away.
She hit about 30mph as she was rounding a building when..
BANG! A car pulled out in front of her, sending her flying through the air, hitting the ground.
Everything went black.   
๘ஜ๑●♥ ** REAPER** ♥●๘ஜ๑

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

¨°º¤ø„¸ REAPER!_! ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨  HOLLA!!!   `°º¤ø„¸

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Offline ·WídgêT·

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Re: REAPER!_! story(update)
« Reply #1 on: July 31, 2009, 04:10:49 PM »
1. How did that not exceed the character limit?
2. Move to RPG?
3. Really, really good d_b

Thank you Tanger!

Not for wealth, rank, or honor, but for personal worth and character
Cheers, Marty!
Check out my mixes and sign up for the site. It has yet to do me wrong

Offline REAPER.

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Re: REAPER!_! story(update)
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2009, 06:55:55 PM »
1. How did that not exceed the character limit?

lol very true I tried to post it on a different website and it maxed the limit, it was more then 20,000  :yesyes:
its 20,619  :o :o
๘ஜ๑●♥ ** REAPER** ♥●๘ஜ๑

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

¨°º¤ø„¸ REAPER!_! ¸„ø¤º°¨
¸„ø¤º°¨  HOLLA!!!   `°º¤ø„¸

!________________.♥♫♥.____________.♥. * .* ..
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