
Author Topic: why was i kicked...  (Read 2121 times)

Offline readerskeati

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why was i kicked...
« on: August 07, 2009, 07:44:25 PM »
BFM_Booyah kicked me from a server and would not let me back on i read through every single rule and i did not break one of them i killed him and i belive that on all other servers i get attacked first sight and he said i was not racing i was slaying and i only killed him 2 times and ive been doing slayer im sorry but it's halo combat involved   :muah:    :chief:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 08:49:28 AM by readerskeati »

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: why was i kicked...
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2009, 09:06:39 PM »
I assume you are Draxter?  I also assume you are fairly new to Halo race.  Let me correct you on one thing:

...i killed him when he was attacking me...

That is not true.  The first time I kicked you for playing slayer I had not fired a single shot nor thrown a single nade.  You and I were at red base of Danger Canyon with plenty of hogs available to race in and instead of getting in one of those hogs to race you decided to walk right past that hog to attack me while I was trying to get in my hog.  And like you said killed me twice that way.  Then you were kicked.

The way you behaved in that situation is not a banable offense and only requires minimal correction.  Your inaccurate description of the incident in this thread though, specifically your incorrect assumption that I attacked you, tells me something about your "attitude" in the game.  You are too focused on the slayer aspect of the game.  So much so that, for short periods of time, you forget all about even trying to race until you have gotten your kills and you assume everyone is attacking you.  Well I wasn't, I was trying to race.  You will also find that most veteran racers will, given a choice between attacking a lone enemy and getting in a hog to race, will choose not to attack so they can race against that enemy instead of fighting them in a slayer battle.

Now once you had been kicked your attitude took a turn for the worse and you became very rude and argumentative as well as continuing with your slayerish game play.  As a leader of this clan I can guarantee you that my warnings to you were all legitimate and you will need to change things to keep racing in our servers.  First you will need to change your rude and argumentative attitude so that you can listen to and benefit from the warnings you receive.  Secondly you will need to actually take the warnings you get as constructive criticism about what changes you need to make in your game play...and try to make those changes.

One of the times I kicked you was because of a totally inappropriate conversation you tried to start.  You started to say something about calling people racist?  There is no need to talk about anything like that in our servers.  Our servers are provided to the public to race in not to have controversial discussions.  We also try to keep the atmosphere of our servers "family friendly" because we know that children play in them and again there is no reason to expose children to a conversation like that when they are here just to play a game.

To sum it all up the real problem you have is your is disruptive to the server and we can't tolerate that.  Your game play is only a minor problem and you do spend most of your time racing but you do get caught up in things other than racing too easily.  It is entirely up to you on how much effort you want to put into changing that.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.

Offline readerskeati

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Re: why was i kicked...
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2009, 08:45:21 AM »
well thank you for at least letting me know  :-\ but i was not playing slayer for one i only killed u 2 times and i belive that on all other servers i get attacked first sight im sorry and on the second insodent i belive someone was calling me racist in my defence i said "Usually the accusers of racism are the racist ones" im sorry if that affended anyone but he said "what are you all racist or something" he was not kicked after that coment (Not that i know of probably after me getting banned) and i was pretty much trying to defend myself i was not trying to start a conversation . im sorry  and sorry for any attitude i had
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 10:36:49 AM by readerskeati »

Offline readerskeati

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Re: why was i kicked...
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2009, 08:50:15 AM »
Draxter: yes
New: Yes
« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 10:35:42 AM by readerskeati »

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: why was i kicked...
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2009, 11:01:00 AM »
You are not understanding what I am saying.  The fact that you killed me twice is irrelevant.  What matters is that you should not have done it in the first place.  You had a choice, either get in a hog and race or avoid racing so you could go kill an enemy that was not a threat.  You choose not to race.  That is the problem.  These are racing servers and your focus should always be on racing...that is the game.

I can understand if you forgot that you were in a racing server but if that was true then when I gave you your first warning for playing slayer you would have said something like "oops sorry forgot this was a race" right?  Instead you insisted on arguing with me that you were not playing slayer.  Even now you are both telling me that "but i was not playing slayer" and "sorry if i killed you 2 times i forgot it was a race and not halo" which is it?

I do have to correct you on something else as well.  When you say "im sorry but every other officer i have played has been attacking on sight" that simply is not true.  This is another case where you are not understanding the differences in the game of race and slayer.  Not all foot battles are the same.  There are situations where attacking an enemy is allowed and part of the game...there are also times when attacking an enemy is not allowed because you have to avoid racing to do it.  What you need to do is spend time in our servers listening to the warnings that the admins give you so that you can learn what is and is not appropriate instead of arguing with the admins when you don't know enough about the rules to make a valid argument.  What you need to understand is that there is no argument here for me to be open to.  I am telling you what is and is not appropriate for our servers and you can either try make adjustments or's up to you.  As long as you continue to argue though you will learn very little about our expectations and will probably run into this same problem again in the future.

As far as you "defending" yourself from racist accusations, there is no need for you to participate in such a conversation.  Players that say things like that will get removed from the server and if you participate with them in such conversation then you put yourself at risk of being removed as well.  Again, there is no argument here...we have standards of behavior for our servers and they will not change.  You can either learn from these experiences or you can try to argue with me, it's up to you.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.

Offline readerskeati

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Re: why was i kicked...
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2009, 01:07:48 PM »
I choose learn i will not argue anymore i will listen observe and take notes and i will chose race over killing :keke:

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: why was i kicked...
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2009, 01:10:27 PM »
In that case I look forward to racing with you again soon.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.
