
Author Topic: Soccer Rules (9/SEP/10)  (Read 5693 times)

Offline BFM_ColWlkr

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Soccer Rules (9/SEP/10)
« on: June 04, 2010, 06:50:46 PM »
Team Numbers

A maximum of 5 players may play on a team during each match.  If a team is found to have more than 5 players in the server when the match begins or is in the progress of being played, a penalty will be called on that team.  The Captain or Lieutenant for each team must be present to play the game.  If neither one is present, said team will have to forfeit the game.

A typical match will consist of 4 vs 4.  In the event that both playing teams have enough to do a 5 vs 5 game, they may do so only if they have enough people from their original team to do so, not including substitutes.  If both teams only have 3 people from their original team, and there are not enough substitutes to make a 4 vs 4 match, the referee will decide whether to play on or reschedule the match.

Please see the 'Substitutes' section for more information.


Teams are required to start with at least 3 players from the original team in order to be eligible for substitutes.  If the team has the above requirement fulfilled, the opposing team Captain may then find a substitute to play on the original team, leaving that team with 4 players to play with against the other team.  If a team is assigned a substitute, they must play that person for an entire period, regardless of if a player from the original team shows up or not.


Teams are allowed to either shoot, grenade, or drive the hog to the opponent’s base in order to score. When the hog comes in contact with any part of the base, including the top, it is considered a goal and will be called as one officially by the referee.

When the referee calls "GOAL", there will be exactly two minutes between that point and the start of the next round.  The referee will not wait for each team to call ready to start the next round, but can ask if each team is ready for the purpose of speeding up the start of the next round.  If either team is not ready or end up outside of the base at the end of the countdown, the referee will call a penalty against them.

The scoring team will reset the hog to the proper location in the middle of the map. If no members of the scoring team have survived and are unable to reset the hog, the referee will order the team scored upon to reset the hog.  Failure of the scoring team to properly reset the hog or ensure it is reset in the allotted two minutes will result in a penalty against the scoring team.

At the end of the match, the team with the most goals in the allotted time wins.  There will be a mercy rule with which a team having a ten-point lead over the opposing team will be declared the winner of the match.  Should the game result in a tie, a sudden-death match will be played, with the first team scoring a goal being declared the winner.

Game Length

All games will consist of three 20-minute long periods.  There will be a 2-minute time between rounds during which teams will be allowed to gather ammunition and health and set the hog, but this time will be deducted from the 20 minute timer with no breaks.  The only time the timer will stop is for a call of HOLD or TIMEOUT.  In between the periods there will be a 5-minute break period before the next half begins.

Please see the ‘Holds vs Timeouts’ & ‘Half Time’ sections for more information.

Holds vs Timeouts

Each team will have two allowed HOLDs and one TIMEOUT to be called per half, only during the period between a goal and the start of the next round.  A HOLD will be defined as being called when a player on said team is having a technical issue such as lagging out or has already lagged out.  When a HOLD is called, a team will have five minutes to fix their technical issue.  If the issue is not fixed in the designated five minutes, the referee and the playing Captains will find a suitable substitute to replace the player with the technical issue (see the "Lag" section for more details).  A TIMEOUT may be called for any reason, during the two minute break.  A TIMEOUT will last three minutes, at which point the countdown timer to the next round will continue.

If both holds have been used, the player with the worst technical issues must be removed from your team and will sit out the rest of the night.  If a team then does not have sufficient numbers from their original team at that point, a substitute will be chosen for them.

End of Period

At the end of each period, the referee will call END OF PERIOD.  This will allow the teams to switch the color that they are playing on.  The only way that the new period cannot be ended by time is when someone is driving the hog.  If this occurs, the hog can be driven until the driver is flipped out, killed, or the hog hits the base.  When any one of these things happens, the referee will then officially call END OF PERIOD.

When the above is called, each team must take their respective screen shots and ensure the other team has done the same before switching colors accordingly.


While observing the match, the referee may call anything that they see as a penalty. If the referee calls a penalty, the penalized team will go back to their base and start the round over as they normally would. The team that did not get the penalty called against them will go back to their base, but start the round over by their teleporter entrance instead of inside of the base.

Penalties may be called because of shooting the referee intentionally, playing with the Banshee after the match has begun, getting the hog stuck intentionally, blocking the teleporter, stealing ammo or health from the other team's base after a goal, not being inside the base before the start of a round, and killing intentionally after "GOAL" is called, as well as anything else specified in other areas of the rules.


If lag is persistent with any player, and it gives an unfair advantage to either team, the referee will call the player out on it.  When the referee calls any form of lag on a player, the team captain must sit that player out and bring another player in, play a man down, or let the given player fix the lag issue if possible.  If the team captain chooses to let the player attempt to fix the lag, the referee will allot a small amount of time to the team. If the player cannot fix the lag in the time allotted, the team captain must sit that player out and bring another from their team in, or a substitute if needed.

If the opposing teams calls lag on a player, the referee will evaluate from witness accounts and their own view of the game whether the alleged player lagging gave an unfair advantage which ultimately resulted in the scoring of a goal.


Screen shots should be taken before a player gets substituted out, before a player lags out, and before the end of each half or game. This applies to any other situation in which a player is about to leave the game as well. It is the responsibility of the Captains (on both sides) to collect screen shots and record goals (including who scored the goal) and submit them to the stats coordinators.  It is the responsibility of the referee to ask which team scored and to keep track of the goal count, but not which players scored the goals.


The referee may set the hog before the match starts, if they choose to do so.  They may also have a player from either team move it.  A minimum of 1 referee is needed in order for a match to proceed.  If there is not a referee present, the match will be postponed and set to be played at a later date. Referees will be trained according to whomever at the time is the trainer within the soccer council.

The referee will either be observing the match from a banshee, or do so by using flycam.  If the referee sees anything illegal, they have the right to penalize a team for any instance.  The referee is the official and any call that they make stands.  If you argue with the referee, they have the right to penalize you, which may include but is not limited to, throwing a given player out of the match under certain circumstances.

Normally, a set of macros will be used by the referee in order to run the game.  These macros may only be used by the referees and may not be used by players or captains.  A referee also can use the push to talk advance functions user to user, under bindings, to talk to captains while they are playing a match.


Challenge System

Team captains have the right to challenge any call of a goal made by the referee. Captains have around a 1 minute time allotment after the goal is called in which to decide to challenge the call or not.  Referees have the option to use Fraps, Game Cam, Xfire, or another program to record the match, if they so choose.  The referee will review the play as many times as they need to, if they are recording the match.  If they are not recording the match, then the referee has approximately 3 minutes to make a call on the challenge.  The ruling on any particular play is ultimately the decision of the referee.  However, if a team believes that there was information either not taken into consideration or not known to the referee at the time of making the call, said team has the right to present the information to the referee.  Once the call is made with all information presented, it is final and cannot be changed under any circumstance.  If the call stands, the game will continue with no change.  If the call is reversed, the team that scored will have one point deducted and one minute will be added on to the clock before the game continues.


Mediations may be required if a captain challenges the actions of a player on the opposing team during the soccer scrim. Generally this will be over an illegal move that has taken place during the scrim, however it may relate to anything not within the realm of the soccer rules that may affect the outcome of the game. Any decision that must be made on the basis of what was seen by the referee, and not by rules must be made by the referee. A mediator may not be used for example to determine whether a goal was truly scored or not.

During mediation both captains and lieutenants are pulled into a channel with the mediator. A mediator is either a high ranking officer with a full understanding of the soccer rules, or a previous or current soccer captain that is not playing on either of the two teams in question. A referee may be a mediator. A high officer is to be used first where possible. If one is not available the most experienced captain from the other match is to be used to mediate the pull down during a hold period. This hold period does not count towards that teams holds if it is purely to mediate the other scrim.

Any decision made by the mediator is final and may not be appealed, even to another person suitable to mediate. All players that participate in the pull down in any manner are required to be respectful and honest. Disciplinary action may be taken against players who do not follow these rules.

Playoffs & Championship Game

After the regular season has ended, there will be one night of playoffs to determine who will play in the championship game.  Based off of the season standings, the 1st Place team will play the 4th Place team, and the 2nd Place team will play the 3rd Place team for the playoff game.  Should there be a tie for any place going into the playoffs, the records of the two teams and how they played against each other during the season will be compared to determine their spot in the playoffs.

The championship game will be played by the winners of the playoff games. The other two teams will in turn play one last time for 3rd Place.

© 2006-2010 BFM_ColWlkr - Credit to Ediseye for Original Rules
« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 08:32:54 PM by BFM_Exodus »
