
Author Topic: FEANOR and a manatee  (Read 937 times)

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FEANOR and a manatee
« on: September 24, 2010, 12:33:32 AM »
The BFM #1 server is a mess as i write this. A LOT of slaying and camping and teamnading happening - i need a breather!

The two players 'FEANOR' and 'a manatee' are causing heaps of trouble. a manatee has been the worst trouble, slaying all throughtout the game and at one point got two teammates killed from a nade.

FEANOR has been a problem too, at one point stepping out of his hog near a nav to kill me - with sniper rifle, but its alright, wasn't the best shot   :P

There were more players on the No.1 server, but these two were the names that stuck.

Sincerely, Everyone (Halo Name) :?:
