
Author Topic: BFM - Perspectives - Part 5  (Read 6130 times)

Offline BFM_SüprM@ñ

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BFM - Perspectives - Part 5
« on: June 06, 2011, 12:43:35 AM »
For those new to the series, here are some links to the previous stories:

BFM - Training- Part 1
BFM - The "New" Sanghelli - Part 2.
BFM - The "New" Sanghelli - Part 2B
BFM - Covert Transmissions - Part 3
BFM - Reglorification - Part 4


0900 Hours, March 24, 2528 (Military Calendar)/111 Tauri System, Planet Victoria, Camp New Hope

"Are you sure we're ready for this?"

"Of course I'm sure! Don't I look sure? We've been waiting for this moment for years now."

"Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Just play the recording...."

"Here goes nothing."

Suddenly, the radio in the room went silent for a moment, then was brought back to life.

"This is a broadcast by the Emergency Aler...

Hello everyone. You may be wondering what this is all about... I'm sure that some of you already know. But for those of you that are still in the dark, please take my hand and I will guide you into the light.

This is about the worlds that we live on, the foods we eat, the jobs at which we kill ourselves. This is about the Outer Colonies.

If it were left to the UNSC, all of the plants we harvets, the ships we make, the raw materials our planets hold, the blood, sweat, and tears of our bodies would all be used for Earth!

They seem to forget that Earth is just a planet, smaller in size than the majority of the planets we occupy now.

Does it matter that Earth sucks the Outer Colonies dry? Not to the big boys upstairs!

Does it matter that Earth doesn't help any other planet with the few resources it has left? Let's hear what the President of the Unified Earth Government has to say about it.

"Earth shouldn't be expected to aid other planets, especially the newly colonized Outer Colonies. They have an abundance of resources from which they can develop a solid infastructure." 

"What about compensation for the goods we send back to Mother Earth?

We get "The 'protection' of the UNSC from hostile forces." according to Mr. President.
Our worlds are peaceful ones compared to the Inner Colonies! Who are they protecting us from!? Bank robbers? No, OUR police force does that. Car theives? Again, no, we deal with that ourselves.

They don't offer us anything in return for all of the man hours spent harvesting OUR crops, and creating goods for THEIR planet. That is what this movement is all about.

What do you think will happen to our planets when we run out of resources? Do you think they'll send the goods from the future colonies to us or to their beloved Earth? I don't doubt for one moment that we will never see any aid from THAT government.

Don't buy into their labels. They call us terrorists because we fight back against their home invasions, illegal searches and seizures, and unjust detainings but the truth is that they are a tyranny!

What did the United States do when Great Britain tried to force them to into being a slave to the British Parliament!? They created their own autonomous government, and if it weren't for this type of courage to stand out against what's wrong in this universe then chances are we wouldn't be here today.

Join me brothers and sisters. I'm not telling you to see what I see, I'm telling you to see the truth with your own eyes.

The Americans chanted "No taxation without representation." What shall we say to the tyranical UEG!?

No deprevation without compensation!

I hope that you will join our cause and stand out and fight for yourselves, your families, your friends, and your communities.

This is Firefox, signing off."

The radio quickly turned to static after the end of the transmission.

Firefox would become the spokesperson for the Rebellion. He was the person that they would rally behind. He would charge alongside his fellow men into the bullet ridden fields against overwhelming opposition.  He would be the Captain Keyes of the rebels. He was willing to fight to the death for their benefit. Why shouldn't they be willing to do the same?

It was this message that would turn the tide in the rebellion. Millions would join because of this grand effort. Not only would it recruit some of the most influential rebels of this cause, but it would also gain sympathy from those that abstained from joining.

"So, you're sure that everyone heard this?" Firefox asked his chief IT expert.

"You heard it on the radio yourself, didn't ya?" Mxy retorted, feeling rather certain of himself.

"You guys know what this means right?" Jokerman said, obviously deep in thought.

"Yeah I know what it means! It means that our membership will increase 1,000 fold!" Firefox exclaimed in joy.

"It means that the UNSC is going to be after us even more than they were before. They're not going to rest until either of two things happen... our heads are on silver platters in their office, or the treaty identifying our new government has been signed. We're the new signers of the Declaration of Independence." Jokerman finished.

"Well what did you think was going to happen?" Mxy asked in a matter of fact voice.


Hope you guys enjoy this installment. = )

Done with that one already? Well you're in luck. Click me for more!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2014, 10:51:24 AM by BFM_SüprM@ñ »
Being a good racer in Halo isn't just about getting the best times. You have to know where your teammates and enemies are, and most of all... how to be crafty! XD -nods-

Oh... and "v.v" = sad face.

Props to Plixity for the first sig, Slayton for the Season XIII trophy sig, and Jane for the banner! Thx guys! ^.^

Applied for Recruitment: January 22nd, 2008
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Offline Zeek

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Re: BFM - Perspectives - Part 5
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2011, 09:16:53 AM »
Very nice! very interesting indeed.
ZEEKS PROGRESS                                   List of sig Thanks :D
Applied for Recruitment - 12/9/09             BFM_MrT, Track king, ZakPak, Soz Owned U, Benjy, Tanxs1
Vent - 1/18/09
Small Tags - 4/6/10
Tags got Droped arroud june?
Reapplied 8/23/2010
Vent 9/11/2010 i think
Small Tags 9/20/2010
Big Tags 1/12/11

Offline BFM_Fénix

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Re: BFM - Perspectives - Part 5
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2011, 06:11:40 PM »

Very nice Supy, as usual.
2000th member of the BFM forums.
According to Hlao, and Hlao's word is law.

Offline BFM_SüprM@ñ

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Re: BFM - Perspectives - Part 5
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2011, 10:10:26 PM »
Thank you. Guess what guys? I finally found my notebook! Soon-ish I'll have about three parts up. I'll try to space them out a bit so that you guys don't get overwhelmed. = )
Being a good racer in Halo isn't just about getting the best times. You have to know where your teammates and enemies are, and most of all... how to be crafty! XD -nods-

Oh... and "v.v" = sad face.

Props to Plixity for the first sig, Slayton for the Season XIII trophy sig, and Jane for the banner! Thx guys! ^.^

Applied for Recruitment: January 22nd, 2008
Received Vent: March 25th, 2008
Received Lil-tags: May 3rd, 2008
Resigned: May 15th, 2008
Re-Applied: June 16th, 2009
Re-Received Vent: July 25th 2009
Re-Received Lil-Tags: August 24th, 2009
Received Big Tags: October 5th, 2009
Promoted to Corporal: January 30, 2010
Promoted to Sergeant: April 19, 2010
Temp. Resigned: August 6, 2010
Returned: January 29, 2013

Offline jokerman

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Re: BFM - Perspectives - Part 5
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 03:59:15 PM »
I'm really glad you found your notebook!!!!   d_b

When are the next installments coming out?


How about now?

Ok.................. now?    :drool:

Offline Tanxs1

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Re: BFM - Perspectives - Part 5
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2011, 07:11:32 AM »
I'm really glad you found your notebook!!!!   d_b

When are the next installments coming out?


How about now?

Ok.................. now?    :drool:


Great work Suprman!
