
Author Topic: Your very First PM!  (Read 7696 times)

Offline MufnMan

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2011, 12:25:12 PM »

Just because of this, I now love this man.

No need to go all “Charlie Foxtrot bogie on your six”; it's more like “Hey, I respawned at red base with no hogs, anyone nearby can give me a ride?”.
54.77    62.93    46.97    77.27    68.80    55.83    99.93    89.77

"Live in the present,remember the past,and fear not the future,for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."

“We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.”

"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."
-John Lennon-

Offline BFM_RedFox

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #31 on: July 11, 2011, 02:16:00 PM »
Hey Red Fox,

We got your application for recruitment, however our policy is that all applicants after being unbanned, must wait 30 days until they may apply.  That means the date you can re-apply will be September 27th.  Thanks for understanding, and hope to see you back then.

-BFM_NavyJHk (Head Corporal)

Offline Joel

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2011, 11:49:34 PM »

Welcome to the BFM recruiting process! It's great to know that you're interested in joining the Beg For Mercy clan. We have received your application, which makes you a Potential Recruit, or PR for short.

So, what happens now?

Now you race with us. If you've been doing that already, you're off to a good start! The recruitment process can be as easy as simply racing often in our servers, but no one is recruited overnight. We are looking for good people to help us moderate the BFM servers.

Keep in mind you are still a guest in the servers. You should never be trying to admin the servers or deal with rule breakers. This is the admins job. We just want to see you racing and enjoying the game. This is the most important thing we need from Potential Recruits.

Getting "recruited" (where you are able to add the small "bfm" tags to your name) into BFM is a lengthy process and will take some patience while we get to know if you're a good fit for our clan. If you follow the rules, race often, be respectful to the people you race with and have fun, the recruitment period goes quickly. Remember, until you are told by an officer you've been recruited, please do not use the "bfm" tags in your name.

Are there any requirements to join?

The first thing we need to know is if you are banned on any BFM servers. Please try to join each server, we can give you list if you need one. If there are any that you can't get into, send me a message and let me know which one(s) as soon as you can. 

Also, in order to become a member of BFM, you must be willing and able to use Ventrilo. Vent is a voice chat program we use to talk to each other over the Internet.

•You have to be able to download and install the Ventrilo software (free download at on your computer (with parents permission, if that applies to you)

•You have to have a working microphone (with permission to use it if necessary)

If you anticipate any problems with the above, please let us know immediately and we'll discuss this with you.

What if I'm new or not good at racing?

We recruit the person, not the racer. There are all kinds of people in BFM. Many different backgrounds, people from different countries, some are young, some older. Some have been playing Halo since it was new, others only started a month ago. The most important thing we look for in Potential Recruits is what kind of person they are. We can teach you how to race and how to admin the servers, it's up to you to enjoy the game, enjoy the company of others, and treat people the way you'd want to be treated.

How do I get recruited? What's the process?

1)  You will be assigned a Corporal soon. Your Corporal will be available to help you with any questions you might have. They are basically your guide through recruitment, they'll be with you the whole way.

2)  When you race in the servers, the admins will watch you and then will write a report based on their experience with you that day.

3)  It is this feedback that will determine if you'll be recruited into BFM. I recommend that, when you see an admin in your server, let them know you are a Potential Recruit (PR). A quick comment, "hi (admin), I'm a PR", would help a lot!

4)  Once you find out who your Corporal is, you can send them a message at any time, for any reason. If you are going away for the weekend, if you're having trouble understanding the rules, if you would like to know how you're doing so far as a PR, your Corporal will help you with it.

5)  If you do well as a PR, you will move to the next stage in the recruitment process: Vent access. While on Vent, we'll see how you get along with everyone and we'll get a better idea of what kind of person you are.

6)  The best things you can do is race often, be friendly, polite and respectful in the servers, read through our Full Detailed Rules HERE, and most of all, have fun!

How long before I'm a BFM member?

It varies from person to person and there are several things that factor into the length of time it will take. As mentioned above, patience is very important. If you do well, you may get Vent access in 4-8 weeks. Then, once on Vent, it may be another 4-6 weeks before you get recruited. Keep in mind that, once you are recruited, you will go through a training period that takes about a month. The recruitment process does take quite a bit of time, but once you're through it all, everyone will know that you worked hard and have earned the opportunity to be in the best Race clan in Halo: BFM!

And that is what's to come for you as a PR, I hope I've answered any questions you might have had. Your assigned Corporal will send you a Personal Message (PM) soon. If you have any questions or concerns, please let your Corporal know, or you can reply to this message. Good luck in your recruitment! We're glad to have you here and I'll look for you in the servers.

See you on the tracks!

-BFM_dStruct (Corporal)

so long ago on october 10 2010 =P

BFM_Enoch: "Joel the Jaguar the juggles jets"

Thanks to -Lostmymind-

Offline BFM_Xtr3me

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #33 on: July 12, 2011, 12:53:01 AM »
i think this is my 1st pm and it goes a long way back
this was long ago when i 1st applied ;p
date: 09/02/08


Dear eXtremist,

Welcome to the BFM recruiting process! By filling in the recruitment application for you have taken the first step towards becoming a member of Beg For Mercy. This message is being sent to you to explain what happens now that you have applied, and so that you can have the knowledge that you are being watched and considered.

We are very glad to see that you have applied for recruitment into BFM, choosing us over other clans. We wish to give everybody a chance to get into BFM, no matter what background you come from. However, this is a very lengthy process and it takes patience to actually get recruited. However, if you follow the rules, race a lot with and without BFMs, and be respectful and nice to the people you race with, the recruitment period goes quickly.

For the first 30 days of recruitment, you are watched by all the members of BFM, and they leave comments about how you raced and interacted with other racers. You may also be watched undercover, by our corporals, like me, who specialize in watching recruits, and also by the higher officers. If after those 30 days you have many positive comments from BFMs, you will be offered the chance to join on us Ventrilo.

After you have been given Ventrilo, you will be watched closely by everyone once again. But this time we watch you to comment about whether or not you will get tags. Once again, if you get positive feedback from everyone, your tags will appear beside your name soon enough! It will usually be around another 30 days.

Some extra information you may need to know:
-Ventrilo is a program that allows people connected to it to verbally speak with each other, that is, have conversations. Our server can hold up to 75 people at once so at times it can get pretty hectic, but it is a lot of fun being able to socialise, admin, and just chat with other admins and friends that you make in BFM. It can be downloaded here: .
-To use Ventrilo and to get into BFM you absolutely must have a working microphone and permission to use it (Eg. From parents). There are no exceptions to this rule, sorry. If you do not have a microphone you will unfortunately be denied from getting Ventrilo access and therefore into BFM. Please inform me or another corporal if you do not / cannot have a microphone.

If you have ANY questions or comments, feel free to PM myself or one of the other corporals and we will answer them.

I hope this helps you in your quest for becoming a BFM! See you on the tracks!

BFM_Fuzion (Corporal)

Xtr3me's Timeline in BFM
01/Jul/10 - First attempt at recruitment
07/Nov/10 - Second attempt at recruitment ;D
19/Dec/10 - Given Vent
30/Jan/11 - Given Little Tags
13/Mar/11 - Given Big Tags
26/Aug/11 - Promoted to Corporal
07/Feb/12 - Promoted to Sergeant
02/Nov/12 - Promoted to Lieutenant

Thankyou Lucky and Slayton

Offline Fuzion

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #34 on: July 12, 2011, 04:36:16 AM »
Haha good to see my name in those 2 First PMs xD.

Here's mine (on the new forums), it was from chaoy, a good old friend, almost 4 years, geez!!!

New forums
« Sent to: Fuzion on: July 22, 2007, 03:35:30 PM »

« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »


the new forums are cool arent they

Signature by AR~H@ngm@n
(July 07)

Offline Còól

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #35 on: July 12, 2011, 05:18:13 AM »
Well I am going to post the first few I got. I was such a nooooooooobbbbbbb when I first came around here. These PM's from Tanger will show.  :XD:

Hey bud,

No problem with the help thats why where here. When you download xfire it shows you who is online and if there playing a game or not. If they are in  a game you can join the game there in directly from xfire. Its a real nice program.


To download xfire go here.

To download ventrilo go here


download the one that says client at the top

Now as far as xfire goes its basically a instant messenger with added ability's. First things first, when you have xfire installed

at the top follow these steps

go to tools
go to add friend
search via xfire users
now type in glasseyeballyo  that is my username
when it comes up it should say corey, click where it says corey and then
when it is highlighted near the bottom right click add friend

this will send an invitation to me to add you
once i accept i will be on your friends list

i will then explain farther

As far as ventrilo goes, I wouldnt worry about that until you have access to it
just download it for now. later on when you get ventrilo a captain will assist in other things

Hope that helps


Yeah no problem man. I like to help people out ;D Thats why im always hangin around on the forums lol

Alright sounds good


It will take you an average of a month to get the ventrilo password. Make sure that you race ALOT and are very polite and follow the rules well. You will be watched by BFM's undercover. So you wont know when there in the server with you. Always be on your best.

Dont worry if you think your not being noticed. Corporals will report back to officers to say if your doing good. Im not sure if you will be updated of this or not, so my point is just always be a polite person in servers.

MY tip for getting recruited ;D


Tanger spent sooooooooo much time helping me when I fist came around. He had to help me get xfire set up and working. It was pitiful.  :XD: :XD: :XD:

BFM_CòóL IS CòóL!!! - Love, MiG


If life has not scarred you, you have not lived it.

You Have All The Weapons You Need,
Now Fight!!

Ill give you a cookie if you can tell me what that last quote is from!!

Offline gamepanther

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #36 on: July 12, 2011, 06:03:37 AM »
I'm like Exodus...I had to go back to the old forums but even then my first PM is not there.  My oldest is from Elvis on October 4, 2006, 11:02pm.  I wish I could share the contents of the PM but it is of a "classified" nature.  We were discussing implementing a new super secret BFM policy/procedure.  I could tell you about it...but then I would have to kill you.  I can tell you that it is a policy/procedure we still have in place to this day.

P.S. yes the old forums are still available:

Only if you have an account, it seems. :'(

Darn! I wish I had an account :(

Then I could check out all of ye old posts ye!  :evil:


Thanks JANE!

Sig Made By Me.

Thanks Marty!!

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........................................................... .............................................................


Btw just cuz Ben1 haz a higher pitched voice doesn't make him better than meh D:

I miss mah squeakeh voice D: Its harder to be the stereotypical kid on Xbox now :(

The Best Quote Ever By Exodus:

"I will get you unbanned in the next few days. In the meantime go easy on the caffeine."

Offline OBOLeader

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #37 on: July 12, 2011, 01:03:49 PM »
Dang cool, you are a nub! (jk jk)
btw when am i supposed to get that PM saying welcome to the recruitment process? I submitted an app a few days ago.... and nothing.
Discord: Tooru#1375
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Offline BFM_Fuzzy

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2011, 01:33:36 PM »
Dang cool, you are a nub! (jk jk)
btw when am i supposed to get that PM saying welcome to the recruitment process? I submitted an app a few days ago.... and nothing.
The Corporals will probably get back to you very shortly. It takes a few days.  :)

Offline jim360

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #39 on: July 12, 2011, 01:54:31 PM »
Dang cool, you are a nub! (jk jk)
btw when am i supposed to get that PM saying welcome to the recruitment process? I submitted an app a few days ago.... and nothing.

I think they only got it yesterday, so they'll sort it out soon. As Fuzzy said don't worry about it, and I think you can read this thread and get the gist of what it says anyway :).

In the meantime, see you on the tracks!
Check out my Short introduction... corner and my "Historical figures who should perhaps be better-known" thread!!

Exciting videos: 1.1 / 1.2 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6


Offline BFM_ImaybeU

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #40 on: July 12, 2011, 08:09:27 PM »

My only challenge now for the next couple of months is to race well.  The behavior part is easy.  I can identify with your undercover (stealth) practice.  Years of submarine experience taught me about being in places and not seen.

If I may say so, you are currently doing a GREAT job and if you keep it up things are looking good.
Also, behavior and respect is what matters, when/if you are recruited we have trainers to show you how to drive every map and teach you other skills you need to know.  From what Ive seen you are pretty good, but you don't have to worry about racing well, we recruite on the person, not the player.

Keep it up,

BFM_BlazinAngel (Corporal)

Not my very first PM, but I think it was #2.  Inany case, it's oldest one I have.

^^Thanks Warlord for the great sig!

Offline BFM_SüprM@ñ

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #41 on: July 12, 2011, 10:33:52 PM »
Xtreme and I had the same corporal!? xD I never knew...
Being a good racer in Halo isn't just about getting the best times. You have to know where your teammates and enemies are, and most of all... how to be crafty! XD -nods-

Oh... and "v.v" = sad face.

Props to Plixity for the first sig, Slayton for the Season XIII trophy sig, and Jane for the banner! Thx guys! ^.^

Applied for Recruitment: January 22nd, 2008
Received Vent: March 25th, 2008
Received Lil-tags: May 3rd, 2008
Resigned: May 15th, 2008
Re-Applied: June 16th, 2009
Re-Received Vent: July 25th 2009
Re-Received Lil-Tags: August 24th, 2009
Received Big Tags: October 5th, 2009
Promoted to Corporal: January 30, 2010
Promoted to Sergeant: April 19, 2010
Temp. Resigned: August 6, 2010
Returned: January 29, 2013

Offline BFM_LËÕ

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #42 on: July 12, 2011, 10:36:14 PM »
on this forum it was Ex BFM_Ben on the 10 March 2008 about my recruitment on the Old forums it was Ex BFM_Contact about my recruitment both Seam like they happened way to long ago now
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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #43 on: July 12, 2011, 10:41:57 PM »
I still have the standard greeting PM sent to me by Jane.  :winkgrin: That beeing the first time "See ya on the tracks" was ever said to me.  :)

Hi Liam-

Welcome to the forums, it's good to see you here! It's a lot of fun and there's lots of info to look over, if you're interested in looking at info. Otherwise, if all you look at is the fun stuff, that's a good enough way to waste time and I would know - I waste a lot of time here. :P

Anyway, look around, post some stuff if you'd like, remember our language/respect rules, and let me know if you have any questions about anything, I'm happy to help!

See ya on the tracks!
-BFM_JANE (aka Amanda )

My next one was from Kiwi in response to some questions I had about applying for BFM. I remember really appreciating his response. Thank You Kiwi!  :hug:

Hey Liam,

Well, we have members that are on literally every day.  There are others who are only on for a few hours a week, usually weekends.  There are others who are busy with school, jobs, military or who have computer problems and are not on for weeks or months.

But when you apply we expect a pretty big effort. Because of the number of people we have applying, we can only take a few, so usually that's the people that stand out.  Not just how much they are there, but that's a big part of it.

You'd probably need to be on a few times a week, enough to get say 5-6 people to comment on you every few days.  After 40-ish days, you'd hopefully get on vent, and from then on we'd hope to see you a couple of days each week.  Once you get tags, then we do training, which takes about 15 hours over 30 days.  So again it's a fair amount of work.

The easiest way to do it if you think you might be able to spend the time, is to race enough that everyone knows you.  Post in the forums and build up a reputation so when people race with you they recognise you.  Then even if you aren't  racing every day, they'll notice you and it will seem like you are around more than you are.  And if everyone really likes you, it won't be as big a deal if you aren't around as much as some others.

Does that help?

:LOL: I remember getting those like it was yesterday...  :)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2011, 10:48:51 PM by Liam »

May 13, 09-Got Halo
Later May, 09- Stumbled onto BFM server, loved it
June 24. 09-Joined Forums
August 9th, 09-Applied to be PR
Sept. 22, 09-Earned Vent Access
Nov. 12, 09-Earned Lil Tags!
Mar. 26, 10-Earned Big Tags!
Jan. 3, 11-Stepped Down from BFM
© LiamFilm™

Offline BFM_Mukkie

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Re: Your very First PM!
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2011, 10:49:56 PM »
This is from almost 2 yrs ago when i made my comeback to BFM.

Welcome to the BFM recruiting process! It's great to know that you're interested in joining the Beg For Mercy clan. We have received your application, which makes you a Potential Recruit, or PR for short.

So, what happens now?

Now you race with us. If you've been doing that already, you're off to a good start! The recruitment process can be as easy as simply racing often in our servers, but no one is recruited overnight. We are looking for good people to help us moderate the BFM servers.

Keep in mind you are still a guest in the servers. You should never be trying to admin the servers or deal with rule breakers. This is the admins job. We just want to see you racing and enjoying the game. This is the most important thing we need from Potential Recruits.

Getting "recruited" (where you are able to add the small "bfm" tags to your name) into BFM is a lengthy process and will take some patience while we get to know if you're a good fit for our clan. If you follow the rules, race often, be respectful to the people you race with and have fun, the recruitment period goes quickly. Remember, until you are told by an officer you've been recruited, please do not use the "bfm" tags in your name.

Are there any requirements to join?

The first thing we need to know is if you are banned on any BFM servers. Please try to join each server, we can give you list if you need one. If there are any that you can't get into, send me a message and let me know which one(s) as soon as you can.

Also, in order to become a member of BFM, you must be willing and able to use Ventrilo. Vent is a voice chat program we use to talk to each other over the Internet.

•You have to be able to download and install the Ventrilo software (free download at on your computer (with parents permission, if that applies to you)

•You have to have a working microphone (with permission to use it if necessary)

If you anticipate any problems with the above, please let us know immediately and we'll discuss this with you.

What if I'm new or not good at racing?

We recruit the person, not the racer. There are all kinds of people in BFM. Many different backgrounds, people from different countries, some are young, some older. Some have been playing Halo since it was new, others only started a month ago. The most important thing we look for in Potential Recruits is what kind of person they are. We can teach you how to race and how to admin the servers, it's up to you to enjoy the game, enjoy the company of others, and treat people the way you'd want to be treated.

How do I get recruited? What's the process?

1)  You will be assigned a Corporal soon. Your Corporal will be available to help you with any questions you might have. They are basically your guide through recruitment, they'll be with you the whole way.

2)  When you race in the servers, the admins will watch you and then will write a report based on their experience with you that day.

3)  It is this feedback that will determine if you'll be recruited into BFM. I recommend that, when you see an admin in your server, let them know you are a Potential Recruit (PR). A quick comment, "hi (admin), I'm a PR", would help a lot!

4)  Once you find out who your Corporal is, you can send them a message at any time, for any reason. If you are going away for the weekend, if you're having trouble understanding the rules, if you would like to know how you're doing so far as a PR, your Corporal will help you with it.

5)  If you do well as a PR, you will move to the next stage in the recruitment process: Vent access. While on Vent, we'll see how you get along with everyone and we'll get a better idea of what kind of person you are.

6)  The best things you can do is race often, be friendly, polite and respectful in the servers, read through our Full Detailed Rules HERE, and most of all, have fun!

How long before I'm a BFM member?

It varies from person to person and there are several things that factor into the length of time it will take. As mentioned above, patience is very important. If you do well, you may get Vent access in 4-8 weeks. Then, once on Vent, it may be another 4-6 weeks before you get recruited. Keep in mind that, once you are recruited, you will go through a training period that takes about a month. The recruitment process does take quite a bit of time, but once you're through it all, everyone will know that you worked hard and have earned the opportunity to be in the best Race clan in Halo: BFM!

And that is what's to come for you as a PR, I hope I've answered any questions you might have had. Your assigned Corporal will send you a Personal Message (PM) soon. If you have any questions or concerns, please let your Corporal know, or you can reply to this message. Good luck in your recruitment! We're glad to have you here and I'll look for you in the servers.

See you on the tracks!

-BFM_Samurai (Corporal)

Thanks Miggy Poo :)







