
Author Topic: Is there a way to tell if someone is using an aimbot?  (Read 1854 times)

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Is there a way to tell if someone is using an aimbot?
« on: March 25, 2012, 10:22:19 AM »
Had someone doing a lot of killing today in server #1, and he was constantly being accused of using an aimbot, because he was killing with just one or two shots of the pistol (after I'd pointed out to him that sniping wasn't allowed. *)

He denied it. but also said something like "take my sight and look for yourself" which I assume means he was playing with some sort of hack?

* To be fair, I don't think he picked the sniper rifle up again, after that.
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Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: Is there a way to tell if someone is using an aimbot?
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 10:58:09 AM »
There has not been nearly as much use of aimbots in Halo since the 1.09 release as there was 'back in the day' so I am always skeptical of such claims.  The types of players who are so self-obsessed with their image (and not their reality) as a skilled player that they will use aimbots, have mostly long since moved on to newer games and don't play Halo anymore (especially race).  That being said it is always possible.  One of the characteristics of someone who uses an aimbot in Halo is that their Masterchief will be "twitchy".  As they walk around they don't have the aimbot enabled.  As soon as they see an enemy they press a hotkey to enable the aimbot and their sights immediately snap to the target.  Someone observing his Masterchief in game while he does this will see the immediate twitch as he turns towards the target.  This is not a 100% give away though as some very skilled slayers (very few though) will have their mouse sensitivity setting set so high that it looks like they are moving impossibly fast but they have simply learned to play at such settings and are simply that good.

There are third party programs out there that allow a player to see through the eyes of another player.  It is commonly called sightjacking.  That is one of the most common ways to catch the twitchy actions of an aimbotter.  Seeing the immediate snap of their aim is much more pronounced when you are seeing it from their vantage point rather than from your own 50 Meters away in game.  That is what he meant by "take my sight".  Again there is no 100% way to know for sure though.  There are a few players out there that are SCARY good at these games and do it legit while there are just as few players willing to put in the effort to cheat at a game that is 10 years old.

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Re: Is there a way to tell if someone is using an aimbot?
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2012, 09:33:59 AM »
Ok, thanks.

If I was to get hold of the SightJacking Hack, would that get me kicked off the BFM servers?

I have a feeling I've seen someone being told "No hacks allowed"
Danger Canyon = 76.33    Gephy = 54.23
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Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: Is there a way to tell if someone is using an aimbot?
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2012, 11:06:52 AM »
The problem is not with you having a "hack" so much as it is the fact that while you are using sightjacker you are not racing.  While you are looking through another player's eyes you obviously have no idea what your own masterchief is doing so you will not be able to race effectively if at all.  You will effectively be AFK in the server and could get kicked for that just as any normal AFK player could be.  For that reason we ask that guests not use those types of programs in our servers.  Just let and admin know about what you are seeing.  Most of our admins do their jobs "the old fashioned way" but we do allow them to use these types of programs when it is needed for admining purposes.  I would say again though that I suspect that there are very few people out there that are doing any aimbotting (especially in race)...but if they are just let us know and we can catch them.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.

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Re: Is there a way to tell if someone is using an aimbot?
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2012, 08:32:12 AM »
OK, I suspected that might be the case.

Thanks for answering.

The person in question, however, was doing a lot more slaying than racing, though, staying behind at bases and hiding, to slay - rather than get in a hog and get laps, and so on. Dunno why they chose a race server to do it in, other than to wind people up...
Danger Canyon = 76.33    Gephy = 54.23
Ice Fields = 68.33            SideWinder = 90.05
Death Island = 55.80       Infinity = 99.20
Infinity all Navs = 90.40   Blood Gulch = 62.87
Timberlands = 47.53        Infinity (Walking) = 286.53 ;-)
