
Author Topic: Don't wanna sound like a prima donna  (Read 1806 times)

Offline AnioL8r

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Don't wanna sound like a prima donna
« on: June 03, 2012, 11:09:59 PM »
So I was free tonight for a bit and had an hour or so to race, which given life lately, is quite the luxury.  I was in server 2 I believe (not 100% sure) when on Sidewinder Checkm@te (in an ALT code form, ya know the long time racer) were going back and forth pretty tough on the guns.  He'd kill me, then me him, the normal back n forth.  When after a couple of spectacular long RH shots on my part to kill him, he drops the "B" bomb on me!  I asked him what he was implying.  Then explains, through his obvious and transparent frustration, that it's impossible for me to kill him without it.  Another guest, Mahler, chimes in and supports his comrade (as he was one of my favorite targets on a previous map).  Then, you could hear crickets chirp....  There was Petrafy, AJ, and MacAir in there, and nada.  I waited, counted the seconds, thinking maybe they were typing slowly, or had forgot to load their Macros, still nothing.  I said, "Heyy admins I feel that was rude, could you ask him to chill out" (I'm paraphrasing as I can't remember exactly.)  I think a few minutes later Petrafy gave out the Rudeness Macro.  A little random tho as it was very late and sort of out of sequence.  I said to Checkmate "Hey man, you don't remember me?  I've been racing forever!" In an attempt to bring levity to the situation and nada again.  Oh well, we all have tough days, and myself included as of late have had my fair share.  I didn't at all go into qualifying myself to him and telling him I am a BFM admin on personal Hiatus, as I felt that to be inappropriate and not becoming of a full public server.  I thought I'd come here and try to talk to him about it, but couldn't find him to PM him.  Anyways just wanted to touch base about this and get it off my chest.  Hope you're all well.  His-Breath/BFM_Ani0L8r

Offline BFM_JANE

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Re: Don't wanna sound like a prima donna
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2012, 11:38:15 PM »

Such a prima donna... I kid, I'm kidding!

You've been with us for a while, with and without tags, and know what we're about and should know none of us would let things slide or intentionally ignore something, no reason to. It's possible they (all?) missed the comments or maybe interpreted things differently, probably a combination of the two. They might have been dealing with something else in the server or discussing things on Vent... You know how it can be. Try sending them a PM if you'd like, see what they can tell you.

I'm sorry things happened the way they did, it's no fun when you have someone giving you a hard time and nothing's done about it. I guess just keep in mind some people try to push your buttons, and people who do things like that and act that way aren't worth getting worked up over. Being anonymous on the internet brings out the worst in some people. When online, take all bad attitudes with a grain of salt -- I doubt they'd pull that stuff if they were standing in front of you ;)
