
Author Topic: Blood Gulch cave nav.  (Read 2081 times)

Offline antykin

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Blood Gulch cave nav.
« on: September 16, 2012, 02:54:33 PM »
okay so I was on foot from red side walking to the cave nav and reached it . so then after I get the nav, i see a hog coming from the cave where red tele is so i walk towards there and try to kill the hog and use it. after i killed it, it was Macair who i killed and he gave me a warning for camping. and he added that i should be heading to my nav at all times.

i guess i was going out of course towards the next nav ( the cliff ), but im just trying to attack a hog and use it to get there faster? Just felt like i got unfairly warned and would love it if another admin would be able to have some input on this. i guess i was going out of my way towards the next nav, but i feel strongly that i got unfairly warned for the "camping part."


Offline BFM_JANE

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Re: Blood Gulch cave nav.
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2012, 08:48:24 PM »

I can understand both sides of the situation. On your side, you were going to your navs and trying to get the nearest hog to continue racing. On MacAir's side, all he sees is a player off course and killing another player. Knowing the whole story, it doesn't sound like you were camping, just doing what you needed to do.

I see how it might feel unfair that he jumped to the conclusion you were camping without knowing what happened before, but he was doing the best he could with what he had in front of him and he made the call. We have to act quickly and you're encouraged to give a quick explanation of what happened if "warned".

Please know no one's trying to ruin your racing experience, just the opposite. We have you and all other players in mind when we're in the servers and want to make things as fun and fair as possible for everyone. If you think you got a bad call, don't take it personally. Things happen very quickly during the game and the mood of it all isn't quite what it seems usually. Admins are in the servers to help.

I'm sorry there's no definitive answer, but I hope you got something from this. :)

Offline antykin

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Re: Blood Gulch cave nav.
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2012, 12:05:41 AM »
thanks for the input, theres never any hard feelings but just shocked once in a while that i get a camping / other warnings . thanks for another explanation jane :)
