
Author Topic: Racing 2020  (Read 10517 times)

Offline ÐeviÑ

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #30 on: March 31, 2020, 05:08:02 PM »
Had a pretty good night tonight. Turnout was a bit soft. Several of us had been in there since 8ish. We got to ten players just after 10PM, and peaked at 11 players during that hour. Our numbers slackened at 11, and slowly drifted off except for a brief spurt where we picked up a bunch of new players with funny names. After that it turned into a 3v3 match.

We had some standout performances from MacAir and Devin, both of which contributed heartily to their teams.

I also want to single out Whipreck for his sportsmanlike behavior when he chose to spectate a pair of matches that were skewed 3v4.

Looking forward to this Wednesday!

The last map for me last night...Bloodgulch....didn't go well for our team. MacAir got on the guns and proceeded to gun us down. Despite our attempts at resistance, we got maybe 7 laps by the end of it? It was super fun. Even with less players, we still had some amazing races.
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Former BFM_Devist8 (long ago) and bfm_ÐeviÑ

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Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2020, 07:12:46 AM »
We had a little better turnout on Wednesday night, including a stretch of about eight maps when we were full or nearly full. We finished that with another one of those total wars of running Danger Canyon. All of the hogs were spawning at blue base and so there were walkers to contend with pretty much every time someone came into red base. Devin led with 18 kills and Mil had 13 as their team pulled out the 15-13 win.

Mil also led his team to a 15-14 win with 11 kills on Ice Fields. Boredom had 12 kills on Death Island. Most other maps had more civilized numbers....

Offline BFM_Mil

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2020, 06:17:40 AM »
So yesterday was the most people we've ever had! It actually started a lot earlier since Crimson got the server started 1 hour before the usual start time. It ended up getting full close to the starting time! Anyway, I could count 14 people on our Discord with 8 people being in the Halo racing room (our voice channel) throughout the night with some new people joining in later as the races kept going. Things didn't go too well for our Red team for a while but still had a lot of fun! I'll let Mr Do do his thing now.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2020, 06:59:34 AM by BFM_Mil »

Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2020, 07:34:23 AM »
It is hard to summarize the really great night of racing that we had last night. Like Mil said, the server was full before our regular start time. That started pretty much four hours of constant 6v6 of all experienced racers. The things that happened covered the full spectrum of the Halo racing experience.

We had a running of Death Island that came down to probably a fraction of a second in the any nav format as the 14-14 tie was broken by a Red racer as a hog with two Blue racers was hitting their last nav at the same instant. It made me think of the days when we had people running time trials to figure out how to shave parts of a second off of their lap times.

We had a string of maps won by the Red team as Mil mentioned. The list of racers did not seem to be that one sided, but one team got hot and the other did not. But even in the middle of that run of probably a dozen maps there was a 15-14 win on Timberland by Blue. (Dusaro had 4 laps to lead that.) And the run included three 15-14 Red wins. Style had 10 kills on Sidewinder in one of those losses and AJ had 11 kills on a later 15-14 running of Sidewinder in his first map of the night.

Have you ever had one of those maps where you just can't get in a hog and moving without getting killed 2 seconds later? It happened to the whole Blue team during a 15-2 drubbing on Geph. Fuzzy had 10 kills in that one and must not have felt too guilty because he had about that many during his first lap of the next map on his way to 17 on Blood Gulch.

We had two runnings of Danger Canyon in which no one reached double digits in kills or deaths, though in one of them there were four Red racers with 8 kills each. During that, Bob Marley and Whipreck had 4 laps each. On a different running of it, Invert led with 11 kills and 1hitkillr had 10 while Style somehow snuck through with 4 laps and only 1 death.

I missed a lot because of not being able to get into the full server. I still saw a lot of great play besides what was already mentioned. This included Mil with 12 kills on Ice Fields and 11 more immediately on Death Island, Devin with 11 kills on Sidewinder and immediately with 12 more on Geph and then 12 more later on Ice Fields, and Style with a 16-kill domination of Blood Gulch.

Hopefully the overflowing server on Saturday means that we will get some more full-server racing on Monday and Wednesday. We look forward to seeing everyone on the tracks then.

Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2020, 12:12:04 PM »
We had at least 5v5 and often a full server for two solid hours of Monday night racing. Most maps were 15-14 or 15-13 except when teams were 5v6 for part of a map.

Bob Marley had 14 kills on Blood Gulch and then two maps later had 15 on Danger Canyon. He also had 4 laps (along with Invert) in a 15-14 Death Island win and so was the MVP at least of that map rotation.

We had more 4-lap performances than normal, including BarbeBleue on Danger Canyon (where Fuzzy had 16 kills), Boredom and HLN Boxer on Sidewinder (Invert had 12 kills), Style and Fuzzy on Ice Fields and Boredom with 4 laps on another 15-14 running of Death Island.

Other notable gunning performances were Devin with 13 kills on Ice Fields and Macair with 15 on Sidewinder in one of the 15-14 wins.

The evening showed that for anyone who might have been frustrated trying to get into the server on Saturday, they could have a lot of fun without that frustration on Monday or Wednesday.

Offline Bob Marley

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2020, 11:57:43 AM »
It's been a great turnout during the week.  Although I come at 930c, still see a full server of legends.

Someone run a bot check on Devin.  He is a scary gunner to say the least.

See ya tonight!

Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #36 on: April 09, 2020, 08:27:25 AM »
I was thinking recently that I could not remember anyone breaking the 20-kill mark lately. Then last night it happened twice. Boredom did it first with exactly 20 kills on Ice Fields in mostly 5v5 action. And then Fuzzy put up a 4-lap 20-kill domination of Geph.

Devin posted 18 kills on Danger Canyon and Whipreck had 5 assists. So there was a lot happening on that map, as always. Mil had 16 kills on a later running of Danger Canyon. And there were some 12-kill performances by Invert (twice), Mil and Fuzzy.

There was a lot of great driving, also, in another night of very competitive racing. Looking forward to Saturday...

Offline BFM_Mil

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #37 on: April 09, 2020, 09:09:47 AM »
Another great night which saw another record on our Discord with 9 people at the same time in our Halo Racing Room channel. I guess everyone wanted to get some practise for the upcoming scrim this Saturday! I'm very much looking forward to Saturday now.

Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #38 on: April 12, 2020, 03:25:19 PM »
I was in the public server for only six maps on Saturday. I saw Style get 4 laps twice and Bob Marley got 4 laps once. Terminator got 13 kills on Danger Canyon. And as always, it was some really good competition.

From what I heard, there were plenty of racers in the public server even while we were scrimming. So that shows what a very healthy population of racers we have right now. Looking forward to Monday night....

Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #39 on: April 14, 2020, 10:37:29 AM »
I got 10 assists on a map last night. I don't remember seeing that happen before. I was going for the triple-double but fell short by 2 kills. (The other double-digits were deaths....) It was on Danger Canyon, of course. Five racers had double-digits in kills, led by Style with 14. Bob Marley had 4 laps to help his team win it.

Bob also had 4 laps on a close running of Timberland, and Style put up 4 on a different close running of Timberland. Style also had 18 kills on Geph and 16 on Sidewinder and so he had an all-around great night.

AJ also had a good night with 4 laps on Ice Fields twice and Bood Gulch once along with 10 kills on a different running of Blood Gulch.

Screech stood out with 16 kills on Danger Canyon and followed that immediately with 4 laps on Ice Fields. Boredom had 4 laps on Geph and 12 kills on Danger Canyon. Other standouts included Devin with four maps with at least 10 kills and Whipreck with 4 laps a couple of times.

Offline BFM_Mr Do

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Re: Racing 2020
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2020, 07:53:58 PM »
During a stretch of about 10 maps when we had a full server when I was racing on Wednesday night, the highlight was a series of three straight 15-14 maps. The Blue team won Timberland and then Red won the next two behind 15 kills by Fuzzy on Danger Canyon and then 12 more by him on Ice Fields. Invert had 11 kills in that running of Ice Fields and then followed that with 10 more on Death Island as Enigma got 4 laps to help Blue team pull out that one.

Other stand-out performances included Fuzzy with 4 laps and Macair with 12 kills on an earlier running of Danger Canyon, AJ and Whipreck with 4 laps each on Death Island, Bob Marley with 4 laps and Boredom with 12 kills on Geph and Screech with 12 kills on one of my last maps of the night, when I was too tired to make note of what map it was (either Sidewinder or Geph).

And the racing is like that these days, fun and competitive so that a lot of us stay longer than we should. See you Saturday.
