
General Category => MultiMedia => All About Sigs => Topic started by: Mith on August 06, 2011, 03:21:20 PM

Title: Signature Request
Post by: Mith on August 06, 2011, 03:21:20 PM
Needed a sig for something and thought I would give it a shot, but I don't have any programs to do it with on my computer anymore. So thought
I would request one here cause you all do great sigs!

Background: I want either some kind of picture or landscape of Lothlorien from Lord of the Rings, or just have one or two mallorn trees in the background
(these are the signature trees of Lothlorien for those who don't know).
Text: I want it to say 'BevsForBros, Elf of Laurelindórenan'
Colors: Anything really as long as its got a dark and mysterious feel, sort of like it's night time. But not dark evil, dark beautiful like Lothlorien is if you
have ever seen Fellowship of the Ring.

Last thing to add is I don't want any people in the signature. That's basically it. Hopefully someone can fill this order, looking forward to seeing it!