
Guest Comments on Players => Problem Players => Topic started by: alpha2904 on May 08, 2008, 04:19:17 PM

Title: A Chav / Chav
Post by: alpha2904 on May 08, 2008, 04:19:17 PM
he was cursing at me and being rude to me i have a screent shot of him being rude but not cursing i didnt get that in time it happend 5/8/08 time:1900hrs est thought i whould let you guys know :)

۩ ~Removed picture, because it was already removed by photohucket and it didn't show anything.. ۩ BFM_Hydra٭
۩  ٭Please feel free to send me a message with any questions. ۩

Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: wixxie on May 08, 2008, 04:36:20 PM
player named "a chav" was in racing server (i believe it was #4).  they were constantly making rude comments, and spending all of their time camping and rocketing teammates.  made it very unpleasant for quite some time.  was between 3 and 4:30 pacific today.  no admin was present
thank you

Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: wixxie on May 08, 2008, 04:39:00 PM
i was there today, in fact, i just posted a complaint about "a chav" as well.  very rude, and persistently making everyones playing very difficult with camping and team rockets / grenades.

on another note, alpha and TY were great players today!
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: alpha2904 on May 08, 2008, 06:42:06 PM
i say chav again on bfm servers and he was team nading me so i told him to stop so he say *blank* your self alpha you *blank* bag i have a screen shot but it contains profanity :siren: :siren:
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: Pynk Dude on May 08, 2008, 07:09:26 PM
that name sounds familiar.....hmmm...
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: BFM_Hydra on May 09, 2008, 02:17:25 AM
۩ Merged the two threads. ۩ BFM_Hydra٭
۩  ٭Please feel free to send me a message with any questions. ۩
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: BFM_Octane on May 09, 2008, 05:46:26 AM
Yep too familiar for me is the word itself. I have to physically chuck em outer my shop on a daily basis... Theres some right feral ones around where i live. Some areas of the UK have it lucky that its just a trend/look. But its complete and utter scallyville here in Stockport.  ;D

So, heh, i sense some slight irony in the name and the game here.
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: alpha2904 on May 09, 2008, 07:16:03 PM
oh ok well his name is "a chav" to be mor descriptive and if you whould like i could post the one were he isnt profain but rude up again
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: Leevanhawk on May 09, 2008, 07:41:38 PM
i have also seen him/her around.... bad player in general,
also....dont mean to spam here, but retsam is misusing the word irony. sry i notice! irony is when something you expect is not. like...ex. fire station burning down...or a police officer robbing a bank..not what you expect from the subject. 
i have actually seen chav and i experienced rude behavior and cursing.
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: BFM_Octane on May 09, 2008, 08:45:25 PM
Correct you are. Think ill leave that word alone now. Say, we dont have a sheep emoticon in there do we?  ;D
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: Disko on May 11, 2008, 10:31:03 AM
I was just playing on server four.

'a chav' was on my team, ok.

What he did was pretty straightforward. Just stood at one of the bases in Danger Canyon and spammed nades at his team (and anyone else nearby).

This was bad - 'a chav' pretty much made chaos, as no one could seem to get away from his nades unless they spawned at the other base on the opposite side of the map.

Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: Diehard6309 on May 12, 2008, 04:09:02 PM
Was banned on our servers, Was teamnading, camping, and swore to me using the "F" bomb right when bfm_Tigger left

I have a screenie of language if needed
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: BFM_Hydra on May 12, 2008, 04:41:25 PM
Merged the threads as I'm assuming it is the same player...~BFM_Hydra
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: zetlandpeat / {HM}Zet on May 13, 2008, 10:31:29 PM
he was on yesterday at 1600 zulu +1. Same as all the other complaints, cept he was being nasty about jewish folk. He needs to go, does not heed requests.


Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: timmay on May 14, 2008, 08:36:50 AM
I noticed a problem with him too. Bad language, team nading, camping. Makes the game frustrating and no fun to play.
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: Vincitore on May 17, 2008, 07:59:14 AM
I raced with.. uhh tried racing with a chav today. He is a HUGE problem.

I was playing with him on the AR (Uk) server. He was just spamming the chat with extreme profanity. He was team-/spamnading at everything! He eventually got 1 lap and like 16 kills.
Eventually he got banned from the servers, he is banned from all AR servers I think.

I got loads of screens of this all.

If you play with him, be warned!
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: OÐî ñ on May 17, 2008, 11:46:02 AM
It seems this person team nades so if I may make a suggestion; If you use a frag grenade and kill your self soon after someone nades/shoots u, that person will betray u. After 5 betrays, that person will become "auto-banned". just a thing i picked up in Snipers Dream Team Mod. hope this helps. and I too have played with him and constantly asked him to stop. got him so annoyed that he left....  :cop:
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: OÐî ñ on May 22, 2008, 12:38:03 PM
sorry 4 double post but doesnt go along with last post. Played with him today and I got tired of another player and started to SJ then saw A chav nading his teamm8. was also warned a few times. vid is on my xfire-
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: AR~H@ngm@n on May 27, 2008, 08:32:50 AM
I raced with.. uhh tried racing with a chav today. He is a HUGE problem.

I was playing with him on the AR (Uk) server. He was just spamming the chat with extreme profanity. He was team-/spamnading at everything! He eventually got 1 lap and like 16 kills.
Eventually he got banned from the servers, he is banned from all AR servers I think.

I got loads of screens of this all.

If you play with him, be warned!

Correct, Vinci.  a chav has been banned on all of the AR servers for language, including sexual and various other language infractions. 

Officers:  If you need screenshots to keep him off your servers, PM me and I'll forward them to you.  Let's keep this person off of the Halo racing community's servers.
Title: Re: A Chav / Chav
Post by: Chevizzer on July 19, 2008, 08:45:01 PM
Well, I haven't played with this person (fortunately, it seems) but as most people shorten my name in the servers to "Chev", I can just see someone confusing our names, and consequently our playing styles.  :mad:
I wonder if anyone else has had similar problems?