
General Category => Tech Support and Chat => Topic started by: ToMaHaWk on July 06, 2008, 05:18:51 PM

Title: **FIXED** Vent Comments?
Post by: ToMaHaWk on July 06, 2008, 05:18:51 PM
I have seemed to have stumbled upon another problem. I'm pretty confident that this is going to be one of my "Doh! I'm dumb!" moments but I just can't for the life of me figure out the answer. Somehow, I'm not able to see any comments on vent. If I pull up the server browser, I can see everyone's comments. However, if I'm signed onto vent like normal, I can't see anything beside anyone's names aside from their ranks (I kinda like that so I don't wanna turn that off).

I've scoured over the entire setup section and mulled through each of the tabs in the setup three times over. I've checked vent's online FAQ as well as their help section. I can't for the life of me figure out what I did to lose my ability to see comments.

Thanks for anyone who can help me.
Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on July 07, 2008, 12:26:29 PM

Can you see their "group labels" (the "titles" in front of name, in parens?)

Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: ToMaHaWk on July 07, 2008, 02:22:18 PM
You mean like rankings? For example, in front of your name would be "[Guest]" and in front of mine would be "[Member]." Yep I can see those.
Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on July 08, 2008, 01:11:50 AM



I think this warrants posting on their forums, which I'll be glad to do for you, unless you'd like to do so yourself?

If you'd like me to do it, I'll need to know which Ventrilo client you're using: Mac, Windows, Linux/Unix....

Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: ToMaHaWk on July 08, 2008, 06:29:54 AM
Whoo! Glad it wasn't me being dumb... :eyebrow:

I'd be honored if you posted it on their forums. :) I'm using the Windows client version (the most up-to-date one on their website - v3.0.1 [32 bit]).

Thanks for the help Mxy. If you need any more information, just holler and I'll be glad to give it.
Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on July 08, 2008, 11:29:00 AM

Hmmmm, before I post about this, I of course scanned their forums for anything like this problem, and came up with one possibility ( There is a server setting - "See user comments" - which enables/disables the ability to see other user's comments on an account-by-account basis.

This may have somehow gotten set for your vent account.(?)

Easy test: try logging in to vent under someone else's account (temporarily, and then switch it back) and see if you still have the problem....

Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: ToMaHaWk on July 09, 2008, 05:15:19 AM
Could it also be checked via user editor in the Server Admin section in the right-click drop-down menu?
Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on July 09, 2008, 10:42:30 AM
Could it also be checked via user editor in the Server Admin section in the right-click drop-down menu?

Yep!  In the "Display" tab!

Hmmmm, mine's NOT checked - nor are any of the Main or subchannel settings - in ANY of my vent account profiles....

I wonder if there's an override in the setup file on the server?

Now I also doubt if this is the problem, but try toggling that setting and getting in & out of vent each time to see if that does anything....
Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: BFM_Hydra on July 09, 2008, 05:18:32 PM

I checked the user editor and...TA DA! "See user comments" was NOT checked!

So I checked it for you ::)

PM me if it's not working ;)

Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: ToMaHaWk on July 09, 2008, 07:46:04 PM
Thanks dude! :P

As soon as I signed on vent, I hopped into our team practice channel and I saw Sandoz with a link to some image in his comment. Well, even though I saw it and noted it in my mind, I still proceeded to go up and ask Fuzion if he could double check the Server Admin settings on my account...

...lucky me I stopped midway through the sentence and realized :doh: I could see them again!

Thanks again Hydra!
Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on July 09, 2008, 08:05:01 PM


That was a good (oddball) one, Hawk!

And to think I never even knew of or thought there'd be a setting like that in ventrilo!

Title: Re: Vent Comments?
Post by: ToMaHaWk on July 09, 2008, 08:48:56 PM
Haha, I'm glad I found a problem that deviated from the redundant and seemingly never-ending "my internet is lagging" or "my computer is slow." :P

Not that they aren't valid problems (they most definitely are!), it's just always nice to spice it up a bit with something new. ;)