
General Category => Questions for the Officers => Topic started by: KingDustley on December 22, 2008, 09:30:31 PM

Title: Firing from Ledges
Post by: KingDustley on December 22, 2008, 09:30:31 PM
Hey everybody,

I had a disagreement with another player while racing one time.  Can you fire from ledges if you're under fire?  The player in question was saying that you could defend yourself at all times and therefore could shoot down to protect yourself.  He told me to read the rules, which I did, but I didn't see any rule allowing that.  Am I correct in assuming you can't attack from ledges, period?
Title: Re: Firing from Ledges
Post by: BFM_Booyah on December 23, 2008, 11:30:50 AM
First I must apologize to anyone who read the response that Exodus made to this post before I moved it.  The "spirit" of his response was correct but technically his response was wrong.  No, you may NOT return fire from an elevated area even if you are defending yourself from an attack.  As in real life warfare, having the high ground gives one the advantage.  Most of the time having the high ground will give you the ability to survive such an attack fairly easily which is why the rule stays in force.  There will be rare occasions though where having that high ground does not adequately protect you and you will then be at a disadvantage because you cannot defend yourself until you have come down from the elevated area or until the threat is on equal groud with you.  That is's not always fair.  Rest assured though, you will not always be the one on the cliff being attacked.  You will sometimes be the one down below attacking and as long as we enforce this rule uniformly, in the long run, it will treat everyone fairly.  It is just human nature that we only recognize the unfair situations when we are the one at the disadvantage...but it does work both ways.

The only exception to this rule that is understandable is in the situation where a player gets thrown very high in the air because of a close encounter with an enemy hog or some other violent situation.  While falling back down to, what is a certain death, you can get off a nade or two to try and take your attacker with you before you die.  Other than that though you cannot fire or nade down at any time.  Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Firing from Ledges
Post by: KingDustley on December 23, 2008, 11:25:16 PM
Thanks for the clarification!  :smly_a_wink:
Title: Re: Firing from Ledges
Post by: BFM_Elvis on January 03, 2009, 05:38:59 AM
As Booyah said you are correct..... I just wanted add why the rules are written as they are.   When writing the rules I tried to look at every situation as what is fair and not fair to keep myself alive and also continue racing.  When on level ground its a fair fight. When a walker is on high ground as Booyah said it gives to much of an advantage to the person on high ground. Even if your shot at you most of the time can get out of the way and survive. We just want to give every racer a fair chance to stay alive in the game and race. If you look at our rules from this type of thinking I do believe they will make sense to almost everyone.