
General Category => Questions for the Officers => Topic started by: Israel Drax on February 06, 2009, 12:04:33 AM

Title: Problem with my name?
Post by: Israel Drax on February 06, 2009, 12:04:33 AM
I an interesting event in one of your servers tonight.  I had just returned back to the U.S. from a job overseas and needed to relax from the jet lag, so I thought "I'll go BFM racing!"  I joined a server and started racing.  BFM Enoch first told "Bundy Bear" to change his name (can someone explain to me in as to why?) and then he told me to change mine.  I replied that I "had been racing under that name (with many BFM members) for 4 months, what was the problem?"  Enoch said change it and kicked me.

Not a big problem, but I am a bit offended in that my real first name is Israel, and Drax is a contraction of my last name ( you couldn't pronounce it without help and I would not post it in a public forum anyway).

Could someone be so kind as to explain the reasoning behind it?  Is my first  name too biblical (blame my parents), or is the State of Israel now in great disfavor with the new administration, or does Drax have some new slang meaning I am unaware of?  BTW I am not Jewish, if that is the problem, I am Bulgarian by birth and immigrated to this country 15 years ago after some time in England.  I am still sometime mystified by the language conventions of this country.

Also if it is not too offensive, I would care to know the offense the name Bundy Bear gave.

Thank you for your time.
Israel Drax
Title: Re: Problem with my name?
Post by: BFM_Elvis on February 06, 2009, 03:01:16 AM
Drax you really said a lot in this post. Enough that maybe you should be banned from the forums. You took a shot in my opinion at Jews. You took a shot at the new adminstration in Israel. You also said it is your name. This isnt the place for you to vent about any political situation or any group you dislike.  So its my job to make some kind of decision.  

If you name was Jesus would that change the fact you would have to change your name in our servers? No. I would hate for you not to be able to use your name but seeing you were killed by Jesus you must understand could really offend many. Now you say... Im not jewish if that is the problem. Hmm why would you even say that? Maybe to take a shot at jews? or to say we would kick someone for being Jewish?  Honestly this is a game. Im not going to get into a political arguement with you or get into a race arguement with you.   

If an admin ask you to change your name then please do. Just put yourself in the admins shoes. Do you really think the admin wants to stop racing to have to ask you to change your name? It is the admins job to try to keep the servers family friendly for all. I ask that you please respect the admin even if you dont agree and then PM that admin and ask the admin why he wanted you to change your name. You can also ask in the server. There are times the admin can explain in the server. Other times it just isnt possible to explain in the server. Again a good reason for the pm.

I really dont appreciate your clever attempt in this thread. You are now banned from these forums. Take your debate to someone elses forums.