
General Category => Questions for the Officers => Topic started by: BFM_Donut on July 25, 2009, 08:17:55 PM

Title: a couple of gray-area "adult content" questions
Post by: BFM_Donut on July 25, 2009, 08:17:55 PM
I've been wondering for the past few days about a couple of things having to do with the "don't allow words or phrases that you wouldn't hear in a 2nd grade classroom" part of the rules. I'm not bothered by either of these things myself, but I'm curious how the officers view them.

1) There's a player I've seen on a few times lately named "hivpositive" (I think). One time when that player was on, when no BFM's were on, another player said something about the name not being allowed. I'd probably disagree with that; I don't think "hivpositive" should fall under the language ban, but I realize it's not up to me.

2) This isn't a language thing per se, but more generally falls under the "2nd grade classroom" content restriction. Specifically, I'm wondering about the busty wench in the Evony banner ad that I see all over the forums lately. "Start your journey now, my Lord." (!) I'm not trying to be a prude. But given that Evony doesn't actually even have busty wenches, I think the ad can only be viewed as a rather blatant attempt to sell the game with sex. Maybe things have changed in 2nd grade classrooms since Mrs. Seth taught us at Kimberly Elementary back in 1969, but I don't think she'd have been cool with that sort of advertising in the classroom.

Anyway, just curious how y'all view these two issues. Thanks.

Pvt Donut
Title: Re: a couple of gray-area "adult content" questions
Post by: BFM_Booyah on July 26, 2009, 07:38:08 AM
That guest was correct that we would not allow that name in our servers.  It is not so much a "language" thing as it is trying to recognize their intentions and the sensitivity of the subject.  Our servers are here to provide a a fun place to race...that is all.  If someone wants a place to make some kind "statement" about a controversial topic by having a name like that then, even if they are racing well, they are here in part for the wrong reasons.  We do what we can to make the environment of our servers reasonably free from offensive behavior.  You have to be able to see how a great many people (those whose real lives have been affected by it) might reasonably be offended by having to play and interact with (being killed by etc.) such a name.

As far as finding an inappropriate ad on the forums, thank you for bringing that to our attention.  One thing you have to realize about the Ads that Google provides is that they are "dynamic".  Even if you and I are looking at the same page at the same time it won't necessarily show us the same ad.  It takes into account the history of what you have looked at.  So any given ad my not be seen by the individuals who can take care of it, which is why we rely on valuable guests such as yourself to let us know if you are seeing something that should be removed...thanks again.