
General Category => General Board => Topic started by: BFM_Hydra on October 12, 2007, 04:37:45 AM

Title: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_Hydra on October 12, 2007, 04:37:45 AM
Well, what with all the craze of these things, I found my own set of ones for Australia. I removed some of the more inappropriate ones.

Content checked :)

1)   Your next door neighbours can be from Tunisia, Israel, Indonesia, Japan, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Brazil, Spain, Malaysia . .
2)   The Greeks and Mexicans next door ask you over to have a barbeque.
3)   You don't actually use the words 'sheila' or 'shrimp'.
4)   You sleep with Aeroguard on. (Mosquito deterrent)
5)   You feel obliged to spread salty black stuff that looks like congealed motor oil on bread and actually grow to like it. (Vegemite)
6)   You actively dislike Americans, but watch their TV, eat their food and worship their idols. (No offence meant!)
7)   Democracy means the freedom to draw caricatures of John Howard. (He’s our Prime Minister, btw)
8)   Your idea of a lethal weapon is a slug gun.
9)   A posh meal = an all-you-can-eat buffet.
10)   The term "musical instrument" also extends to wobbly bits of ply-wood, hand saws, gum leafs and combs.
11)   All of your internationally famous people don't live there.
12)   You relish test cricket - the longest, slowest game in sport (and that's not even counting the replays). After all, what else gives you an excuse to sit on your bum for five days and watch TV with your mates?
13)   The only thing better than beating the Poms at ANY sport is giving them a hard time about it. (We still love yah, Spidey/Ig0r/drive/adrenaline/aranwe +  anyone I missed)
14)   You love, adore and admire a particular team/sportstar/actor on a winning streak - until they lose. Then they're just crap and 'past it.'
15)   You can compress several words into one - ie 'g'day', 'd'reckn?'
16)   You favour either Holden or Ford - or a souped-up WRX with new kit and a bootful of subwoofer. (FORD!)
17)   You know all the words to Khe Sahn but not the national anthem.
18)   Your nickname ends in 'a' or 'o'.
19)   You have a customised stubby holder.
20)   Your soap stars become pop singers and move to the UK.
21)   You've used the words - grouse, tops, ripper, choice, sick, rad, exo, ace, wicked, ballistic - to mean good.
22)   The "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oi oi oi!" chant has been a religious experience in the past.
23)   Your politicians believe that sticking the prefix 'un' in front of your nationality is an effective way of making you sit down and shut up. (UnAustralian)
24)   Our mantras are 'fair go for all', 'mateship' and 'little Aussie battler' - but we still publicly condemn those with different viewpoints to us.
25)   The barbeque is a male-dominated arena. And the women do the salads.
26)   An eight-hour trip to go camping for the weekend isn't out of the question or excessive.
27)   You insist on asking every celebrity who steps off an aircraft what they think of Australia. If the response is not overwhelmingly positive, they should be subjected to immediate public ridicule.
28)   The private lives of footy and cricket players become more important than local and national news stories.
29)   You say 'no worries' quite often, whether you realise it or not.
30)   You realise you have no Bill of Rights.
31)   The first thing guaranteed to get eaten at parties is fairy bread. (YOU DON’T KNOW HOW TRUE THIS IS!!)
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_JANE on October 12, 2007, 01:47:51 PM
That was funny, nice find!

Clearly #25 is an international thing...
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Jimmy on October 13, 2007, 01:42:41 AM
i love my vegitmite
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_JANE on October 13, 2007, 02:08:38 AM
I decided that I was going to buy some Vegemite (sp?) and went to to look for it--they have everything... Everything but Vegemite. When I typed "vegemite" in the serch field, I got a few hits: they DO have Marmite, Bovril and a book called "What's Your Poo Telling You". Regardless, I'm still getting some from somewhere.

MODIFY: I'm serious.  :PBJ:
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: on October 14, 2007, 04:02:19 PM
they DO have Marmite, Bovril and a book called "What's Your Poo Telling You". Regardless, I'm still getting some from somewhere.

Marmite's some nasty stuff, so's you might as well try that.

Alternately, here ya go: (
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Fuzion on October 14, 2007, 07:16:37 PM
I might go to Australia   :P
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Noodles on October 14, 2007, 07:23:45 PM
Australlia to me is the most beautiful continent out of all 7 continents, Lol kind of random but...  ;D
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Forseti on October 15, 2007, 04:47:34 AM
lol Wiki has an interesting history on Vegimite ( that I just read the other day after hearing "Land Down Under" and never realized it is a brewing by-product. Kinda fits with the Aussie image IMO (though having looked up what fairy bread is, that does not fit lol). Maybe you can not find Vegimite Jane is because of the US "Ban" on it lol, read the link. And what is a stubby that you need a holder for it and a customized one at that? Wiki suggests it is a beer can - if so, that is not just Aussie lol.

Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Elmo on October 15, 2007, 04:47:58 AM
Australia....  Not for the easily intimidated.

The insects kill the animals.  The animals kill anything.

They have a boxing animal...

There ants are so mean, they have a species called the "bulldog."

Now this may be rumor, but someone told me the "replicators" that are such a nusciance for SG-1 and the Asgards were made in Australia.
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_Exodus on October 15, 2007, 05:08:33 AM
Muahhahahahaha! Yes we have them and we will se tthe upon all of you! Muahahhahahaah!

What! I don't think we have replicators. Besides, the wombats would have eaten them. (not really)
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Ч Vípër on October 15, 2007, 06:41:32 AM

There ants are so mean, they have a species called the "bulldog."

Yeah i stepped on a bulldog ant and made my foot painful for about half and hour       

Nasty buggers they r Used by our Local Aborigianals  as bush stiches
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on October 15, 2007, 09:29:50 AM

32) You never had a Foster's in your life.
33) You were embarassed by Men At Work (
34) You are STILL wondering why they call it "The AMERICA'S CUP!"

 :siderofl:  :siderofl:  :siderofl:

Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Forseti on October 15, 2007, 10:31:53 AM
33) You were embarassed by Men At Work (

Bah that is what I was talking about above. I do not care what anyone says, I like that song. Of course I am not aussie and also never understood why they would not like a character like crocodile dundee. Sure he is a stereotype and maybe not even one that may fit, but he was a tough but calm and easy going guy - truly No worries mate. What is not to like. I am nothing like Clint Eastwood, but I do not mind him being one of our stereotypes and they are very similar.
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_Hydra on October 15, 2007, 04:29:05 PM
Men at work is OK. That song is their best one though :p

Yeah Mxy I didn't post the Fosters thing deliberately :P

And yes to the America's Cup one.
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on October 15, 2007, 04:38:46 PM

[Psst!  I actually LIKE that song (too), but wondered whether you folks could do so aloud and save face with your mates??  :LOL: ]

Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: The Rebel™ on October 16, 2007, 12:39:43 AM
Maybe you can not find Vegimite Jane is because of the US "Ban" on it lol, read the link.
I checked the link. It specifically says that there is no such ban on the product. I was wondering because I had a conversation with some Brits while on a trip to California about vegimite and marmite. I found it on a local stores shelf a day after that discussion. But I had no intent on trying it. However, after reading the Wiki description of it I might have enjoyed it.
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_Hydra on October 16, 2007, 12:49:44 AM
There is no official ban. However, the US has been restricting in some states coming in from Australia with tourists/relatives, or at least that is the rumor.
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: The Rebel™ on October 16, 2007, 12:52:23 AM
If you read the Wiki page that BunnyFufu posted you will see that those claims have been passed off as urban legends or rumors. But no worries bud ;)
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Fraggle on April 04, 2009, 08:58:40 AM
remember this one Hydra?
Worth a  :bump: this one... very funny :)
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: BFM_Edison on April 04, 2009, 09:52:53 AM
I had Fairy Bread when I went to Amsterdam I believe. Though I used jelly instead of butter :P
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: PR_Aussie on April 04, 2009, 12:30:50 PM

32) You never had a Foster's in your life.
33) You were embarassed by Men At Work (
34) You are STILL wondering why they call it "The AMERICA'S CUP!"

 :siderofl:  :siderofl:  :siderofl:

If we're counting MrMxyzptlik--

35) Your name is Aussie.
 :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Tåndêm on April 04, 2009, 12:34:03 PM
36) You can actually prove that the Bloomin' Onion isn't Australia's National Food.
Title: Re: You know you’re Australian when… (READ, you might learn something!)
Post by: Mith on April 04, 2009, 03:26:20 PM
Lol very interesting.  You learn something new everyday.