
General Category => General Board => Topic started by: BFM_Hydra on November 02, 2007, 04:01:28 AM

Title: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_Hydra on November 02, 2007, 04:01:28 AM
Continued from old forums -

Well this came up was hilarious.

"BFM_Hydra": <Player>*, are you planning to race tonight please?
"Grim Oswald": ...Right after the next commercial!

Then there was the old...

<Guest>: I play tennis
<Guest>:  Haha...I play football
"BFM_Hydra": I play the computer.

What can I say! It was infinity. :)

Anyone else got things to add?

*Player name removed from quote deliberately.
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Jimmy on November 03, 2007, 01:20:44 AM
Player: What is with all the bfms
BFM_Hydra:  does it matter
Player: not really
BFM_Hydra:  Where here every night, if not every second
BFM_Jimmy:  Yeah I live here
Player: Really?
BFM_Jimmy: Yeah i brought a nice sea view base on death island

On vent
BFM_Hydra Jimmy your an ideot.

I loved it
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_JANE on November 03, 2007, 02:26:34 AM
Welcome Jane Deaux
Jane Deaux:
hi =)
New001: jane do u speak french
Jane Deaux: i can enthusiastically agree to a pastry
New001: ???
Jane Deaux: oui! croissant!

I crack myself up!
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Volley on November 03, 2007, 02:43:52 PM
Welcome Jane Deaux
Jane Deaux:
hi =)
New001: jane do u speak french
Jane Deaux: i can enthusiastically agree to a pastry
New001: ???
Jane Deaux: oui! croissant!

I crack myself up!

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: ((Kàkà§hì)) on November 03, 2007, 06:13:04 PM
I was in a JR server last night and a player named Blueish Red won the race in bloodgulch:

-JR-Storg - "NJ Purple"

Short and sweet and I still chuckle about it.  :LOL:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_Mike on November 03, 2007, 06:35:29 PM
i brought mine over from old forums for those who cant see it, because they are like awesome

i had one guy who kept map walking every time he killed for a hog i said get in it he would reply with:

"The tires are flat"

"It needs an oil change"

"The clutch broke when i killed for it"

And the best one

"That hog didn't like me"
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BlazinAngel on November 03, 2007, 07:03:37 PM
BFM Admin: Plz do NOT snipe, or even pick up the sniper rifle !
Player X: But I spawned with it, I swear.  :doh:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: A41~CET on November 03, 2007, 07:15:15 PM
I was in a JR server last night and a player named Blueish Red won the race in bloodgulch:

-JR-Storg - "NJ Purple"

Short and sweet and I still chuckle about it.  :LOL:

That one took me a couple of minutes to get... LOL
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Špâin Fo®ce on November 03, 2007, 08:51:06 PM
Spain Force: This is camping driver.
 Player: I am in a hog
An opponent: There are different kinds of camping
Player: Ihd = response without meaning
Spain Force: You can read the rules in
Player: I know the rules
Spain Force: :o And because the breaks?
Player: I like to stop the hog at times to have good shooting the gunner.
Spain Force:  Aahhh ..... Ok ... :doh:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: OrbitAddict on November 04, 2007, 09:41:24 AM
BFM Admin: Plz do NOT snipe, or even pick up the sniper rifle !
Player X: But I spawned with it, I swear.  :doh:

That's happened to me before! :P Lol ;D
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Soníc on November 04, 2007, 12:19:14 PM
This one was a classic.  This one made me laugh and shake my head lol.

"bfm_Sonic": player, please do not use all caps.
"player": sry, the caps lock is right next to my "a" key.
"bfm_Sonic": :doh:

Oh, and this one is just like "wow..."

BFM_Balrog on vent: "Ok, I'm kicking player1"

player1 quit
"bfm_Sonic": kicked
"player2": me?
"bfm_Sonic": :aaaaa:

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Noodles on November 05, 2007, 06:32:45 AM
I was in a server all by myself one time and I ran across this guy who wouldnt get in a hog that was the only one that spawned at base, him and me were the only two there.

BFM_Noodles: Please get in the hog
Player: I dont want to get in the hog
BFM_Noodles: PLEASE get in the hog
Player: No you cant make me
BFM_Noodles: I dont want to ask you again
Player: FINE! Gosh its just a hog
Player2: (gunning in a rocket hog)
Player was killed by Player2
Player quit

Lol he quit because he wouldnt get in a hog and then he died.
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BlazinAngel on November 05, 2007, 02:53:42 PM
hahah noodles thats quite funny, but I always feel bad for people like that.  Often I find myself
letting someone live if I had to ask that person a few times to get in a hog and they finally did.
Still made me laugh
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Samurai X on November 05, 2007, 03:33:45 PM
I always like to yell (or type since I'm not on the vent server yet) Chinese Fire drill when we switch positions in the hog.

I also like to congrat people on good shots when the kill me, but then tell them never to do it again.  hehe

My only other excuse for being killed is that no one likes me.   :'(   lol
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Fluffy Pink on November 05, 2007, 09:29:56 PM
This was from today - one of those moments where you stop and think, "huh?"  (I actually did stop my hog for a moment, staring at the screen.)  Sorry I can't remember which BFM it was; I saw many today.  I think it was Bleach at this point but I could be mistaken.  I'm also sure this is no longer verbatim, but you get the idea.  Enough disclaimers!

BFM "Player, please stop camping."
(Player continues to camp...)
BFM "Player, please stop camping."
Player "I'm not camping you can see me!"
(moment of silence)
BFM "You're hog camping; please drive"
Player "I'm not camping.  You can easily see and kill me."

Yeah so just a misunderstanding on terminology, but it made me giggle.
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BlazinAngel on November 06, 2007, 03:45:44 PM
This was from today - one of those moments where you stop and think, "huh?"  (I actually did stop my hog for a moment, staring at the screen.)  Sorry I can't remember which BFM it was; I saw many today.  I think it was Bleach at this point but I could be mistaken.  I'm also sure this is no longer verbatim, but you get the idea.  Enough disclaimers!

BFM "Player, please stop camping."
(Player continues to camp...)
BFM "Player, please stop camping."
Player "I'm not camping you can see me!"
(moment of silence)
BFM "You're hog camping; please drive"
Player "I'm not camping.  You can easily see and kill me."

Yeah so just a misunderstanding on terminology, but it made me giggle.

Hahaha I was the admin !
Yea, he was saying since he was in plain sight that it wasnt camping.
Aperently sitting in a hog killing people as soon as they spawn isnt camping if they can see you.......   :doh:

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: ThE BrIcK on November 06, 2007, 04:16:49 PM
A classic that never gets old.

Admin - *WARNING* Please do not snipe
Player - I wasn't sniping, I no scoped you.


Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: (herd)_Ian7 on November 07, 2007, 09:04:30 PM
Okay this one might not be as funny but still I like it!
This was back when I was still in recruitment.
BFM_Orbit: Just incase you guys don't know I'm a girl.
Ian7:Wait what?
BFM_Orbit: Ya i'm a girl
Ian7: wow my world has just been turned upside down!
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: AR~Hazy on November 07, 2007, 09:06:32 PM
A guy was spam-nading the other day....his excuse?

"I had a finger-spasm."

L.  O.   L.   :siderofl:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_Octane on November 08, 2007, 06:34:33 PM
My fav classic was, for each and every warning, i got a "sorry" in reply once. Figured he were trying to play around with the admin... So i just kicked the guy (most likely wasnt racing at the time anyway). Comes back and commonly demands reason. So i just said Sorry...

Im sure i posted a log-type version of the above in another thread like this one but i cant see it on the old thread linked. Possibly another thread bobbing around?

Think the other one was,

Player: Ban me then.


Player quit

... Fun times, fun times.
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: InhaledScarr on November 09, 2007, 01:35:40 PM
*Me* " warning no chase kills
*person* " sorry either i ran him over or my cousin ran him over"
*person* " which one do you want to go with "


*Me* "No Sniping"
*person* "my dog did it"
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: VxT on November 09, 2007, 03:55:04 PM
A guy was spam-nading the other day....his excuse?

"I had a finger-spasm."

L.  O.   L.   :siderofl:

Seriously, that happens to me.

But like one nade, not a fest of em'  ;D
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Daigoro on November 10, 2007, 11:39:00 PM
k, start of Timberland and there's carnage at first flag. Blitz and I respawn at red base and head back to first flag, me driving. No enemy for miles they all got out clean. Ahead is a teammate running toward his second flag. He doesn't look back as we approach, just continues obliviously running forward. When I pull over ahead of him he just runs past and up the hill for his next flag...

Blitz: "Run, Forrest, run!"

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_Exodus on November 10, 2007, 11:40:41 PM
k, start of Timberland and there's carnage at first flag. Blitz and I respawn at red base and head back to first flag, me driving. No enemy for miles they all got out clean. Ahead is a teammate running toward his second flag. He doesn't look back as we approach, just continues obliviously running forward. When I pull over ahead of him he just runs past and up the hill for his next flag...

Blitz: "Run, Forrest, run!"


Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Jimmy on November 11, 2007, 01:07:01 AM
roflmbo that call is one of my favourites
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Špâin Fo®ce on November 11, 2007, 11:47:53 AM
Welcome Jane Deaux
Welcome BFM_Volley
Jane: Hi all
Volley: Hi all
Spain Force: Hey! do you speak french??
Jane: Oui!! ...Croissant!! ;)
Volley: Oui!! ....Croissant!! ;)
Spain force: oohh!!I also I like vegetables. :)
Jane: :o
Volley:  :o

(It is not true, it is a joke with affection dedicated to Jane & Volley)
 I hit myself  :cop: :winkgrin: :siderofl:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_Hydra on November 11, 2007, 03:26:52 PM
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Eelman on June 05, 2008, 03:16:10 AM
Continued from old forums -

"BFM_Hydra": <Player>*, are you planning to race tonight please?
"Grim Oswald": ...Right after the next commercial!

Ah the kinda thing only grim would say
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on June 06, 2008, 01:43:11 AM

"I wasn't spam-nading!"

"I only tossed like a dozen or so...."


Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: backlash84 on June 10, 2008, 02:45:44 AM

You'll be lucky if you don't get banned from the forums.

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Gunner on June 10, 2008, 03:47:58 AM
Me: Please drop the caps


Looks fine to me. Perhaps you should press the caps lock key again? :)

I love it when people type hastily :P
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Bonessi on June 10, 2008, 05:52:58 AM
hahah that's funny...
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Diehard6309 on June 28, 2008, 01:08:42 PM

Me and someone else in a server only the 2 of us

*He camps me*

Me: Dont camp please!

Them: My Driver died..

..... :siderofl:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: carl on June 29, 2008, 09:54:57 AM
idk y i just though this was funny

player- Carl
me- Wat
player- please don't chase kill
me- i didn't
player- i was throwing grenades and you went after me
me- yea so i was still continuing to my navs
player- then how did i die
me- i shot you from far away

he got real silent then.  i thought it was funny when he said then how did i die and i said i shot you from far away.  i was laughing at his foolishness. 
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Pynk Dude on June 29, 2008, 11:21:00 AM
Pynk Dude : Player...why are you walking the map?
(few moments)
Player : I give up...why?

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: BFM_Kiwi on June 29, 2008, 03:59:17 PM
on infinity, after a number of warnings had been given on the server for various things including (abbreviated) profanity, and so forth, things calmed down, then someone got shot long range:

player1 was killed by player2
player1: asdfsdlksjdflsdkfjsdffd
player1: soz about the "f"

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: GREASER on June 30, 2008, 07:27:18 AM
 ^^!  ^^!  :LOL:  :LOL:
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: ·WídgêT· on June 30, 2008, 07:43:14 AM
You know how sometimes people who try to spell lol quickly accidentally hit the next keys over instead (kik, juj, etc.) Well...

Me: kik
Player: DONT KICK ME!!!
Me: *lol
Player quit

I was between confused and on the floor laughing the rest of that match

Also refer to my rule in the funky halo rants thread, #17 I believe  :)

Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: theshadowmoose on June 30, 2008, 07:47:38 AM
lolz, mine is

Player: *bleeped out*
Bfm: please respect your fellow players
player: oh....
Player:... Can we diss ourselves, then??

Heh, can't remember who the bfm was, but I found that funny.

Ps. I'm the guy you hate to have signal you to pull over. I try not to, but my mouse is a molded one, and I find that the left click sometimetimes
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: ßlitz on June 30, 2008, 08:12:20 AM
i had one guy who kept map walking every time he killed for a hog i said get in it he would reply with:

"The tires are flat"

I have seen this reply. I actually lauged out loud.
Nothing like a little humor
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: Bowser on June 30, 2008, 04:57:54 PM
Me: (player), plz stop using the sniper.

Player: I had to!

Me: No, you DON'T have to...

Player: The rest of my guns jammed!

Me: .... get a different gun, then, but not the sniper.

Player: They're all jammed, too!

Me: Then get a hog and drive.

Player: The steering wheels are broke, and the turrets don't shoot...

Me: ....

(sigh) i never win those arguments.  ::)
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: carl on June 30, 2008, 06:16:50 PM
i had one guy who kept map walking every time he killed for a hog i said get in it he would reply with:

"The tires are flat"

I have seen this reply. I actually lauged out loud.
Nothing like a little humor

HAHAHAHAHAH i would be crying. 
Title: Re: Funny Comments/Excuses In-Game
Post by: AR~Týþhooñ on July 01, 2008, 03:46:46 PM
This cracked someone up today.

Guest: are you beta  (to someone else)

goes on like that for a bit then....

Darkedness: beta you than me  ^^!

Guess: Burrm bum bum

I've done more of these but cant remember them :P