
General Category => Questions for the Officers => Topic started by: Oblique on March 13, 2012, 01:35:46 PM

Title: Self defence---or which comes first the chicken or the egg.
Post by: Oblique on March 13, 2012, 01:35:46 PM
Racing earlier, a small tag bfm---(name withheld) was a gunner on a rocket hog. His driver was killed, and i was spilt from my hog, the gunner was still in position, i looked at him, and he killed me. When i queried it, I was told, ' that I was *going* to nade him, and it was the three second rule', even though i had not launched a nade, nor shot at him at that time, nor was I the one who killed his driver.

So the question is was i being naive (most likely---facing down a big gun at almost point blanc range)  and should have killed him outright, or should it have been, as is my take on it, that the 3 second rule only comes into effect if the gunner was under fire, and or if i had naded him, or am i missing something?

Title: Re: Self defence---or which comes first the chicken or the egg.
Post by: BFM_Elvis on March 13, 2012, 04:23:39 PM
A guest would totally be in the right to shoot you. A PR for BFM is a guest. Now a bfm is a recruit. We hold them to different standards than our guest. If he knew you had a hog and still thought you will nade him so he shot, he was in the wrong. He should have jumped off the hog and ran to drive it and allowed you to drive yours. This is assuming he knew you had a hog too. If you didnt have a hog he was within his right to shoot. He or she might not know this and is still learning. Can you please pm me the name so I can have a teaching talk with this bfm. Its not getting someone in trouble but helping teach a recruit. Please pm the name if you dont mind it will help our guest and the bfm.
Title: Re: Self defence---or which comes first the chicken or the egg.
Post by: Oblique on March 14, 2012, 01:26:58 AM
No problem, hes a good guy, just a misunderstanding it seems.
