
General Category => Questions for the Officers => Topic started by: NATURE on April 14, 2012, 05:45:25 PM

Title: to BFM admins
Post by: NATURE on April 14, 2012, 05:45:25 PM
Please make sure your admins know the difference between what is allowed and whats not ,ob this one incident  I jumped of a cliff and i fell from my geep to find an enemy walking up to me, thinking he is trying to jack my hog i threw him two grenades, got back  into my geep and keep racing, an admin called that ''camping'' :bang: :bang: :bang: :bang:, your forms describe camping as ,. Camping is loosely defined as stopping in a race, even for a brief time, to get kills., not defending your hog, i did NOT kill him, once he stopped to type that i was camping i got back into the hod and kept on racing. I hope  this misunderstanding is cleared
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: BFM_Booyah on April 14, 2012, 06:11:21 PM
I am sorry if our admins don't live up to your standards.  The admins here at BFM are actually human.  They aren't perfect nor do we require them to be.  We don't require guests, like yourself, to be perfect either by the're welcome.  We do our best to train our admins.  In fact most of our admins have been through training longer than you have been playing in our servers.  However if all of our effort is just not enough for you then I am sure you have also read THIS RULE ( "Finally, you have the right not to play on our servers."
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: NATURE on April 14, 2012, 07:23:51 PM
Yes i understand that no one is perfect, and i didn't come here to complain about it , I don't need someone to point out to me that I am free not to play on your server, that i could have figured out on my own, but i choose to do so because its one of the better servers and i wont let a silly misunderstanding get in the way of that but what angered me the most was when i tried to explain the situation to the admin he called me a ''lair'', i didn't want to  argue  about it with the admin because that was a one way ticket to getting kicked.And thank you for you sincere apologies  that your admins don't live up to me standards. My only standard is that when an admin wrongly accuses  me that i don't get called a 'liar''  when i try to explain myself or me arguing back does not get get me kicked. This post was not meant to accuse all admins of being bad or wrongly trained, im sorry if you perceive it that way, it was aimed at that one admin to clarify the misunderstanding, i wrote it generally because i forgot his/her name. Once again im sorry if you thought my post was calling all your administrators  trash.  :zoid:
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: BFM_Exodus on April 15, 2012, 03:22:24 AM
Making a post demanding that we ensure that every single one of our members understands one rule is absurd. If your intent is truly to clarify something that happened with one BFM member may I suggest that you contact that admin in a RESPECTFUL way. None of our members would ever claim to be perfect and they are more than happy to discuss rules and any of your questions with you. As the BFM may have pointed out to you during the race, our servers are not the place to have discussions or arguments. If you wish to have an extended conversation the forums is the place to have it. May I also state that your first post regardless of your intent does come across and rude and condescending. We pride ourselves in the attention to the small things that draw racers like you to our servers. Things like courtesy, consistency, honesty and just simple having friendly people. If you address the BFM in the server as you did to us in your initial post you can never expect a positive reaction and that is why it resulted in a kick, and why Booyah made such a strongly worded response to you in the first place. Show respect to those who would give the time and the money to run our servers and you shall receive everything BFM has to offer in return.
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: BFM_Booyah on April 15, 2012, 06:26:34 AM
My only standard is that when an admin wrongly accuses  me that i don't get called a 'liar''  when i try to explain myself or me arguing back does not get get me kicked.

Again, it is possible for an admin to be mistaken about a situation but, considering they have far more training in the rules than you do, it is wise to consider the possibility that you could be the one mistakenly thinking you were within the rules.  I was not there so I cannot say for sure but I have seen countless inexperienced guests, like yourself, over the years come to us with the most indignant claims of being done wrong by an incompetent admin only to find out that the guest does not know the rules nearly as well as they think they do.   By its very nature Halo race has a more complicated set of rules than most on-line video games and they can take some time to learn.  The problem is that when a guest, like yourself, all too quickly and naively adopts an attitude that they know better than the admins who have been running the servers for years, that guest stops learning all together and will probably never come to a full understanding of the rules.  You are free to think whatever you like and, in this one particular incident you may even be correct, but if you continue to think that you know better than we do about how to run a race server you will most likely be in for a lot of disappointment in the future.
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: NATURE on April 15, 2012, 09:24:23 AM
I did not demand you to make all your admins perfect, i only asked that they know the rules, how else can you be a police officer without knowing the law? But you already reassured me that they are.  My post does not state ''Your admins are not perfect, make them!'' It has nothing do do with perfectness, so i don't see why everyone is bringing it up, I didn't contact that particular admin because i forgot his/her name.  You say that you would be more than happy to discuss rules then i don't see why everyone is getting so angered by this. I posted it with an angered attitude but my post was not intended to be rude and condescending, and i don't see how it is. And i did not come in here saying i know the rules better than you admins do, i posted a detailed description of the situation, if i was wrong and it in fact was camping, just say so, don't take it so seriously, loosen up no need to be so formal

Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: BFM_Booyah on April 15, 2012, 11:30:04 AM
Wow...I don't know what to tell you.  I really don't think our point is coming across to you.  You spend that whole paragraph explaining how we misunderstood your intentions and that you weren't really demanding or telling us to do anything.  Then you end that paragraph by telling us how to do things "if i was wrong and it in fact was camping, just say so, don't take it so seriously, loosen up no need to be so formal".  Well thank you for your suggestion but I think we will keep doing things in the same way we have been doing them for the past 7 years.  I mean we have only been running the most popular Halo race clan in the world for the past 6 of those 7 years so I'm really not sure why we would think we were doing things right...but we'll take our chances anyways.
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: NATURE on April 15, 2012, 02:11:53 PM
''Well thank you for your suggestion but I think we will keep doing things in the same way we have been doing them for the past 7 years.  I mean we have only been running the most popular Halo race clan in the world for the past 6 of those 7 years'' Well thank you for bit of info, but i don't know why your telling me this, i wasn't suggesting any new way of running the clan or anything like that, i was just telling you to relax because your replies seem...angry,serous,formal, strongly worded?
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: Wic on April 15, 2012, 02:37:26 PM
Once again, you miss our point.

You ask us to be sure our admins know the rules... yet you can't even remember the name of the admin who offended you.  With 152 members, that really doesn't help us much.  I know if an admin in a server offended me as much as you seem to be, and made me as angry as it seemed to make you - so much so that I went to their clan forums to raise issue with it as you have - I promise you, I'd know EXACLTY what their name was.   Without that we have only your side of the story.  We can appreciate a guests side, but we have known our admins for quite awhile and learned to trust them... so it would be a big help if we could  have their side too.  Unfortunate that you don't remember who it was.  Perhaps he was warning you for something that happened just before the incident you described here.   Who knows?  We can't ask them so will never know.

You seem to feel you've interpreted our rules correctly, yet you were warned for abbreviated profanity in our servers and then you turned around and did it again not too long after.

You had two admins - who showed the utmost patience with you in a server - explain what race was (including what navs are) and the basic rules.  Yet a month later, when an admin was advising you that you needed to go to your navs and stop spamming nades you asked "navs? what are navs?"

As little as a week ago you complained that someone killed you with a rocket while you were in a hog (geep/jeep) and wanted the admin to "tell them not to shoot you out of your geep".

You have accused an admin of calling you a 'liar' and calling  you out for camping unjustly.  You have said you want our admins to know the rules.  I have a feeling that YOU don't understand the rules too well, given the above information.  You did not come and say "I'm not sure if I did anything wrong, can someone clarify this situation for me" or "I think maybe your admin made a mistake".  No, you came here 100% accusing the admin of being wrong, and wanting us to be sure our admins know the rules.  And  you are surprised that we respond as we have to that.

Booyah is right.  Wow.  You just don't get it.
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: NATURE on April 15, 2012, 05:42:16 PM
You came here to post false evidence agents me? Now this I DON'T get, because :
-if you haven't noticed, i stopped using abbreviated profanity
-NO ONE has explained to me what navs are, if i knew i wouldn't have asked again, Duh :doh:
-"tell them not to shoot you out of your geep" These words were NEVER typed by me

Your right about one thing, an admin did tell me what racing is, and that admin has been the nicest to talk to me so far,can someone clarify this situation for me" Clearly i stated this in the last sentence of my post, that is if you read it. And yes I did come in here thinking that i was correct, i don't know were you are getting this idea that confidence is bad. I only remembered that the admins name started with V, but with 152 members that information i useless so i decided to leave it out. If your would have remembered than that's good  that you have such good memory, may be i don't, but that's okay no one is perfect. And this whole topic is not about understanding rules, its about understanding one rule in particular, camping, that is if you read it you would know. This false evidence you based your conclusion that I don't understand the rules is not even related to camping. And yes i am VERY surprised that your responded the way you did because a response around Yes that is camping, or No that is not camping would have worked just fine for me, you must realize that i wrote my post right after the incident so i was writing it with an annoyed attitude, that was my mistake :bang: but surely you read the post were it talks about how no one is perfect and people make mistakes right? and lucky for you were are not required to be, but that does not justify responding with such aggression, hence the phrase you cant fight fire with fire, it makes you seem just as low as me. And the LAST thing i was expecting was an ******* response full of lies such as yours.Still asking that the admins know the rules is not so much to ask for, how else can a pilot fly a plane if he is not schooled? or how can a police officer do his job if he does not know what is law and what is not :siren: But i have been kindly  reassured by Booyah "most of our admins have been through training longer than you have been playing in our servers I'm guessing you didn't read that either . So please tell me what is this hidden meaning i don't get?  I will return to your servers under a different name since your servers are one of the better kind, I'm willing to put this behind me but if your not then that's on you. I hope other new comers will not face the same kind of rudeness and aggression that I did  from what seemed like a ''friendly'' clan.
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: Wic on April 15, 2012, 06:57:09 PM
Well you can say they are false.  We know they aren't.  We're good with that. 

I'll even forgive you calling me a liar.

The rest is just repetitive.

Locking this thread as you say you are moving on.

If Booyah or Exodus wish to post they can and if they wish to invite a response they can unlock it.

Enjoy your racing.
Title: Re: to BFM admins
Post by: BFM_Elvis on April 26, 2012, 11:11:32 PM
Nature, Not knowing the admins name really stops us from researching anything you have said. I get you don't remember the name and maybe so upset you didn't get the name. That does happen. With that said you have been warned over and over about abbreviated profanity. Yet you still use it. I know your upset. Please understand admins have tried to teach you how to race then you come here saying this admin was wrong with how they applied the rules. How do you expect us to know if your right if you cant name the admin? Just because you used an agitated  tone when you posted doesn't mean we dismiss your complaint. Its when you attack an admin or BFM admins say they need to know the rules and you cant name an admin. We also have to warn you over and over about abbreviated profanity. What would you do if the shoe was on the other foot?

I don't see the need for you to change your name. I just ask that you be more understanding and if you don't agree try posting your question of the rules in the Questions for Officers thread as a question rather than a complaint. While asking the question tell us you were warned told this and that. We will understand you are upset and if we are wrong will will teach the admin and apologize in the thread to you as you would deserve.  Many guest post asking for an explanation. Sometimes they understand why admins were right in how they handled the situation or sometimes we have to apologize and teach the admin. More often than not they try to cover any grey areas by asking questions so this never happens. We have the best guest and the smartest halo guest. They know this game as good as anyone and know our rules probably as good as I do and I set the rules for BFMs. Please understand we hold our BFMs to high standards and they all take that seriously. They do an AWESOME JOB! With that said. sometimes we find out an admin needs more training on the rules. More often than not a guest learns the rules. Our admins spend a lot of time learning the rules. We aren't perfect nor did you say we are. Just be understanding and take your complaint to that board. If we find you are right will will ask for the admins name so we can explain why the admin was wrong and you might have been right. If we find your wrong will will respectfully explain why you were wrong so all can see either side. Its about give and take and being understanding and not being so quick to an attitude. I just ask in the future when you post drop and profanity or abbreviated profanity. That isn't allowed on these forums. Its hard to do when your mad and upset for some people. I get that. I just ask you take the high road and follow our rules so we can best help you have fun in our servers.

I'm unlocking this thread so you can respond if you wish and someone will lock this thread in the next few days. We do hope you have fun in our servers we just ask some understanding on your part and we will offer you the sane understanding as long as we are both being respectful to each other.