
General Category => Questions for the Officers => Topic started by: Spike on July 27, 2007, 02:55:15 AM

Title: question on getting kicked
Post by: Spike on July 27, 2007, 02:55:15 AM
ok i was playin on BMF racing server 2 today and i played about...16+ games and BFM member where in and out the whole time. at the beginning of some of the BFM racing games my ping is 2000+ but iv never lagged or laged anyone els and i got kicked from the server because of my ping. and if i new who it was that kicked me i would file a complaint about the person. beacuse of someone ping docent mean that thay lag. ty for ur time and i hope i can get some light shed on thes.
Title: Re: question on getting kicked
Post by: BFM_Mr Do on July 27, 2007, 08:02:56 AM
You probably did not get kicked by a BFM member. If your ping was that bad, you probably lost connection long enough that the server itself terminated the connection. Sometimes the message on the screen will indicate that you have been kicked when really you just lost connection.

If I am wrong about this and someone actually kicked you then there would have been several warnings typed to you, and then you would know who kicked you. But we don't normally kick people out for excessive lag, and since you didn't mention getting multiple warnings I really think you probably just lost connection with the server.
Title: Re: question on getting kicked
Post by: Spike on July 27, 2007, 02:31:58 PM
well the game started and i started toward a hog. and i saw that anouher play sad that my ping was high and that i was a lagger. and a cuple seconds after that it told me i got kicked
Title: Re: question on getting kicked
Post by: BFM_Elvis on July 27, 2007, 05:32:46 PM
We normally dont kick people because of their ping. But there are times when we have no choice. When we see someones HIGH ping is causing everyone in the game to have high pings then we have no choice but to remove the player who is causing the lag. I have no idea if you were kicked. I would agree with Mr Do and say if you were then there would have been some kind of warning.

If it were me I would have asked you to try to fix your ping. If you didnt reply or what you did didnt work I would then say "Im very sorry I have to kick you but your lagging the server and I have no choice."  Never should you be kicked without someone letting you know why. If this did happen I apologize to you for BFM. We really hate to kick anyone for high pings. As said its VERY rare. If you have a high ping do whatever you can to lower it. Turn off other programs while playing. If your not lagging people in the server then you dont have to worry about being kicked. But if we notice the pings going up high for the other players then you must understand we have no choice.
Title: Re: question on getting kicked
Post by: Spike on July 27, 2007, 07:00:28 PM
ok tyvm  :)