
General Category => MultiMedia => Topic started by: Gryphon on July 30, 2007, 11:45:53 PM

Title: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on July 30, 2007, 11:45:53 PM
We've all played them, or seen them. From the word go you are just awe struck by how gorgeous it is, or how fluid game play is, or even how perfect the musical score is set to what is on screen.

Of the few that I can really say this about, Mxy and I both agree that Elder Scrolls: Oblivion gets the "Where have you been all my life gorgeous?" award. Play it on a good machine, you'll understand, trust me.

The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time gets my vote as well, for nearly everything is flawless from controls, to most deffinately the music, even the design and layout of the game. Along with that comes Assassin's Creed, due out this November, look it up, you're eyes will thank you.

Call of Duty 2. Let's just say that after the Point Du Hoc mission I had to take a break because I was emotionally drained by just how intense it was. Think Saving Private Ryan.... yes, it's that rough. Gave me a whole new level of respect for Normandy Veterans, which was sky high to begin with.

Grim Fandango, but that's because I love film Noir, jazz, swing, and Bogart  films.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Hydra on July 30, 2007, 11:55:42 PM
Woah, there are games OTHER than Halo????  :o ::) :-\ _idk_ _idk_ _idk_ :?: :?:
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Flops on July 31, 2007, 12:49:03 AM

The first video is a clip from Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War.  It's still my favorite single player game ever, as the storyline is good, the voice acting is top notch (I believe I heard somewhere that most of the voice actors are from Cowboy Bebop), the dialog is integrated seamlessly into the gameplay, the gameplay is good, and the music is awesome.  You get reports from AWACS, listen and respond to the opinions of your wingmen, listen to ally and enemy chatter, all while trying to accomplish your mission.  It's very engaging for an arcade flight sim, and I would HIGHLY recommend it.

The second video is a trailer for F-Zero GX (I had trouble finding a decent gameplay video of GP mode).  This racer still amazes me with the level of detail in the racing mechanics, level design, and just the graphics themselves.  There's moments that are truly awe-inspiring, such as on "Double Branches" where the path splits, one side flips upside down, and you speed down the track with half the field (30 total racers) directly above your head.  The insane speed, turns, jumps, loops, and huge field just make this the best futuristic racing game ever, hands down.  Oh, and the music's good too. ;)
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Hydra on July 31, 2007, 02:29:32 AM
Ace Combat 5 appears to be like a game we used to play called Freelancer. That was pretty cool ^^
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: ÞÛmª on July 31, 2007, 07:01:32 AM
Best game ever: Super Metroid, duh! I really, really like Super Metroid  (!

Best graphics ever: There was some other game I saw, but I forget it.

Best graphics for computing power: Kings Quest, for the Apple II!

And, of course, best FPS ever: Halo!

Best MMO ever: Sorry, but World of Warcraft pwns. Now if they did something about the cost...

Best RPG ever: I am personally fond of Final Fantasy: Tactics (PSOne). The first and mah personally favorite RPG. Next would be Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. Both are by the same people: SquareEnix (aka SquareSoft).
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on July 31, 2007, 08:58:14 AM
(I believe I heard somewhere that most of the voice actors are from Cowboy Bebop)

Yes, Captain Bartlet (Wardog Leader, Heartbreak 1) played Spike Speigel, and his Yuktobanian Intel girlfriend was Faye Valentine.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: A41~Møbiu§ on July 31, 2007, 09:34:20 AM
i agree with Flops Ace Combat 5 : the unsung war is one of my top favorites!!!! i highly recommend it HIGHLY! best story, game play, music and much more. I really enjoyed that game. definitely got that Whoa factor when playing it. i had stop playing seeing how i was "emotional drained" after a certain "sad mission" i don't want to spoil anything for anyone who hasn't played it yet, but those that have know the one i speak of (chopper  :( ).

other: whoa factor games of mine

Ace Combat 4: shattered skys -> game play, music, voicing acting and STORY!!

MGS:3 Snake Eater -> game play, music, voice acting, graphics and one heck of story!!

RE4 (resident evil:4) -> game play one of the best or not thee best RE games due to game play. gives you a rush facing a large number foes that are much more smarter then your average zombie. also story line and just the amount of secret missions unlocks bonus stages. this game has a high replay value.
well those are a few of my top pics.... oohh wait FF VII and  FF X great story line and game play truly awesome final fantasy games and Xeno Saga is also one good RPG series highly recommend if your looking for a good RPG (role playing game)
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_SirTaco on July 31, 2007, 10:25:18 AM
call of duty 4 i just saw the incredible graphics and tactics as my friend's brother played it
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Zoldor on July 31, 2007, 10:33:35 AM
i'd have to vote for ff7.

(and puma, i like cats, too. tastes like chicken)
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Flops on July 31, 2007, 11:32:19 AM
I find FF6 (3 in US) more engaging, as the story made more sense (you have to play FF7 twice or more to actually comprehend it all,and then it's still confusing) and the music as a whole is better than FF7.  FF7 has some good songs, but there's so many that are forgettable.  On another note, those are the only two FF's I've ever played. 8)

Super Metroid is a game I would HIGHLY recommend to anyone looking for some good action/platforming gameplay.  Also Metroid Prime.  But not Metroid Prime 2 (It's good, but it lacks something from the other Metroid games, and I can't place my finger on it).

Resident Evil 4 is an awesome third person shooter.  However, the storyline is a joke ("Hey guys, when the boss says 'capture' the girl he really means run over her with a giant mine drill, right?" _idk_), but that's not the reason to play the game.  The reason is the crazy dilemmas you find yourself in (Figure out how to unlock the door while rocket launchers are being fired at you!), huge assortment of weapons and secrets, and not to mention how you still play the game even during cutscenes.

Finally, I have to list the best 2-d platformer ever- Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES, on the GBA it's Super Mario Advance 3).  The animation and backgrounds are amazing, the gameplay is awesome (you can just complete each goal, or try to unlock secret levels by finding all the hidden items), and the bosses are just awesome.  If you never played this game yet you had an SNES, then something's wrong.

So, you may be thinking "Well, Super Mario Bros./3 is his 2nd favorite platformer, right?"  WRONG!  Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy Kong's Quest.  Tons of awesome gameplay, secrets, bosses, and really awesome music just make this another awesome platformer.  Oh, and Pirates.  Lots and lots of pirates. :arghfist::yar:

The two vids below showcase the 2 platformer's (can't show RE4, got tired of shifting through speedrun after speedrun for Super Metroid and Prime, don't feel like finding a FF6/7 video. ;))

Edit:  I need to find the MGS 1 and 2 compilation on PS2 and then get MGS3.  I've really been wanting to play this series but I get distracted by some other game.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: MrMxyzptlk on July 31, 2007, 05:53:03 PM
In addition to Edler Scrolls IV: Oblivion a few others stick out in my mind, WRT "Whoa!"-factor:

Wipeout 3: Special Edition ( had great/clean graphics for a REALLY FAST racer. (Ok, maybe not so fast by TODAY's standards!  :-\ )

Being a Computer Graphics trailblazer, I had (still have, actually!) 3D goggles! They're like "sunglasses" with a thin cord running from them to a serial-port dongle, and work(ED!  :'( ) WITH ANY GRAPHICS CARD.  (The "glass" in each would go opaque electronically alternately every 60th of a second - in sync with the Left/Right images generated by the game on screen. Hence you literally see two different perspectives out of each eye, every 30th of a second!)

These are NOT your "theatre 3D goggles," by any means!

Problem was, they only worked with games that supported that company's attempt at an Open Source 3D system, so the available games ended up pretty-much being the ones that came on its demo CD.  :'(

With a few SUPERB exceptions!:

Descent & Descent II ( were both 3D-enabled for these goggles! Now, we're talking about a game with a 3D perspective that was pretty intense to begin with! (Excerpt from Wiki article about "regular" Descent play:)

"Although the keyboard interface for moving and rotating in full 3D space is easily learned, many players initially suffered from nausea and confusion since any viewpoint became possible." (I ONLY played 3D games with the then brand new MS 3-axis Sidewinder joystick, so I had true 3-axis flight control!)

Descent II - or even the original Descent! - when played in REAL 3D is AWESOME! (And something that even the strongest stomach can only take for 15-20 minutes at a sitting!)

Shots whiz by as you dodge them and they LOOK like they're RIGHT THERE IN THE ROOM WITH YOU! (I can't imagine this setup with a monitor larger than the 19" one I played on!)

There were two other games of similar note, only because of the 3D perspective:

Whiplash (in the US) ( was what has today beceme your standard auto racing game, but this was the first with real physics and damage effects, etc. ... and worked with the 3D goggles! (And was, therefore, not NEARLY as nauseating as Descent!), and

Slipstream 5000 (, a whacky fururistic racing game where you race against others on a LAN + AI bots around a track in 3-space! (Think hoops/pylons floating in the air....)

P.S. I had three sets of these goggles so we could play multiplayer LAN (+ bot) games with these things on all our computers, too!

All of these were "Whoa!"-games when viewed in true 3D!

Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on August 03, 2007, 11:49:48 AM
I have to add Aliens Vs Predator II into this lot, because they captured the feeling of being a Colonial Marine quite well with lots of shadow and that "you are being stalked" feeling. As well as when you played as the Predator you felt like the mighty Hunter with all the kick-butt weapons, and as a Xenomorph as the cunning, stealthy and viciously brutal killer.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: AEONS on August 03, 2007, 05:49:34 PM
Everquest, definitely. It took me a while to realize how big of a game it was, and how many people played it. When it hit me, it was a "Woahhhh" moment.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Hydra on August 03, 2007, 08:25:49 PM
I hate pay to play online games ^^ Personal preference though
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Warlord on August 03, 2007, 08:31:17 PM
TRANSFORMERS THE GAME for PC is awesome ,you have to try it.  :yesyes:
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Flops on August 03, 2007, 08:37:37 PM
I hate pay to play online games ^^ Personal preference though

Do you mean MMORPG's or all online games in general? :?:
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Hydra on August 03, 2007, 10:53:00 PM
MMorpg...Some strategy games are aight, but i generally get bored after a month or  so and find a new one :P
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: FaDe on August 06, 2007, 07:22:32 AM

Metal Gear Solid for the PS1. Just for the ingenious game play alone. This game certainly made me go "Woah" was the little things really. I don't if any of you guys have played it, but there was this one boss "Psycho Mantis" an evil psychic who proved his powers by asking you (the gamer) to place your joy pad on the ground, he then began to move the joypad across the floor (all smoke and mirrors really, as it was just the rumble pack in the joypad vibrating). I was so freaked out the first time I experienced this, just one of the many encounters in this game that made me go "Woah". Hideo Kojima, the legend behind the MGS series really pushes the boundarys of gaming by breaking the third wall between game and gamer.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Wic on August 06, 2007, 07:42:41 AM
For games that didn't cost a lot and surprised me?

Blackhawk Down.  $9.99 and its amazing.  Lol.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on August 07, 2007, 09:11:53 AM
These three are from the original PS days, but were highly innovative in their design and gameplay.

The first is Parasite Eve, a combonation of Survival Horror and RPG. Combat was done in an active time, 3D battle system where you could manuever  your character to avoid attacks and give yourself a better firing position.

The second is the sequel, basically updated the system so you no longer went into a 'battle' bubble with every encounter. Also gave more flexibility with firearms and PE (parasite energies) to allow for more fluid game play.

The final one is also from Squaresoft, though it wasn't considered a hit, even though design, game play and artistic style were all brillant. It was Vagrant Story. A third person, single player RPG that has been refered to as being Midieval-Gear Solid. Attacks could be chained together to do everything from drain enemies health to you, repair your weapon, do status effects, ect. On top of that there was an incredible involve weapon creation/maintenence system where you could combine different materials to create more powerful blades that would then be attached to different mounts and given augmentation stones to change what they had an affinity to. And if that wasn't cool enough, the more you used certain weapons against certain types of enemies, the more of an affinity the weapon would get for them, and the more damage it would do. While this may seem like ove micro managing it worked seemlessly. And a ready supply of workshops with universal storage boxes made switching out blades, spears, crossbows, axes, ect an easy task for the right situation.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Coyote on August 07, 2007, 11:45:17 AM
Flops, I believe this is the video you seek.  :zoid:


As for games...

Halo. Need I say more on this one?

Quake 2. The gameplay and visuals really grabbed me and I still play it on occasion even today.

MechWarrior 3. I loved the salvage system. I honestly believe I spent more time picking through salvage than I did playing the game. The mech shop was the other best most awesome part of the game. Fav mech: Blackhawk w/ no jumpjets (make room for everything else) monocoque frame, 14-16 clan ER M-Lasers, and enough clan double heatsinks to handle a constant barrage from them. And with the monocoque frame you've got enough weight left over for some good, solid armor.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Bobob2009 on August 07, 2007, 02:59:07 PM
p.s. watch some of the vids, you'll understand
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: BFM_Exodus on August 07, 2007, 04:25:14 PM
I Agree with Gryphon and Mxy.. GO OBLIVION! Great game that, although i made myself armour that made me 100% Charmeleon so i could basically do whatever i wanted because nobody could see me :)

I remember Descent and Descent 2. Olden times. But it was very good for the time and probably lead the way for other games that followed.

Freelancer, yeah loved that one. Good alround play.

AOEs were pretty good too. Nice for Multiplayer anyway.

Transport Tycoon - It's different to all other games, more like SimCity but lots of fun. We still have it and i got a patch so it works on XP toO!
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: on October 19, 2007, 03:01:39 PM
Duke Nukem 3D and the Marathon trilogy.

That's right, I kick it oldschool.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on October 19, 2007, 03:37:46 PM
I'm going to have to add Final Fantasy XII to this list, simply because the music was wonderful, graphics had that unique style first found in Vagrant Story, plot was deep, didn't involve a teenage romance, the active time enviroment combat system frankly rocked, and the freedom to assign any character to any weapon set was wonderful. It's one of those that had such a beautiful art direction that it just had to be played. Plus it's a good 40 hours of game play, so you will get you money's worth.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Rázgrìz on October 19, 2007, 04:00:06 PM
AOE 3, love it, just the graphics suck with my onboard Geforce4..... but its still a blast to play
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on October 22, 2007, 01:22:14 PM
I Agree with Gryphon and Mxy.. GO OBLIVION! Great game that, although i made myself armour that made me 100% Charmeleon so i could basically do whatever i wanted because nobody could see me :)

Who need Chameleon when I have armor that reflects 80% damage back to the enemy. Now that's a set of armor.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: on October 24, 2007, 07:37:42 AM
I totally forgot American McGee's Alice.

Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Cr@zy on October 24, 2007, 03:50:49 PM
I gotta go with ace combat: the Unsung war, i just overly like Jet games!
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: on October 24, 2007, 04:00:27 PM

I tell ya, it was a sensation at the time.
Title: Re: Games that made you just go "Whoa...."
Post by: Gryphon on October 25, 2007, 11:00:21 AM
The Unsung War was really good, plot was excellent in it and the FMV's sure beat the static images in AC 4, of course the story telling method was different.

Of course I did like the Live action interveiws from AC Zero, not to mention the Flameco influenced musical style, particularly in the Avalon Dam battle with the Morgan.

Ps. Ace 6 review coming up soon. Hint: Is niiiiiiice, is Veeeeeery niiiiiice!