
Author Topic: Toggling AutoPlay (as specified Mxy Style)  (Read 5538 times)

Offline Tåndêm

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Toggling AutoPlay (as specified Mxy Style)
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:22:42 PM »
Mxy put in a How To Switch AutoPlay on/off on the forums, so I'm posting it here for eternity to see. (Note, there was an issue with Sony putting DRM software on people's machines without permission for "copyright" reasons, this is why the recommendations are there)

Course, I'm slightly tweaking a bit of the excess markup (to eliminate the context confusion).

0) Start -> My Computer, then RIGHT-click your CD/DVD drive's icon, and select "Properties" from the popup menu (bottom choice.)

1) Select the "AutoPlay" tab.

Turning it off: (Recommended by Mxy)

2.1) For EACH ITEM in the pulldown menu:

2.1a) Choose the item in the top pulldown list, select the "Actions"/"Select an action to perform" radio button, and then "Take no action" from the list of options (TNA is always the LAST one in any list....)

2.1b) Select the "Apply" button.  Repeat 2.1a + 2.1b for EVERY content type in the top pulldown list.

3) Once all have been set to "Take no action," "OK" out of all windows.

4) Done. Your system NO LONGER will AutoPlay ANYTHING, and you're "safe" from unwanted/unknown invasion via that device.

Turning it On: (Use with knowledge & caution)


2.2a) Choose the item in the top pulldown list, select the "Actions"/"Select an action to perform" radio button, and then select the action that you want AutoPlay to take from the list of options.

2.2b) Select the "Apply" button.  Repeat 2.2a + 2.2b for EVERY content type FOR WHICH YOU WANT AUTOPLAY ENABLED in the top pulldown list. (E.g. "Music files" might be set to AutoPlay using Windows Media Player...)

3) Once you've ENabled AutoPlay all you want, "OK" out of all windows.

4) Done.

Original post here
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Re: Toggling AutoPlay (as specified Mxy Style)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 07:28:47 PM »


Iff you're the "tweaker" type,and you want better control over Autoplay and many other "helpful(?)" Windows features, get their free TweakUI utility that lets you do all kinds of things to your Windows system!

[I use it to DISABLE Autoplay on ALL my devices much more easily and quickly than the method above (which was intended to disable autoplay for ONE device....)]

Microsoft "PowerToys" webpage
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