
Author Topic: Precious Cargo - Chapter 16 - brb  (Read 1974 times)

Offline jokerman

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Precious Cargo - Chapter 16 - brb
« on: November 30, 2009, 06:03:18 PM »
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The following story is copyrighted material and all rights belong solely to the author.  Any reproduction or republication of any or all of this publication without the explicit and expressed written consent from the author is strictly forbidden.
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Chapter 16 - brb

As the two remaining Hunters had passed through the doorway near the ramp, the Elite stood and began to quickly make his way toward his goal careful not to draw attention to himself.  Instinctively, the Elite ducked down when he heard the explosion coming from the ramp.  Cautiously looking over the devices, he saw orange blood and stringy material splattered around the doorway.  Moving to get a better view, the Elite saw the last two Hunters looking down at the headless body on the ground and heard the scream of the first as it ran to attack the Spartan.

Taking a step toward the ramp to help the Spartan, the Elite stopped.  “Fight well, Spartan.  I will not betray your trust in me and let your diversion be wasted in vain.  And will trust in you to survive their onslaught until I can return.”  

Turning, the Elite made his way to the door and manipulated the controls.  As the doors opened with a swooshing sound, the Elite rushed through.  Several ramps led down to a ledge that overlooked a large chasm.  Warily running to the opposite side of the ledge, the Elite was met with a zig zag hallway with a door on one side.  Accessing the door, a platform hovered in front of the Elite.  Jumping onto the platform and hitting the controls, the Elite began a long descent.  

At the elevator’s destination, the doors opened to a hallway that turned sharply to the right.  The hallway continued several meters and then stopped where the Elite had to turn left or right.  Standing and looking both ways, the Elite hesitated unsure of which way to go.

The Elite stepped back and crouched quickly at the sound of a growling yell.  “I will smash this unholy thing to pieces!” the voice exclaimed.  Judging the sound to be just beyond the wall in front of the Elite, he quietly stepped to his right until he could see.

On the other side of the wall, the room opened to a large almost octagonal shaped room with a Forerunner device standing in the middle.  It had a holographic display hovering above it, flashing reds and oranges accompanied by buzzing and clicking sounds.  The Elite had seen devices like this before and knew the sounds of being denied access.

Standing and cursing at the device was a large Brute with light blue-green armor.  The Elite noticed that the absence of anything ornate and the lighter colored dressings meant that this Brute was of a minor rank.  The Brute had begun to hit the Forerunner device with his Spiker, causing it to dent and spark.

Engulfed with the destruction of the device, the Brute paid no attention to his surroundings.  The Elite stealthily came up behind the Brute and while the Spiker was raised at its peak and about to descend again, the Elite grabbed the weapon and slung it several meters behind him.  

The Brute turned to his right, his mouth open in astonishment.  The Elite, taking his right hand that was now behind him for just releasing the weapon, swung hard and hit the Brute in his slacked jaw.  The Brute staggered to the left and took a single step to catch himself.  The Elite came up with his left hand and hit the Brute in the face again.  Red blood splashed out of the mouth of the Brute as he took another step back with his other foot.  With arms flung to his sides and head taken aback, the Brute’s mid section was exposed.  The Elite who was now turned to his right from the last punch put both hands together and swung hard to his left hitting the Brute in the bottom of his chest armor.  The Brute doubled over and still reeling from the surprise attack felt the Elite grab the back of his helmet at the base.  The Elite pulled off the helmet with a single movement as his knee came up to meet the Brute’s face.  The impact caused to Brute to be knocked back in an upright position with his head facing the ceiling.  The Elite then squatted down and grabbed both of the Brute’s lower legs.  Pulling the legs back and up, the Brute fell flat on his back.  The Elite removed his Energy Sword, charged his weapon, and jumped on the Brute’s chest.  

With the point of the sword at the Brute’s throat, the Elite saw a fresh cut stretching from the top left part of the Brute’s head to the bottom right of his face.  Following the scar as it went across the nose and between the eyes, the Elite knew that he did not give the Brute the new wound.  Looking down to where the Energy Sword held the Brute at bay, he noticed an Enslavement Collar around his enemy’s neck.

“I see you Brutes have returned to your barbaric practice of slavery”, the Elite said looking directly down and into the Brute’s face.

The Brute still with a look of surprise did not respond.  Then looking to the end of the Energy sword, the Brute said, “What do you care, Elite?  And who are you to judge us?  You who invaded our world and our ways, you forced us to follow you.  We were slaves to you and the Covenant.  Then you Elites abandoned the Hierarchs and the all of us.  Now, you attack us again as we try to live as we were.  You are the barbarians, Elite!  You betrayed us all!”

« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 05:26:34 PM by jokerman »
