
Author Topic: Random questionnaire (Thanks Noddu :) )  (Read 4299 times)

Offline BFM_Lemming

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Random questionnaire (Thanks Noddu :) )
« on: October 28, 2016, 11:29:19 AM »
I was reading some of Noddu's Work in Progress stories (I'm still a bit of a fan girl) and I stumbled across a fun questionnaire he posted a few years back.
Now rather than pull a thread back up from the depths of 2009, I figured I would share via a quote and see if anyone else wants to pass the time.

All credit goes to Noddu :)

Howdy all, today I applied for a job at the local supermarket and they sent me an email application with a nifty questionaire which I thought would be fun to apply to you guys... but instead os costumer complaints... about truent guests :P BFM members are not the only ones who can have a go. You guests can too.

Just copy and edit the following questionaire, with an 'X' inbetween the '[' and ']' for your answer.
And this isn't to test you or punish you... BFM's shouldn't won't be demoted over this. And this shouldn't effect anyones PRship

Here we go:
Copy and paste and fill in the bracets with an X from here:

1] A guest has entered the server and begins insulting his / her driver for unsatisfactory preformance. Would you:
 a) Tell the guest to be nice to others [ ]
 b) Agree with this guest that their driver is appauling [ ]
 c) Stop racing to suggest switching hogs [ ]
 d) Complain to a BFM that the server is out of control due to someone's poor driving [ ]

2] In relation the the question above what would be the worst option out of:
 a) Insulting the guest because he / she is showing no respect to new racers [ ]
 b) Recommend the person who isn't driving well to leave the server [ ]
 c) Tell the guest to stop whinning
 d) Team nade / rocket  or target the guest to teach him / her a lesson [ ]

3] Some one is nading from elevated areas, do you tell them to:
 a) Get down from there [ ]
 b) Ask a BFM to adress the matter [ ]
 c) Both of the above [ ]
 d) Go up there and kick his / her butt and teach them a lesson [ ]

4] A BFM you don't reconize enteres the server and purposely camps and chases. Do you:
 a) Follow their lead... They're a BFM and they must be right. [ ]
 b) Ask them to stop politely [ ]
 c) Ask anyone on Vent or another BFM to investigate this [ ]
 d) Begin to swear and believe that BFMs are hypocryts [ ]

5] The sniper rifle has been picked up  :o and someone is happily sniping players on the map. They show no sign of stopping Would you:
 a) Leave your warthog to kill them [ ]
 b) Ask a BFM to investigate straight away [ ]
 c) Jump out of your vehicle and pick up the Rocket launcher and challenge them to a duel [ ]
 d) Ask them to get down and threaten to call a BFM [ ]

6] Noddu is on Vent talking. Do you:
 a) Mute... simple as [ ]
 b) Listen to his wise words of wisdom [ ]
 c) Get a BFM to kick him out... no one wants to hear about his day [ ]
 d) A little from a) and a little from b) [ ]

7] One of the guests hasn't got any laps througout several races. Would you:
 a) Threaten to get a BFM to kick him / her [ ]
 b) Offer the let him gun you while you drive him / her around the map [ ]
 c) Insult him  / her... who cares he / she came 12th? [ ]
 d) Study their deaths to see whether they have an excuse to have not got any laps, then adress it to a BFM [ ]

Well done all you've completed this hard and time consuming test. Please post you answers below... and remember don't let any body else influence you. Chose your answers. I promise we I won't penalise you for your answers... Higher authorities might

Noddu xxxx

My answer:

1] A guest has entered the server and begins insulting his / her driver for unsatisfactory performance. Would you:
 a) Tell the guest to be nice to others [X]
 b) Agree with this guest that their driver is appalling [ ]
 c) Stop racing to suggest switching hogs [ ]
 d) Complain to a BFM that the server is out of control due to someone's poor driving [ ]

2] In relation the question above what would be the worst option out of:
 a) Insulting the guest because he / she is showing no respect to new racers [ ]
 b) Recommend the person who isn't driving well to leave the server [X]
 c) Tell the guest to stop whining
 d) Team nade / rocket  or target the guest to teach him / her a lesson [ ]

The person complaining clearly just needs hug. A sense of community. He’s only lashing out because he’s hurting on the inside, so I wouldn’t call him out. He will complain and I will be there to gently rub his back and tell him it’s all okay and to be nice so not the worst option.

The driver, on the other hand, well it’s not his fault that the complainer is being mean or hurting :(. Would be totally unfair to ask him to leave! Poor guy! You do you!

3] Someone is nading from elevated areas, do you tell them to:
 a) Get down from there [X] (with an added please ;) )
 b) Ask a BFM to address the matter [ ]
 c) Both of the above [ ]
 d) Go up there and kick his / her butt and teach them a lesson [ ]

4] A BFM you don't recognize enters the server and purposely camps and chases. Do you:
 a) Follow their lead... They're a BFM and they must be right. [ ]
 b) Ask them to stop politely [ ]
 c) Ask anyone on Vent or another BFM to investigate this [X], (sneaky-beaky like)
 d) Begin to swear and believe that BFMs are hypocrites [ ]

5] The sniper rifle has been picked up    and someone is happily sniping players on the map. They show no sign of stopping Would you:
 a) Leave your warthog to kill them [ ]
 b) Ask a BFM to investigate straight away [X] Which is really asking myself. So I guess I ask myself to sort it out? :P
 c) Jump out of your vehicle and pick up the Rocket launcher and challenge them to a duel [ ]
 d) Ask them to get down and threaten to call a BFM [ ]

6] Noddu is on Vent talking. Do you:
 a) Mute... simple as [ ]
 b) Listen to his wise words of wisdom [X] In the years I got to know Noddu, I discovered he was a great guy, an amazing writer and an even better play. Would always listen to your wise words…although I will never ask for tips when dying my hair ;)
 c) Get a BFM to kick him out... no one wants to hear about his day [ ]
 d) A little from a) and a little from b) [ ]

7] One of the guests hasn't got any laps throughout several races. Would you:
 a) Threaten to get a BFM to kick him / her [ ]
 b) Offer the let him gun you while you drive him / her around the map [ ]
 c) Insult him  / her... who cares he / she came 12th? [ ]
 d) Study their deaths to see whether they have an excuse to have not got any laps, then address it to a BFM [X]. Only fair really….I was beaten by an AFK once so…

Missin' your nod of approval, Noddu xx

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.
