
Author Topic: ***BFM SERVER RULES AND REGULATIONS***  (Read 8433 times)

Offline BFM_Chaindog

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« on: July 19, 2007, 10:09:21 PM »
SUMMARY RULES FOR REGULAR RACE   (CTF/King/Oddball/Slayer Rules link)

    * Using capital letters on the server is considered yelling and is not allowed by anyone other than admins.
    * No racist player names, or names of deities, religions, terrorist organizations or names of Evil personified
    * No profanity, vulgarity or abbreviations of the 'F word' AT ALL (See Section 1: Language Rules)

    * No verbally attacking other players, be nice! 
    * No admin abuse (See Section 2: Behavior Rules)

    * No macro text programs by non-BFM players
    * No hacks or map glitches are allowed  (See Section 3: Automation and Hacks)

    * No fragging or shooting a hog to steal it from a teammate
    * No attacking other teammates (See Section 4: Support Your Team)

    * Avoid mapwalking when there is a hog available, you MUST race with it
    * If you shoot a hog on foot, YOU must TAKE THAT HOG and DRIVE IT!
    * If no hogs you MUST race on foot until you find one (See Section 5: General Race Rules)

    * No sniping - Don't even pick up the weapon! (Rule 40 tells you why)
    * No camping  (See Section 6: Camping Rules)

The following are detailed sections of the other BFM Race Rules and Regulations that you certainly will find helpful.

(Section 7: Defending Yourself)
(Section 8: Chase Killing)
(Section 9: Special Last Lap Defense Rule)

(The Administrators)
(Your Rights)
(How can you help)
(The warning system)

    * 1st offense is a verbal warning for all players except in extreme cases of admin abuse or player abuse. NOTE: Extreme cases can go straight to a kick/ban if an admin deems it necessary.

    * 2nd offense results in being kicked from the server. If the player comes back in the room he should be warned again and told why he was kicked and told if he does it again he will be banned. Any player kicked or banned may apply on the forums to be reinstated.They should explain what happened and the leaders will vote on reinstatement.

    * 3rd offense is a ban from the server. Once banned the only way to be able to play on the bfm server would be reinstatement by posting on the forums. Then as stated above the Leaders will vote on reinstatement. We dont want to ban anyone unless its just the last resort and we have no other choice.

NOTE:  When you are banished from a server, we don't ban your IP address or your name, we ban your entire Halo CD Key Hash.  So simply changing your name or re-installing Halo will NOT get you unbanned.

Most of the rules are pretty easy to follow, but camping can have different meanings to other people. So we encourage you to read the full detailed rules in all of the links above.

Most of all, have fun!

Chaindog (c) 2006
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 11:36:19 AM by BFM_Fuzzy »
"May you never cheat, lie, steal, or drink....if you must cheat, cheat death..if you must lie, lie in a loved ones arms...if you must steal, steal kisses...and if you must drink, drink with us yo!"

NOTE:  I've currently returned from serving in various Middle East combat zones.  Wow, just realized how many years I've been hanging with BFM, since near the beginning!  :Chaindog:

Offline BFM_Chaindog

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    • Hades Star:  Stargate Corp
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2007, 10:10:07 PM »

    * Sniping IS ALLOWED
    * Camping IS ALLOWED

    * Using capital letters on the server is considered yelling and is not allowed by anyone other than admins.
    * No racist player names, or names of deities, religions, terrorist organizations or names of Evil personified
    * No profanity, vulgarity or abbreviations of the 'F word' AT ALL (See Section 1: Language Rules)

    * No verbally attacking other players, be nice! 
    * No admin abuse (See Section 2: Behavior Rules)

    * No macro text programs by non-BFM players
    * No hacks or map glitches* are allowed  (See Section 3: Automation and Hacks)

*Examples for glitching: On Danger Canyon map.....there is a glitch that allows a player from either base to walk through the wall and appear at the back of the other base....without having to go around the map.   
On Blood Gulch map....There is a glitch behind red base that allows a player to end up way up on the outside walls and that player can then just sit and snipe away at other players down on the map floor.

If players are caught using these or other glitches, they will be removed from the game.

BOOTING PROCESS  (for further explanation of this process click here)

• 1st offense is a verbal warning for all players except in extreme cases of admin abuse or player abuse.  Extreme cases can go straight to a kick/ban if an admin deems it necessary.

• 2nd offense results in being kicked from the server. If the player comes back in the room he should be warned again and told why he was kicked and told if he does it again he will be banned.   Any player kicked or banned may apply on the BFM forums to be reinstated. They should explain what happened and the leaders will vote on reinstatement.

• 3rd offense is a ban from the server. Once banned the only way to be able to play on the bfm server would be reinstatement by posting on the BFM forums. Then as stated above, the Leaders will vote on reinstatement. We dont want to ban anyone unless its just the last resort and we have no other choice.

NOTE:  When you are banished from a server, we don't ban your IP address or your name, we ban your entire Halo CD Key Hash.  So simply changing your name or re-installing Halo will NOT get you unbanned.

Chaindog (c) 2006
"May you never cheat, lie, steal, or drink....if you must cheat, cheat death..if you must lie, lie in a loved ones arms...if you must steal, steal kisses...and if you must drink, drink with us yo!"

NOTE:  I've currently returned from serving in various Middle East combat zones.  Wow, just realized how many years I've been hanging with BFM, since near the beginning!  :Chaindog:
