
Author Topic: Questions regarding hogs going the wrong way.  (Read 2313 times)

Offline Lord Newbie

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Questions regarding hogs going the wrong way.
« on: July 26, 2007, 05:05:38 PM »
I have a few questions regarding when you are gunning/riding passenger for a driver who is going the wrong way:

To summarize:  should I fire from a moving hog that is travelling the wrong way?  But wait, I don't think it's that easy;  here are some of the situations that make the answer to this question difficult to me; I am also including what I believe to be my best common sense answer to these questions (CSA's), so please correct me if I am wrong!

1.  When you first get into a hog, and it immediatly starts going backwards, should you fire?
  CSA 1.  As long as it is reasonable to believe that the driver is going backwards to get his next waypoint it is acceptable to fire.

2.  When your driver turns after the lap point, when it is NOT acceptable to turn, should you fire?
  CSA 2.  NO.

3.  If you driver turns at the wrong time (as in #2) and you/someone else informs him of the error and he again turns back to the correct way, Can you fire as soon as he turns back forward or wait till you reach the lap point again?
  CSA 3.  IDK;  I typically try to wait, but if I come under fire, after turning back forward, I will typically return fire.

4.  If you get in with a driver that is obviously trying to chase kills, should you fire?
  CSA 4.  NO.  And infact I think you should ask the driver to stop/warn the other team and/or any admins in the game that this is occurring; and if it continues; get out of the hog(in order to continue racing).

5.  If you driver appears lost, should you fire while you are WAY off track?  (I see this more when a new map is introduced in CE)  the most common example of this in regular Halo race is the begining on Danger Canyon, when drivers from the blue base forget to turn around at the lap point.
  CSA 5.   :-\  Not sure on this one...

6.  If you see an enemy hog going the wrong way and the enemy gunner/passenger apperently holding fire due to the unfairness of fireing, should you hold your fire?
  CSA 6.  If you are sure of this situation it would be nice to hold fire;  however practically it is VERY difficult to be sure that the gunner/passenger are not just distracted, and will open up very soon, so practically it would be hard for me to be convinced enough that they are holding fire, to not fire.

Thanks in advance!!   

Lord Newbie

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: Questions regarding hogs going the wrong way.
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 02:21:16 PM »
You are doing a very good job of finding the grey areas in our rules newbie.  As I read your questons and you are thinking out loud with your answers, it becomes perfectly obvious to me that you have a very good handle on the spirit of our rules.  The grey areas you are finding are just that grey.  Our rules will not be able to strictly cover many different situations and it becomes necessary for us all to look at each situation individually and determine if the players are indeed "trying" to race honestly.  The answers you gave were all spot on.  Even #5  ;D.  All you can do in these situations is do what you think is right according to what you know about our server rules.  You and all other guests who try honestly to do what is right will not find themselves in any long term trouble with the admins.  Situations like these are few and far between for most honest players and we admins know that.  Those players who find themselves in these situations several times per map have other issues.  Keep up the good work newbie.

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Offline BFM_Elvis

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Re: Questions regarding hogs going the wrong way.
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 05:43:49 PM »
1. Your right in firing

2. Once again correct

3 Personally I see no reason why you cant fire as soon as he turns around. It was just a mistake. There was no intent to chase down anyone etc. So once your headed in the right direction it is fair to fire.

4. Your correct again. I do the same as you. I first tell the driver that I cant shoot if your camping or chasing killing etc. Of course if that doesn't work then a warning and we proceed by the admin rules. If I weren't an admin I would do the same as the first part then eventually leave the hog as you have stated you would do.

5. I think it would be fair to fire. If another hog sees you they will fire at you. Again its really about intent. Of course there is no way you can know for sure the drivers intent but sometimes you really get the feel for what he is trying to do. So if you feel he is just lost etc then I think its fair to fire.

6. I agree again. There is no way you can know that the guy isn't going to fire on you. Matter of fact shooting him might be doing  him a favor. If he is lucky you will kill the driver only. Hopefully the driver will then learn that what he is trying to do isn't going to work.

I really thank you for these questions. I also welcome anymore that you have. I think this is really good for teaching more of our guest the rules and the intent of the rules.

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: Questions regarding hogs going the wrong way.
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2007, 08:41:39 PM »
I had some guests pose questions to me about your question #2 newbie.  For the benifit of the public who may not know about the rule that we nick name "turning".  the last lap defense rule as described in the official rules.

"Compared to war, all other forms of human endeavor shrink to insignificance." - General George S. Patton Jr.
