
Author Topic: *READ ME* All about sigs comprised thread. Tutorials and guidelines.  (Read 14501 times)

Offline Igor

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The following thread contains a composition of tutorials (TUT:'s) and guidelines/restriction regarding forum signatures and images.

Quickfind: Links to topics.

Adding an avatar  By d3struct.

Uploading a signature/image By d3struct.

1) TinyPic Edition
2)ImageShack Edition
3)Photobucket Edition

Adding a pre-uploaded image to your profile By H@ngm@n.

WARNING: Image size! By H@ngm@n, Contact and Warlord.

Giving credit to the creator By H@ngm@n and Hazy.

Arranging multiple images/sigs By H@ngm@n.

Policy - Posting of personal information and pictures. Important. By Booyah.

A big thank you to the people who contributed to the content to this thread, there names are posted with relevance to the posts. If you have a Tutorial and would like it to be added, please PM Me and it will be reviewed and considered.
Thank you.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 04:49:22 AM by BFM_LËÕ »
~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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TUT:How to add an avatar to your profile
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2008, 09:24:16 AM »
Original post by d3struct.

~ Welcome to my tutorial. In this basic step by step tutorial, I will try to explain, as best as I can, how to get a avatar, moving or still, and then insert it onto your profile. I have tried to make it as easy to understand by using pictures as well as explaining it ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A AVATAR SKIP STRAIT TO STEP 3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Step 1 - Ok first of all go to: Google

In the box provided type in something to do with avatars like:

  • Cool Avatars
  • Forum Avatars
  • Moving Avatars

etc... Something along those lines :P I'm sure you will find a site that you like..
((For this tutorial I have typed in 'Cool Avatars'))

Then click Enter :P

A list of sites will come up, pick one you like.

Next Search the site until you find an avatar that you like..

When you have found the one you like, right click it and click properties..

Step 2 - Something like this should show up...

Copy and paste the images location. (for the image you like) (ctrl + c) ---- (ctrl +v)

For those of you using a mac, all you need to do is [Ctrl + Click] the image you want to get a small menu up. Then go to "Copy Image Address".

~~ALSO~~ If you are comfortable with being able to do this without seeing the code, (if you are using Firefox) you may right click on the image and "copy image location" and this will work the same way!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU HAD AN IMAGE ALREADY, START HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Step 3 - Next go to your BFM page... and click profile, up the top..

Step 4 - Then on the side bar, click 'Forum Profile Information'

Step 5 - Now a page like this should open:

Where I have circled is where you paste the image location, that I told you to copy before..

You then scroll down and click 'Change Profile'..

You are done.. Hope this helped..

~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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TUT:How to upload an Image or Signature.
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 09:26:07 AM »
Original post by d3struct.

Welcome to my Thread!!
In this thread I will try my best to explain how to upload images using a few websites, instead of just the one that I had when this thread was first made. This thread is there for people who are new at uploading images to any site or forum. I hope that this does indeed help a few people, it has taken quite a bit of time to create and I'm trying to put a lot of effort into it, so it is an easy, step by step tutorial, for as many image hosting sites as possible. At the moment, the websites that I am making a tutorial's on are:

  • TinyPic My Rating = Best
  • ImageShack My Rating = Second Best
  • PhotoBucket My Rating = Worst Of The Three >>Thanks BFM_Spidey For Reminding Me Of This One<<

The tutorials appear in the same order in this thread as they are shown above.
These are probably the biggest image uploading sites, so that is why I have chosen them. I am constantly making new edits to each one, trying to improve them as much as I can. I hope that at least one of the current three help you out, if they don't or if you have an idea for any of them, please feel free to personal message me. I also apologize for the time it takes to load this page.

You may wonder why I have given you my rating?
Well I have based it on how easy, I believe, it is for the person wishing to upload the picture.
I have ranked TinyPic the best because the code you need is right there, in the tags, ready to copy and paste strait onto your post or topic.
I have ranked ImageShack in second because when I first looked at all the codes (not thinking of scrolling down), I was posting images and at the bottom it would say the size of the image, until I actually found out that all I had to do was scroll down, however you still need to add the tags when you try and post the image.
I have put PhotoBucket in third position simply because you have to create an account and when you are looking for a quick website to upload your images, you will not be bothered filling out a registration form.

**Note To Moderators** Please feel free to edit anything if I may have done something wrong, like given credit to the wrong people. Thanks

~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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TUT: How to upload a image ~TinyPic
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2008, 09:27:36 AM »
--------------------------------- Welcome to the Tutorial Number 1 ----------------------------------
This Tutorial is based on the Image uploading site: TinyPic

~ In This Tutorial I Will Pressume that you have an Image already and saved ~

Step 1 - Once on the page click browse...

A file box will open, it would normally open in your 'My Documents then My Pictures' folder.
Once you have located the image file either double click, or click once and then click select down the bottom.

Step 2 - Ok now in the Browse box there should be a url that leads directly to the image that you wish to upload.

Step 3 - Click the big green box that says 'Upload Now!'

Step 4 - The options should all dissapear and you should see words that say 'Uploading..... Please wait'

Step 5 - Ok once it has uploaded the screen will update again and will look something like this:

Grab the code that is wrapped in the tags [ img] and [/ img] (the one i have circled)

Now that is the code that you put when you are posting a comment or a topic :D

If you have followed this tutorial and are still having problems, please read 'Tutorial 2'.. Thank-You  ;D

~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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TUT: How to upload a image ~ImageShack
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2008, 09:28:44 AM »
--------------------------------- Welcome to the Tutorial Number 2 ----------------------------------
This Tutorial is based on the Image uploading site: ImageShack

~ In This Tutorial I Will Presume that you have an Image already and saved ~

Step 1 - Once on the page click browse...

A file box will open, it would normally open in your 'My Documents then My Pictures' folder.
Once you have located the image file either double click, or click once and then click select down the bottom.

Step 2 - Ok now in the Browse box there should be a URL that leads directly to the image that you wish to upload.

((Note, Because I am teaching you how to upload an Image, the circles above the area where a location for the URL is, has been left on its default of 'Image'..))

Step 3 - Click the box with the orange border that says 'Host it!'

Step 4 - The box that says 'Host it!' will change to 'Uploading...'

Step 5 - Now the page will change, YOU MUST SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE, and it will look like this:

Grab the code that I have circled!

Step 6 - Now when you are posting your 'reply' or 'topic' copy the code that was in the box that I circled in step 5:

Step 7 - When the code is where you want it, Highlight it and then click the button that wraps the text in the [ img ] and [ /img ] tags. As shown below.

This will wrap the URL in the tags and will now be an image!!

Now I really hope at least one of these first two tutorials helped :P If not move onto 'Tutorial 3'.. Thank-You  ;D


~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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TUT: How to upload a image ~Photobucket
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2008, 09:29:30 AM »
--------------------------------- Welcome to the Tutorial Number 3 ----------------------------------
This Tutorial is based on the Image uploading site: PhotoBucket

~ In This Tutorial I Will Presume that you have an Image already and saved ~

---------------------- PLEASE NOTE!! I START THE TUTORIAL ALREADY LOGGED IN! ----------------------

Step 1 - When you are in your own profile album, you will see something like this:

Click the box that I have circled, that says 'Choose Files'.
A file box will open, it would normally open in your 'My Documents then My Pictures' folder.
Once you have located the image file either double click, or click once and then click select down the bottom.

Step 2 - Ok now as soon as you click 'select' or have double clicked on the image that you wanted to upload, it will automatically upload:

Step 3 - This should not take to long, the page will update, and it asks you to fill up some things on the picture (eg Tags, Title and Description):

Step 4 - Then click the blue rectangle down the bottom that says 'save and continue':

Step 5 - Once it has saved, the site will automatically take you back to the uploading site. At the bottom, it will show you the picture that you have just uploaded:

Grab the code in the 'direct link' box that I have circled!

Step 6 - Now when you are posting your 'reply' or 'topic' copy the code that was in the box that I circled in step 5:

((Please Note, The URL in the pictures in step 6 AND 7 are taken from another tutorial of mine, just ignore this please, just put your 'direct link' there, that I showed you in step 5))
Step 7 - When the code is where you want it, Highlight it and then click the button that wraps the text in the [ img ] and [ /img ] tags. As shown below.

This will wrap the url in the tags and will now be an image!!

If you are still having trouble uploading your image, or putting it in a post please post a 'reply' or 'person message' me.. Thank-You  ;D

~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

Offline Igor

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TUT: How to add an Image/Signature to your profile.
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2008, 09:31:41 AM »
Original post by H@ngm@n

Here is a brief run down on how to add a signature to your profile.

  • Create an image (or submit a request to have a sig created for you here in the All About Sigs section) that you wish to use as your signature.  Keep in mind that overly large images will need to be reduced in size. 
  • Upload the image to an image hosting service, such as >>PHOTOBUCKET<<
  • Copy the URL for your image.
  • Go to your profile (here on the BFM forums) and then click on Forum Profile Information, as seen in the images below:

  • Scroll down until you see the Signature area, pictured below.
  • Type the img tags, as seen inside the code box below, into your signature box.  Don't forget to add the brackets!!!  Your copied code from your image hosting service will go where the X's are.
Code: [Select]
  • Continue scrolling down until you get to the bottom and click on the Change profile button.
  • Voila!  You're done!
~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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WARNING: Image Size
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2008, 11:22:44 AM »
Original post's by H@ngm@n and Contact.

Please remember to be considerate when posting signature images.  There are a few who have sigs that are very large or have so many that people are litterally having to scroll past an entire page just to get to the next post.  This would also include sigs that are either too wide or sigs that are placed side by side.  This causes the page to have to use a side scroll bar and forcing people to have to scroll to read an entire post.

If you don't know how to scale down your sigs, get with the person who created it for you and have them do it, please.

Can I add to this please be careful with the size of your images too.

We have a number of forum members who have way too many or too large (height/width and megabytes) pictures.

Please be considerate, not everyone has a fast connection or unlimited bandwidth.   We do not want to have to go to the exterme of restricting sizes.


If your sig size is entirely to big it will either be automatically removed and a PM sent as to why or edited to fit.Also remember to never put anything up in your sig that can be remotely offensive to anyone.I have seen people do this unintentionally.If you see a sig that falls under these categories please PM me so I can look into it.Thank you very much for everyones understanding in this matter.  :)
~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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Giving credit to artists.
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2008, 11:25:35 AM »
~Original post by H@ngm@n
When using a sig that has been created by somebody else, please give credit to them for their time and efforts.  The sig makers use thier personal time to create these wonderful works of art and it is only fair that they are recognized in some way. 

Some tips:
  • Somewhere near the sig/image, a brief thank you to the creator
  • Post a thank you in the thread where you requested the sig.

Please do not download a copy and then upload it to another file hosting service unless you have the creator's expressed permission.  It looks bad on your part and may offend the person who created the sig in the first place.

Reply by Hazy.

Please do not download a copy and then upload it to another file hosting service unless you have the creator's expressed permission.  It looks bad on your part and may offend the person who created the sig in the first place.

This is very important.  A lot of you have worked very hard on images and sigs, please be sure you ALWAYS ask permission to use someone else's images.  Thanks!
~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

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TUT:Manipulating signature arrangement
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2008, 11:26:45 AM »
Original post by H@ngm@n.

We have some incredibly awesome sigs being made by some very good artists.  However, we seem to have a problem from time to time with multiple images, on the same line, causing the web browsers to create a scroll bar due to width.

Here's how to fix the issue:


Side by side:
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]


Image centered in screen: (add the [center ] tag at the begining of the line and [/center ] tag after).
Code: [Select]
« Last Edit: August 23, 2008, 11:54:20 AM by BFM_Igor »
~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~

Offline Igor

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Posting of Personal Information including Photographs
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2008, 02:20:58 PM »
Original post by Booyah

New Policy - Posting of Personal Information including Photographs

In order to try and protect our members and guests from unwanted attention can everyone please refrain from posting any personal information, including photographs, which could be used to identify you.

Please do not post any information including your real name, address, telephone number, school name, MySpace addresses, photos (of you or your family showing faces) or anything else uniquely specific to you.  This policy is to be applied to all forum boards.  Moderators have been instructed to remove/modify any posts which contain such information and warn the individual concerned.

Please also use caution when dealing with Xfire, MSN, Ventrilo or any other VoIP or instant messaging programs.

And just a reminder of some basic Internet safety protocols:
•   Never give out identifying information — home address, school name, telephone number or photos
•   Never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you “meet” on the Internet
•   Never respond to messages that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent, threatening, or make you feel uncomfortable.  Please report any such message to an officer immediately (there is a ‘Report to Admin’ link at the bottom right of every PM with other forms of communication please contact and officer via PM or Vent as soon as possible).
•   Remember that people online may not be who they seem. Because you can’t see or in some cases even hear the person it would be easy for someone to misrepresent him- or herself.
•   Remember that everything you read online may not be true. Any offer that’s “too good to be true” probably is. Be careful about any offers that involve you going to a meeting, having someone visit your house, or sending money or credit-card information.

If you have any questions in relation to this policy please direct them to the officers via the Questions for Officers board.
~Former BFM Sergeant ~
~ Arrived 20/08/2007 - 23/11/2009 Departed... ~
