
Author Topic: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)  (Read 5259 times)

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #15 on: November 09, 2008, 08:39:55 PM »
The landscape was breathtaking, and at first, it made Keara forget all about the horrors, the screams, the dull numbness and exhaustion that seeped through her. It was a mixture of blues, greens, and flamingo pinks on the horizon. A sun was setting to the west, and it's rays threw a brief glimmer of warmth to Keara's body, and then faded, leaving her in the same dejected state she was before. The landscape was  rough and jagged, and had a rough beautify to it. She frowned, and could barely make out in the fading light a mountain range to the east. They were breathtaking in the fading hues of the sunset, but at the time, Keara had no time to admire the scene. Mountains meant caves. Caves meant shelter, and if there was a cave, there was usually a river somewhere at the bottom, that had worked steadily for eons to carve out the designs and the interior of the caves, never ceasing, never slowing, just the steady rush of water. Keara shook her head.
“I need to get there, not sit here thinking about it.” She reprimanded herself.
 She gunned the 'hog, and raced of to the hills. It began getting colder as the sunlight completely dissipated, leaving no light except the lone light that was intact on the 'hog, and that one was flickering. It casted spooky shadows over the dips and turns of the landscape, and set her already fragile nerves on edge. She watched nervously at every rock that loomed, every alien plant that appeared in her view, her imagination, plus the horrors of the last few hours were making it a nightmare. She sucked in a nervous breath. She needed a place to bunk for the night. She couldn't take anymore of this, and she could feel her fear rising at every moment. Then the disaster befell her. There was a sickening screech, a bone-rattling crunch, and the silence that followed. Keara was draped over the wheel unconscious. She didn't remember much. There was the vague memory of voices, strong hands carrying her, a warm fire, and many voices. Not spongy sounds from the horrors of the ship, but the normal, refreshing sounds of unchanged humans. She then lulled off into a nightmarish half-sleep, tossing and turning until daylight. She awoke with a start.
“Hello gorgeous!” said a masculine voice. “Good to see your awake.”

« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 09:03:59 PM by BFM_Bowser »

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2008, 01:26:39 PM »
Bio:  Boone "Maverick" Jackson
Gunnery Sergeant
England, Earth

Outside: Medium muscle build, 6'2"(188 cm), African descent.
Has a long scar under his chin going from the right to the bottom-left side of his neck.

Inside: A born leader, he tends to choose his own path rather than to stick to the norm.  Has an aptitude for weapons and can use them in creative ways if necessary.  Has a family history in the UN Armed Forces.  Likes women, and had 4 girlfriends before deployment.  Was promoted to Gy Sgt. early on, due to his brilliant tactical skills.

Keara folds over the blanket, sits up, and comes face to face with this man.  "Get a good sleep?"  He asked.
Keara slowly nodded.  She looked down and saw that her left arm was in a makeshift sling.  "What luck," she thought.
She then looked up at the man sitting next to her.  He has several cuts and bruises all round his body, and as she looked around, many of the other men did too.
"The name's Jackson, Boone Jackson.  But you can call me 'Maverick.'  That's what my platoon calls me.  These men here are the remaining members of that platoon.  Oh, I assume you have a name as well?" he said, raising an eyebrow.
"Er..." She starts thinking, ignoring the question.  Maverick, I know I heard that name somewhere...
One of the guys whispers, "Crikey, she must've hit her head.  She can't remember her name..."
Keara quickly snapped back to the present.  "Keara, it's Keara," She exclaimed.
"Well, Keara, welcome aboard the 46th platoon of the UNMC," Maverick exclaimed proudly.

It all came back to her.  Maverick was the leader of the famous 46th platoon.  These men were the best in the Marine Corps, and coupled with their leader, "Maverick" Jackson, They were even better.  Their experience was great, and each member contributed to the success of each mission they did.  These men were like gods in the eyes of their worshipers.  They have seen heck and lived.
Until a few months ago, they were the best.  The entire platoon vanished during one of their missions.  No contact has ever been made with the 46th since.  The day before Keara's crew departed on their mission, the 46th platoon was disbanded by the UN and its members were given a symbolic funeral.

As Keara recalled, the platoon had around 50 members.  Here, as she looked around, were only 5 men altogether.
"You guys are the 46th platoon?" She asked.
"Yep, the best of the best, at your service." Maverick bows to Keara as he says this.
Keara never thought she would be face to face with a group like this.  Her heart started to rush, her mouth was filled with questions that she wanted answers to.  But before she could speak, Maverick pounced.
"You had a hog, right?  How did you not get seen?"
"What?  By who?"
'The Covenant!  They've been scouting this entire planet over, trying to find us.  You're saying that until now, you saw nothing out there?"
"No, since I left the ship, you guys are the first creatures I've seen."
"The ship?  You came in a ship?"
"How else would I have gotten here?" She asked sarcasticly.
"Was anyone else with you?" Maverick asked quickly.
"Yes, but we crashed here, and as far as I know, no one else survived.  I'm the only survivor."
All the heads bowed down in sorrow.
Maverick spoke: "Well, if you survived and made it here without seeing Covenant, It might be clear enough for us to leave.  We can use the communication devices in your ship to send out a distress signal.  Hopefully a nearby navy ship will get the signal and rescue us."
"Hold on, there's something else you should know," Keara said.
"First off, you said the Covenant were scouting this planet, right?  They could still be here and may intercept the signal."
Maverick smiled. "There's a frequency that the Covenant seem to not know about yet.  So far all of the UN distress signals sent on that frequency have avoided the attention of the Covenant fleets.   If we set the transmitter to that frequency, we should be able to send out a call without the Covenant knowing our position."
"Okay, then.  The last thing I want to say is: You don't wanna go to the ship." Keara said disapprovingly.
"Why not?" Maverick inquired curiously.
"Just trust me.  You don't wanna go there." Keara made sure that Maverick and his crew knew the implied horrors on that ship, just from this statement.

(Bios on the remaining 46th platoon)

Bio: Jimmy Alteirs
Corporal, Weapons Expert
New Sydney, Io (Moon of Jupiter)

Outside: Small build, 5'10"(178cm), brown hair, slim, keeps his hair tidy.

Inside:  Loving, caring, deep in his faith.  Keeps a picture of his wife and 2 kids in his pocket at all times.  He initially did not want to joined the Armed Forces, but when the Covenant killed his brother in combat, he was determined to give the Covenant some payback.  Since joining he has become adept at using various weapons and holds all the ammo for the platoon as of now.

Bio: Rollin Rodan
Private First Class
New Athens, Mars

Outside: Heavily muscular build, 6'4" (193cm), uniform sleeves are ripped off, showing off bulky arms, always has a stern look on his face.

Inside: Despite his appearance, Rollin is a very kind man.  He has a habit of punishing himself for every mistake that he makes, which would account for most of the bruises he has obtained.  He had to join the Armed Forces, otherwise his parents would put him to work at the family business, where he continually had to sit around taking orders.  Rollin has never lost a fist fight, arm wrestle, or any other contest of physical strength, and his strength rivals that of the Covenant Elites.

Bio: Nickolas Cabrerra
New Mexico City, Venus

Outside: Light build, 5'8" (173cm), Hispanic descent, rebellious style of dress and looks.

Inside:  Nickolas came from a poor section of New Mexico City.  His father, a police officer, enlisted Nick in the Marine Corps, hoping to change his rebellious attitude.  He was placed in the 46th platoon with Jackson.  Jackson quickly saw the rebel inside Nick and tried to tame it.  Within a matter of days, Nick became obedient.  Although when not in action, Nickolas sometimes reverts back to his old self, but he still shows respect to his platoon and Jackson.  Nickolas is knowledgeable with weapons and is the perfect man to put in the front line.  He gets irritated everytime the guys called him "Nickie," And would much rather be called by his full name than this affectionate nickname.

Bio: Alan Truesdale
Private First Class
Necroville, Pluto

Outside: Medium build, 6'0" (183cm), african descent, very defined jaw and face, growing a thin beard.

Inside: The oldest of the survivors, he acts like a senior officer of his group, despite his rank.  He recently enlisted into the Marine Corps, to hopefully be with his 2 sons, who are also marines.  All three of them were in the 46th Platoon, but unfortunately he was the only survivor.  He still has flashbacks of his sons and wishes they were with him.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 05:36:36 PM by BFM_Goalie »
You blame me?  Remember it had to get past 10 other players before I saw the ball.

Thanks to Spidey for this sig!                                                                                                                  .

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #17 on: November 21, 2008, 04:01:58 AM »
*hello remember me xD|*
Keara looked over each of the men in front of her. most were older then her by a good few years, apart from one man who seemed younger then everyone else in the cave. slowly she sat back while the men began to talk between themselves. from the look of it, they had sorted out most of her injures and though the pain was still there, it was dull and less sharp. however a headache still clawed at her helpless brain, and her eyes were slightly heavy from the sleep she had only just woken from. she lifted her hand up to face and rubbed at her eyes, brushing away any of her spiky brown hair which hung over her eyes. as she did this she let her fingers trace a cut just under her eye, running horizonatily along her cheek.
the very touch from fingers, made the cut burn with rage. her fingers recoiled as if seared by a flame.As her lips parted in shock, her lungs sucked in a painful gasp. her eyes began to water at this, which confused her slightly but she pushed it side, the pain did not last long but Keara's eyes still watered slightly.
wrapping the perect black and gold bride,which hung down from her hair, in her fingers. she began to think, her mind running through everything which had happened to her. then a sound brust into her ears. the very sound caused her to tighten her grip on the fine intertwined thread in her fingers. her lips began to quiver like rose petals in a soft breeze and she fell still, the little colour remaining in her cheeks at this point slowly draining away to leave her skin pale and sickly, almost cold to the touch. the sound which rang in her ears, was a scream full of pain,fear and hate. the voice though was unmistakable.
"Victor" she whispered to herself not even realising she had spoken, her voice came in little more then a whisper, but it was enough caused a few of the men to stop and look at her.
the ice blue eyes, once again hiden by golden fringe had seemed to had glaced over, starring at nothing but the space which lay front them. the picture of the door sealed shut flashed up infront of her eyes, Victor's voice screaming from inside. "he could have gotten away" Keara whispered "he didn't need to do that, so why? why would he do that?"                                                               

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #18 on: December 13, 2008, 08:49:16 AM »
Keara's thoughts were brushed away as Sgt. Jackson stomped over. She quickly looked up and angrily brushed away the tears that were forming in her eyes, threatening to roll down her cheeks.
“He's dead.” She thought numbly. “There's nothing I can do. I can mourn later, after we leave this cursed planet.” Sgt. Jackson knelt down beside her.
“Miss Keara-” He began. Keara was quick to cut his sentence in two.
“Just Keara is fine, Sargent Jackson.” She tried to smile, but found herself wanting to cry. Jackson grinned.
“Alrighty Keara, I'll call you Keara if you call me Maverick.” He grinned. “Ranks aren't as important as us being on the same page. Deal?”
Keara's smile slunk back onto her face, gaining strength ever so slightly as her sadness retreated.
“Deal.” She said, brushing her hair out from in front of her face.
“Now then Keara,” Said Maverick. “There's something important I want to discuss. Things aren't quite right on this planet. We've noticed that there isn't just covenant here, there's.... something else as well.”
Maverick looked at her with his deep brown eyes, as if to probe into here mind.
“Tell me Keara, was it the covenant or something else that killed your crew?” Keara drew a short breath, her mind racing. How much did the Sargent know? She wondered.
“Don't worry Keara,” Maverick said. “We know all about the horrors here. Why do you think that I only have five men left?” His face contorted in hate, his eye's boring into heres.
“I want to get my people off this planet Keara, I need the com equipment in the ship, and I need to know what I'm fighting.” He whispered, head bowed, his anger draining from his face.
“Oh, I can tell you all you need to know about who your fighting, their weapons, tactics, were they are and where their not.” Said a haunting voice that made Keara stare in shock.
“MARINES, Lock and load, we have hostiles in the camp!” Maverick shouted. There was the rasp of AP rounds being racked into the assault rifles and sub-machine guns of the marines.
“STOP!” Keara shouted. She jumped in front of the monster basking in the moonlight. She slowly turned to face it, zoning out the shouting to drop down so the marines could blow the snot out of the monster.
“Your dead...” She whispered. “I heard you scream, I know you died.”
"That goes to show that looks-or sounds- can be decieving." Grinned the horribly mutilated, yet still alive, Victor, apparently revived from the brink of death.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 09:10:42 PM by BFM_Bowser »

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2009, 10:05:07 AM »
*okays this my feeble attempt at bringing this back to life hehehe sorry I know I kind of let this die >.< *

Malformed and twisted out of all proportion; almost eaten alive by small pus balls twice, yet still able to joke? ‘This guy is unbelievable’ Keara found herself thinking as she watched the smirk on Victor’s face widen, as if somehow smug with himself at catching her off guard.
"How did you survive? Those things must have been right on top of you! You were outnumbered"
"Oh well don't sound so happy to see me alive" Victor grumbled, now eyeing up the array of guns pointed at him over Keara's shoulders. "And yes. They were all over me, but they seemed to think I was one of their own as they moved by me. Didn’t even scratch me, though I doubt you would be able to tell, even if they did. Those things are now all over the place, their numbers have increased at an impossible rate. It’s amazing"
Keara shivered away from the thought of the small pale creatures crawling through the ship’s interiors, devouring anything which seemed to move; their limbs clattering against the metal plates of the ship's floors and leaving behind them a trail of destruction.
Anyone who was still alive, though the chances of that were low, wouldn't survive much longer with them prowling about. A mindless killing swarm, from what Keara had seen, of what seemed to be insects. ‘Can hardly call that amazing’ Keara heard the voice in the back of her head say quietly.
“You know, I have had nicer greetings “Victor continued as he glanced back at Keara quickly. She that had fallen motionless, finding herself once again lost in thought, the pictures of the slim covered walls of the ship still fresh in her mind.
“Huh? Oh right” she burst out, quickly pushing the pictures of creatures and her old team mates, strewn across the floor, to the back of her mind and looking over her shoulder to the small line of men behind her. A small tingle of fear flushed through her as her eyes met a line of guns, and the equally unforgiving gaze fixed upon her  by the men stood behind them.
“It’s ok” she prompted signalling the men to lower their guns with a wave of her one good hand. “He’s a friend, no threat. Trust me”
« Last Edit: May 20, 2009, 10:32:05 AM by BFM_Lemming »

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2009, 01:09:07 PM »
Yay, its been brought back to life! (for the moment anyways lawl.) I'll see if i can cook something up in a bit.

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2009, 01:37:18 PM »
With a painful slowness, the weapons of the 46th platoon were lowered till the barrels were aimed at the ground. Despite the fact that the soldiers had their weapons averted, she could tell that the men didn't completely trust Victor. Fingers were still resting on triggers, and eyes were locked on Victor's mutilated body. Keara launched into a hasty explanation of the recent events. As she wrapped up her tale, she could still see the wariness flicking over the mens' faces, but it appeared that Victor was no longer in danger of being mutilated even further by the Marines' rifles. Victor slowly entered the camp, as Keara led him to one of the campfires. Maverick came and crouched down next to Keara, studying Victor as if he was preparing for some sort of test. Despite the control Maverick tried to keep over his expressions, Keara could tell he was slightly nervous about Victor. She realized that Maverick was seeing Victor for the first time. The haunting effects of the flickering campfire did not improve Victors looks in the slightest. There was a long uncomfortable silence, with the only activities being the murmurs of the soldiers and the haunting flickering of the fires. She felt the tension building, and was about to break the silence, When Maverick spoke.
“You look awful man.”
The simplicity of this joke broke the silence, and all the marines laughed. Even Victor managed a contorted smile. Now that the air was cleared, Keara spoke what was on all their minds.
“Lets get down to business.”
