
Author Topic: Extremely rude admin  (Read 939 times)

Offline Idiot Wind

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Extremely rude admin
« on: March 14, 2009, 01:25:59 PM »
For a server that's meant to be known for its friendly atmosphere and respectful admins I was surprised at how rude BFM_Booyah was today. Someone blew me out of my hog in a clear camp and then I returned fire on a nearby enemy who I assumed did the nade who then killed me. This was a bfm_RedFox. I assumed he was the one who camped me so I said as much in chat (no name-calling or anything, just saying like why did you camp) where I was kicked without warning. Upon rejoining I asked why I was kicked and managed to draw a very vague, reluctant answer out of BFM_Booyah of "dont make false accusations". (If you don't want people to break the rules surely you should make it clear what they've done wrong before kicking them so they don't do it again, and especially explain properly afterwards). Incidentally, BFM_Booyah was on my team and nowhere near the incident so there was no way he could have known whether the accusation was false or not.
I found out finally from RedFox himself (after some extremely unhelpful stalling from Booyah) that RedFox wasn't the one who blew me out of the hog whereupon I said "ok, that was all you had to say" effectively dropping the matter, when Booyah decided he hadn't been rude enough already and aggressively told me to "drop it". I politely informed him that I just did drop it if you read what I said. He then told me in capitals again to "DROP IT" so I can only assume he wasn't reading a word I said. I then asked him to stop shouting at me because it was getting pretty ridiculous at this point, when he kicked me again.

Anyway my question is how are we humble peons expected to respond to hostile admins? Obviously nothing I could have said would have changed anything because twice when I tried to drop it the admin either didn't read it or wanted to get the last word in in order to... I don't know, look impressive? The whole incident frankly confused me more than anything. So yeah I know admins like to stand up for each other but in this case it was a bit far. So what should we do to avoid incurring an admin's unprovoked and random wrath?

Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: Extremely rude admin
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2009, 02:34:05 PM »
I would have several suggestions but I will keep it short.  First you should keep in mind that you are a guest in servers that we are gracious enough to pay for and do the work to maintin so you have a place to race.  You should probably learn to show a little more respect to your hosts such that you don't immediately jump to the conclusion that they are cheating when something looks odd.  You called him a camper in public when it was never true.  Had you a little more respect you may have thought twice about making the accusation in the first place.  It would also help for you to take more time to understand the rules...and believe me you don't understand them as well as you think you do.  But that is only after you have built up a history of trouble making for youself.  You have been warned and kicked many times by several admins and have even been banned (under different names I might add).  At some point you will have to understand that, with many admins warning you many times, that you are the one who is doing something wrong.  You are not being unfairly singled out by a rude admin.

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