
Author Topic: Sniping campers  (Read 779 times)

Offline defghi

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Sniping campers
« on: August 02, 2009, 10:01:32 PM »
Thank you for letting me join in the BFM web-site.  I have a suggestion to make it legal to snipe repeated campers who camp more than twice in the same game.  I do'nt see any negatives about this.  Sometimes the BFM Admin leaves and there are campers that will not stop.  Usually they are using cheats and there is nothing else you can do.   

Offline BFM_Hydra

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Re: Sniping campers
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2009, 10:05:59 PM »
I would suggest that if there are people camping constantly that you do one of two things

1) Try and get ahold of a BFM member on Xfire.
2) Attempt to politely ask them to stop camping, and advise them of the rules.

In reality, you going around and picking up the sniper rifle to kill a camper simply stops you from racing as well, and this will make somebody say "well if he can camp, and this other guy can snipe, than I should be able to chase kill!" and it just gets worse and worse.

The best option is definitely to try and get an admin when there are real problem players.

I hope this helps :).

On a side note, welcome to the forums! :winkgrin:


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Thanks guys!

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Offline BFM_Booyah

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Re: Sniping campers
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2009, 10:10:39 PM »
There may not be a negative from your perspective but there would definitely be a negative from the admin's perspective.  Once and admin sees a sniper trail from across the map how does he know it's a "legal" snipe or a camper?  He won't know unles he stops his racing to go find out.  That is not fair to the admin, who is there to have fun racing just like everyone else.  It is also not fair to the team the admin is on because he is no loger progressing to his next lap for the team win.  There just is not a good way to allow one group of players to snipe and not ohters.  All sniping will continue to be against the rules...even if it was done with good intentions.

Oh yea....what Hydra said too... ;D

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Offline BFM_dStruct

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Re: Sniping campers
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2009, 03:11:14 AM »
Welcome :)
