
Author Topic: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS  (Read 34456 times)

Offline Còól

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Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
« on: March 06, 2011, 10:53:07 AM »
*****Please do not unsticky****** ~Còól

All of these commands are good and will not mess anything up, they are meant to keep your FPS up and running smoothly, Thank you Tanger ~ Còól

This post is meant for those who want or need to improve their FPS in-game.


After playing CoD with about twelve or so people last night, I realized many are having issues with their FPS. Stock, CoD is a difficult game to run, but most FPS problems can easily be resolved.

I've spent about two years optimizing my config, while finding new tricks to improve FPS and overall game performance. There are a lot of in-depth commands and settings, but I thought I would list some of the simpler ways to boost your FPS for those who need it.

Some of you may not need these console commands, but I recommend trying them just to see what you think. I don't necessarily need these, but they make the game look "cleaner" to me.


First off, you want to set your max FPS to 125. Setting your FPS to a constant max keeps your game consistent.

To do this, open console and type /com_maxfps 125


In console, type:

/seta r_drawdecals 0

Decals are eye candy. When you walk around on a map and see trash laying around on the ground, those are decals. Or maybe you see graffiti on the wall. Removing decals can improve FPS dramatically.

/seta r_drawsun 0

Removing the sun wont make any difference in the way the lighting works in your game, you simply wont have the glowing circle in the sky.

/seta r_drawwater 0

This is the same as the sun, just with water.

/seta cg_brass 0

This command will remove the bullet shells you see fly out of your gun when you fire. When you spray your gun and these shells come out your FPS will drop a bit. Taking them out also helps you see a little more.

/seta sm_enable 0

This will remove shadows from the game which can really help your FPS.

/seta r_specular 0

This is one of the most important in my opinion. Specular is the glow that your gun shows if you're in light. This is purely eye candy. Removing this can really help out your FPS.


If you're still running low fps, check your Anti-Aliasing. 2x and 4x anti-aliasing can both be hard to run for some computers. Simply change these around and see if you're fps changes. If you can achieve good FPS on 4x, go for it! If not, try none or 2x.

Besides your anti-aliasing, you can obviously change your texture settings. Choose custom and bring them down a notch if you have them high.

One other important setting you should think about is brightness. Brightness doesn't have much to do with FPS, but it can improve your gameplay. An increased brightness can make maps look more clear and precise.

Here is a comparison of the game while using stock settings and altered settings. Notice the FPS change. I went from 37 to a constant 125.

Hopefully this helps those who need it.

Original Post By BFM_Tanger
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 12:38:00 PM by BFM_Octane »

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Offline BFM_Octane

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Re: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS <New>
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2011, 11:41:11 AM »
RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by ((Kàkà§hì)))  « Reply #1 on: December 17, 2009, 08:15:17 PM »

or SLI 2 9800GTX cards together like me and maxfps 250. Good tips, Tanger. I used to run some of those configs, but I found some servers didn't like it. Have you found that too?

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #2 on: December 17, 2009, 08:19:36 PM »

Yes, sadly some servers don't approve of the /r_drawdecals command. I never understood why. It's not illegal in anyway. I mainly use these fps tricks to make my game look better. I like simplicity and ease, not crazy stuff. I guess playing CS 1.6 for eight years did that to me.  

If you do use the decals command and a server tells you to change it, you can just type /r_drawdecals 1 in console before the server kicks you.

BFM's server was fine with my config last night for those who are curious.  

and BOOHOO to your SLI! I only have one 9800 GT. ):

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_JANE)  « Reply #3 on: December 18, 2009, 12:37:43 AM »

I changed some config stuff and kept getting warnings and kicks in several servers, so I just went back to normal. It didn't make a huge difference form me because I have a "low end computer" (pfft) and wireless internet. Nothing will help me!

But the big thing is what Kakashi said, some servers don't like it. On the ones I didn't get kicked from, I would get PB warnings every few seconds.

And I agree it's not illegal! Why do they even care if I can't see graffiti on the walls and stuff? Meh.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Octane)  « Reply #4 on: December 18, 2009, 04:36:52 AM »

Yes, sadly some servers don't approve of the /r_drawdecals command. I never understood why.

Some feel it gives the player an unconscious visual advantage. More so if you do some other things you listed here in this thread.  Being that enemies are easier to spot. Not that i disapprove of it but I can see where these server's owners are coming from. So many folk know about it and use these commands though, also some video cards dont allow these visuals in the first place. In fact after reinstalling not too long ago, i had completely forgot to set these commands back up. So thanks for the reminder.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Kiwi)  « Reply #5 on: December 18, 2009, 07:26:05 AM »

I was googling to try to find out what some of the settings meant, and I found this suggestion.  If you want to set the decals off, but get warnings in some servers, you can bind a key to that command, then just hit that key to turn them back on if you get a warning.

Go into console and type:

/bind 9 toggle r_drawdecals 0 1

That binds the command to your "9" key.  Just hit "9" and it turns on and off. Very cool.

I just played around with some things.  Turning off decals, turning up brightness and increasing resolution makes things a LOT more crisp and easy to see.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by ((Kàkà§hì)))  « Reply #7 on: December 18, 2009, 04:02:47 PM »

I gotta say. I'm with Octane on the subject of Decals, in fact I would go as far as to say I disapprove if your PC can handle the game as it was meant to be. I think Tangers tips (sounds like the title of a regular post ) are meant for those people that have older PC's and just want to be able to have a frame rate that makes the game playable.

If you are wanting to use settings like this to gain some kind of visual advantage over the rest of the players then I would have to disagree with doing it. I've got everything turned on, because my PC can handle it.

The servers that kick for having some of these things off are just trying to keep things fair.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 06:41:42 PM »

In my opinion it doesn't give you a visual advantage over other players. The only difference is you don't have trash on the ground that most players have. Seeing players is just as easy or just as hard depending on the spot. The main reason I play like this is because I think looks better, not to get an advantage over someone.

I see how a lot of players would see this as an advantage if they're used to seeing the game stock, but coming from a promod background, it just seems natural to me.

In promod the graphics are even more simplified for everyone just to make the game look better, like this.

You can see that the light is completely gone and the decals are completely out. I'm just used to playing like this, so taking decals out to me is no big deal. It doesn't seem like an advantage, more of a personal choice since the game allows it.



RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by ((Kàkà§hì)))  « Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 07:32:05 PM »

I think a thing like turning off shadows would hamper you a bit. You can see the shadows of an enemy before you see or hear them a lot of times, but I understand that it takes some processing power to have that turned on.

I do have an issue with turning off the stuff that floats around in the game. This stuff can help to hide your movements. If the only thing moving in the game are the players it would be unfair to have that off. I know this isn't decals, but I also know that some people do turn this stuff off.

Just like some turn off some of the ambient sounds so they can hear the other players better. This is absolutely not fair and should not be allowed.

Eventually we will have a standard of CVars that we should be considered OK to adjust. After that point, however, the pb config should be adjusted to not allow the rest.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 08:07:55 PM »

I think a thing like turning off shadows would hamper you a bit. You can see the shadows of an enemy before you see or hear them a lot of times, but I understand that it takes some processing power to have that turned on.

I do have an issue with turning off the stuff that floats around in the game. This stuff can help to hide your movements. If the only thing moving in the game are the players it would be unfair to have that off. I know this isn't decals, but I also know that some people do turn this stuff off.

Just like some turn off some of the ambient sounds so they can hear the other players better. This is absolutely not fair and should not be allowed.

Eventually we will have a standard of CVars that we should be considered OK to adjust. After that point, however, the pb config should be adjusted to not allow the rest.

That's where Promod comes in. Promod takes out player shadows, ambient noises etc. A lot of those things are easy to glitch, so promod plays without them. I guess for public server play these changes aren't needed because the play style is completely different.  

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Octane)  « Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 08:22:00 PM »

Im inclined to agree with Kakashi, like i said i've done these commands in this list now (minus the shadows) not played with em yet since i changed them last night before i hit the sack but im just going to see if there is any significant change to gameplay. If its too much then i think to make things fair we should do the same and disallow some of these functions through PB maybe, i dunno, im hanging on the fence still with the visual commands considering the popularity of folk using them. I just have this feeling that me no longer having to deal with specular, decals or sunlight all at the same time is going to make things easier to spot an enemy.

Sound is a very important aspect to the game and fully agree with that not being fair to turn ambient sounds off though.

Its basically the same in Quake 3 Arena (only more extreme) you are able to force all enemy players to be the largest player model with the loudest footsteps and were able to make them bright green and white colours to make them stand out. Then you could also remove all detail in the maps to just be plain coloured walls, turn the sky into a plain black texture, all of this could be done with simple console commands just like the ones in this game. A whopping advantage over other players, however 10 years on, this became a standard thing to do amongst the vast majority and folk became less and less bothered about it over time.

But here is a couple of screenshots showing the difference, before and after...[/color]

I first figured out these similarities when i figured you could change the colour of your name in CoD4 with the exact coding you would use in Quake 3 Arena, then noticed the console related things were pretty much exact too. Infact it seems to me that IW copied alot of its game engine stuff from ID.

Like i said, im on the fence im not that bothered if i be totally honest, there is clearly going to be some difference in opinion on this. No doubt folk do these commands for personal gain even when their computer can handle full graphics and have no decrease in FPS. This is afterall why the Promod has some of these things turned off anyway jut to make things fair across the board.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by ((Kàkà§hì)))  « Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 08:25:16 PM »

And I guess that's the thing for me, Tanger. My thought is how to make things fair accross the board. If your PC suffers and you need to turn off things (some things are turned off automatically depending on your hardware) to get things smooth, then that is completely ok in my mind. Having your settings to "FULL PWNAGE" but your hardware can handle everything turned on seems unfair to the guy who's PC is can handle it and chooses to play the game as it was meant to be seen.

A good example is in Countdown. Before I had my gaming PC I played on my Laptop. The heat distortion was turned off automatically on my laptop because it just couldn't handle it. Now I can see this effect and I have to step up my game-play because it's harder, but I won't turn it off because I think it balances me and my PC that runs over 200 fps to the guy who is still playing on the laptop at 60 fps.

Promod seemed to force it's players to be on equal footing, and I can see where that can be good, but everyone who steps into a Promod match knows what everyone is running. Nobody has an advantage, unless you're just straight up scary good like Mr. Tanger

For now, I'm more focused on making things fun for everyone. New and experienced players alike. As with everything here, we will find the right balance to make things as fair as possible.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #13 on: December 18, 2009, 08:34:37 PM »

I can't consider Quake 3 in the same category just because that's such an extreme change. However, if the officers or the majority of BFMers who play CoD think we should disallow these settings than we can do so, but I think turning off decals should be allowed. I still don't see how it can cause an advantage. A lot of of my teammates who I play with in CEVO and Tournaments play with decals on because its their personal choice. I just don't like the looks of the game with them on.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Cool) « Reply #14 on: December 20, 2009, 04:22:27 PM »

Well I am going to post here what I posted in the FOV thread. I do not see these console commands as wrong. These commands are something that are there for us all to use. Tangers intention was to help the people who lag. Not get into a debate over right and wrong. Some of these console commands he has given give no real advantage other than letting your computer run as smooth as it can, that was what Tanger was trying to accomplish here. There is nothing wrong with changin those settings if you prefer to do so.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Bleach)  « Reply #15 on: December 20, 2009, 08:32:05 PM »

I agree there, but you can't just say that all commands that the console has are not wrong (I'm not saying you are, but I'm sure that some people would infer it).
A primary example is r_lodscale_rigid. When you set that console command to 2, it removes all grass, and other fidily-bits. Essentially making hiding in grass, or any other foliage not possible as that one person cannot see the foliage.

I mainly think that we need to either come up with a Mod for our server, so that everyone plays on the same rules with the same settings, or state explicitly what we do, and what we don't allow in terms of console modifications to the stock game.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2011, 05:54:19 PM by BFM_Octane »

Offline BFM_Octane

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Re: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS <New>
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2011, 12:11:52 PM »
RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #16 on: December 20, 2009, 08:34:03 PM »

Well I am going to post here what I posted in the FOV thread. I do not see these console commands as wrong. These commands are something that are there for us all to use. Tangers intention was to help the people who lag. Not get into a debate over right and wrong. Some of these console commands he has given give no real advantage other than letting your computer run as smooth as it can, that was what Tanger was trying to accomplish here. There is nothing wrong with changin those settings if you prefer to do so.

I agree there, but you can't just say that all commands that the console has are not wrong (I'm not saying you are, but I'm sure that some people would infer it).
A primary example is r_lodscale_rigid. When you set that console command to 2, it removes all grass, and other fidily-bits. Essentially making hiding in grass, or any other foliage not possible as that one person cannot see the foliage.

I mainly think that we need to either come up with a Mod for our server, so that everyone plays on the same rules with the same settings, or state explicitly what we do, and what we don't allow in terms of console modifications to the stock game.

All servers kick for logscalerigid. No one can use that command in any server, or other logscale commands. I never said use that anyways. :P

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Booyah)  « Reply #17 on: December 20, 2009, 10:48:07 PM »

I mainly think that we need to either come up with a Mod for our server, so that everyone plays on the same rules with the same settings, or state explicitly what we do, and what we don't allow in terms of console modifications to the stock game.

We certainly will do just that but with the lack of experience BFM has in this community we need discussions just like this one to continue to happen in a lively but respectful way so that we have some basis for making those decisions.  Everyone needs to understand that even BFM's racing rules were not written overnight.  It took a long time of trial and error, tweaking and changing to get them as solid as we have them now.  We are just starting that process in CoD4 and everyone should expect some experimentation with things and rules changes along the way.  Uncertainty is just a natural part of the beginning of this process.  Keep up this and any other discussions you guys feel are relevant and, in time, you will see these issues sorted out slowly one by one.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Wic)  « Reply #18 on: December 20, 2009, 11:28:42 PM »

I've never been a fan of changing configs if you are actually typing in changes.  Pretty much all games have consoles and if you know what to type you can alter the game settings there.  It doesn't mean the developers intended them to be used that way.

I don't agree with the philosophy that these changes are there for everyone to use... of course everyone can put them in.  Were they intended in the game though?  The developers created the Game Settings screen, for audio, video, etc. and to me, the only changes they really intended to have available are the ones there.   Most have simple checkboxes to turn stuff on or off or change the settings from low to high etc.

When I look at Tangers Promod screenie (thank you for posting that, btw ) I picture it WITH decals - graffitti and such.  The 'unmodded' one doesn't have graffitti on the walls, just the poster in the background, but bear with me on this.....

I look at the red car on the right hand side.  If there was an opposing player crouched behind it, and graffitti on the brick wall behind that car, it just might be a lot more difficult to notice the top of his hat or the edge of his sleeve.  It would 'confuse' the picture slightly, so that possibly I wouldn't pick him up as quick.  Without the graffitti, ANY change in the edge of that car caused by someone hiding behind it is going to stand out a LOT faster - making that person easier to spot.  In my estimation, that becomes an unfair advantage.

Even bigger than that, notice the green car in the unmodified screenshot.. the sun glinting off the windshield makes it very difficult to see through the car to anyone who may be on the other side of it.  In the "Fixed" screenshot.. the glare is gone and vision through the car is quite clear.  That would seem huge to me.  

Same with garbage blowing around, the sun angling off your sight lens, etc.  They are eye-candy yes, but they are also meant to add camoflage and confusion to the screen.  Part of the process of learning to be a good player in any game with these things is learning to focus enough to filter them out yourself - not change the game by a console entry to do it for you.

If a lot of servers are issuing kicks or warnings for settings such as these it kind of tells you something, doesn't it?  Obviously enough people have a problem with this that it amounts to something.  We don't all play Promod, nor do we want to.   In all editions of Quake (right back to the first one, which is where I started gaming)  changing anything outside of the Game Settings offered was considered a no-no and frowned upon.  Its not part of the challenge that the developers had in mind when they created the game.

Myself?  I like to play any game on servers where I feel the playing field is as level as possible.  If there are players who are just better to begin with - through experience, practise, whatever - and they have a simplified game screen as well?  Uh... it's going to make it that much harder for others to compete who don't do the same.... and I think the tilt should be towards everyone playing the game pretty much out of the box - not everyone altering it to the same level.

If all the players in a pro tourney are permitted these thats fine.. they are all aware of them, all use them... hence a level playing field.

But I don't agree with some who know of them using these in a public server with the kid down the street who just got the game for Christmas, isn't probably ever going to know about these unless he goes looking, and just wants a fair chance on equal footing in a public server, and he should be able to expect that.  A public server is not a pro tourney server.  It doesn't have the same type of players in it.

(I keep adding to this, lol... I think I'm done now  )

~Kakashi has clarified that the windshield glare is controlled by the Specular settings, which ARE in the games Video Settings Menu... so  I have no problem with that... TY Kakashi  ~

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Bleach)  « Reply #19 on: December 20, 2009, 11:59:48 PM »

I'm going to look into what is required to make a CoD4 mod. If I can, ill try and make a mod (unofficial) that will A) remove the vulgar in-game sounds and B) fit our rules. Maybe see if i can take out claymores all together, and see if there is a way to make it so that everyone uses the same setup.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Edison)  « Reply #20 on: December 21, 2009, 12:03:18 AM »

I feel like a more similar parallel to Halo would be the no useff command that modifies the graphics but isn't outright in the game itself, and it does help one's gameplay including questions of FPS. How to achieve this, I believe, is even explained in the tech support forums, and we allow the use of it, so I don't quite understand the fact that just because they are accessed through the console and not outright menu choices, they shouldn't be allowed when we have similar modifications in method in Halo itself that are allowed.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Kiwi)  « Reply #21 on: December 21, 2009, 12:10:08 AM »

I have tried the no decals, and really like the lack of garbage blowing around and so forth.

I think Wic made a lot of good points.  I do think it gives an advantage not having the clutter, graffiti and so forth.  And some players aren't going to be aware that you can remove that stuff so it's not fair unless everyone knows how to change it and give it a try.  I think she's probably right that the stuff you can change through the Graphics settings is the stuff the designers expected most people to use. They could have had a setting to have High/Med/Low details, but they didn't.  Why not?  Anyway, I do prefer playing without the decals, so if we publicize how to remove them, and allow it, then I'd be ok with that - as long as it's a fair playing field.

The POV thing I think is minor.  You get more peripheral vision, but a trade off in a smaller target and less detail further away.  I think it's personal choice, that one.  Changing the POV was the first and only thing Ben showed me to do when I started playing, so I think it's very common.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by WaTy™)  « Reply #22 on: December 21, 2009, 01:51:55 AM »

You won't need to make a mod, there are plenty out there, i would recommend using Promod if you are going to use one.
It is the most in which most scrims are held using.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by WhyMe)  « Reply #23 on: December 21, 2009, 01:52:30 AM »

Hey guys, I've been gone off the site for awhile and now i see this section .
I just have 1 thing to add to this discussion. If using the console commands was put there for the players to use then they must be in the instruction manual for everyone to see right? Hmmm, i don't remember seeing them there. If a person has to go on the net to look for them then that must be why they removed that feature in MW2? Maybe they too saw it as some players had an unfair advantage without all the console commands being listed in the instruction manual for all to see?

Just my .02 cents.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #24 on: December 21, 2009, 02:16:17 AM »

You won't need to make a mod, there are plenty out there, i would recommend using Promod if you are going to use one.
It is the most in which most scrims are held using.

Would Promod not allow some of the things that we are discussing here that some servers/players take issue with?

Promod makes most of these changes standard. In Promod, you actually have these options in your settings, rather than opening console.

Promod is definitely a much better way to play CoD4.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Wic)  « Reply #25 on: December 21, 2009, 02:24:05 AM »

Well... I guess its a matter of opinion and choice then.  Since Promod is how you have played then it stands to reason it would be your mod of choice, of course.  It's what you're familiar with.

For myself, I'd rather play in a server where I can feel more certain that the other players are seeing the same thing I am.  I don't mod my games outside of the game menus.  I didn't for Quake ladders, I didn't for UT Tourney ladders, I don't for Halo multiplayer and I won't for COD4 either - however much I decide to play it.

Very interesting discussion though.  A lot of good points.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Tanger)  « Reply #26 on: December 21, 2009, 02:44:40 AM »

Well... I guess its a matter of opinion and choice then.  Since Promod is how you have played then it stands to reason it would be your mod of choice, of course.  It's what you're familiar with.

For myself, I'd rather play in a server where I can feel more certain that the other players are seeing the same thing I am.  I don't mod my games outside of the game menus.  I didn't for Quake ladders, I didn't for UT Tourney ladders, I don't for Halo multiplayer and I won't for COD4 either - however much I decide to play it.

Very interesting discussion though.  A lot of good points.

You can play Promod with your graphics on all stock, most players just choose not to, regardless of their PC specs. The game itself looks better with the clutter, as I call it, turned off. I think we should have a Promod scrim sometime because I have a feeling many players would enjoy it more for scrims.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Chris«)  « Reply #27 on: December 21, 2009, 03:36:02 AM »

If a lot of servers are issuing kicks or warnings for settings such as these it kind of tells you something, doesn't it?  Obviously enough people have a problem with this that it amounts to something.  We don't all play Promod, nor do we want to.  

Not for these settings that Tanger wrote about, that is only for 1 or 2 specific settings which are supposed to dramatically reduce model details which may makes things such as grass invisible. The settings that Tanger wrote about are pretty much the norm for somewhat experienced players. I got the game and by the time I got to level 55 I had snooped around and found these and have been using them ever since.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Wic)  « Reply #28 on: December 21, 2009, 04:27:53 AM »

If a lot of servers are issuing kicks or warnings for settings such as these it kind of tells you something, doesn't it?  Obviously enough people have a problem with this that it amounts to something.  We don't all play Promod, nor do we want to.  

Not for these settings that Tanger wrote about, that is only for 1 or 2 specific settings which are supposed to dramatically reduce model details which may makes things such as grass invisible. The settings that Tanger wrote about are pretty much the norm for somewhat experienced players. I got the game and by the time I got to level 55 I had snooped around and found these and have been using them ever since.

Ok.  I was only going by Janes mention that she had tried some of them and had received such warnings at other servers.  So I felt it did apply to some of these.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Danger)  « Reply #29 on: December 21, 2009, 05:51:13 AM »

I don't think it'd be right to do an outright ban on edited configs, though.  For me personally, it is what levels the playing field for me.  Whenever i started playing the game on 'stock' setting I would get 30 fps if i was LUCKY!  Usually I would only get 5-15 FPS.  With the edited config I got from Ben, I can now get 50 fps on a fairly regular basis, with still the occassional stint of 20 fps at the beginning of a new map.  So for me, COD4 is unbearably painful to play unless I edit some of that stuff out and play in 'safemode' like settings.  And even then, it's still slightly painful.  
« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 12:23:17 PM by BFM_Octane »

Offline BFM_Octane

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Re: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS <Pending Work> <Octane>
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2011, 12:33:49 PM »
RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by ((Kàkà§hì)))  « Reply #30 on: December 21, 2009, 09:18:21 AM »

or SLI 2 9800GTX cards together like me and maxfps 250. Good tips, Tanger. I used to run some of those configs, but I found some servers didn't like it. Have you found that too?

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by ((Kàkà§hì)))  « Reply #31 on: December 21, 2009, 06:26:29 PM »

What came first...the chicken or the egg?


...modding your config makes you a better player, or because you're a better player you mod your config

If your fps suffer because your hardware I can understand playing around with SOME these settings, decals being one of them, to GET YOUR FPS down. Doing this to give you an advantage is something different altogether. It's like being able to color rocket hogs differently so you can see them better. It doesn't do anything but give you an advantage, so the question becomes - is it right to do this?

This thread has become a philosophical discussion on the border between fair and unfair. Not what Tanger's original intention was of helping people increase their FPS to a playable level. Some of you have noticed that the server does now check for certain CVAR's being set to certain things. If you are being warned for certain CVARs in the server, then please take a screenshot and send it to an officer for CVAR review. There are so many CVARs that do so many things that each one should be discussed by the officers as it becomes a problem. A ruling should then be made on it once a decision is made.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Elvis)  « Reply #32 on: December 22, 2009, 12:15:28 PM »

Turning off Particles in Halo is a huge advantage at times but allowed. It will turn off the dust so it doesn't get in your way right after you shoot something. Myself I still have it own and that's only because I like the game as it is. I have said many times I need to turn it off. Turning it off is totally OK and to be honest what I should do. You want your best settings that are fair so you can play your best. I just like the game looking kind of the same. If you  have turned these things off it can be a big advantage in halo.

COD4- What tanger posted was just about the same thing as what you can do in Halo. Like playing in a window or resizing halo to help you.  The things he is talking about are common to all players. Many already do this and it should be allowed so every BFM is on the same playing field as our guest. There are some Console comands like removing the grass etc that shouldn't be allowed. Removing graffiti and some trash isn't a huge deal and is widely done. We will make our policy with this kind of thinking. We will allow the normal stuff that most do and not allow the ones like removing the grass that just are unfair. We will get with tanger and others to come to a decision on which are fair and which aren't. I can tell you that everyone he has offered for us to use are totally fair and used by most players. 

I don't want to make it just pro mod but honestly that is most fair. It does take away a lot of the graphics and ground clutter and goes even further than what Tanger posted for us to use. But if everyone is using it then that's fair to all. But I don't want to set our server up that way. I would like it to look more real for those who like that kind of experience. Then that person can choose if they wish to turn off trash or graffiti or other normal things like that. We have discussed this and this thread was really good. We are basically taking the middle road. You can use the normal things that really don't offer a huge advantage at all. This is a choice by the player. If the player chooses not to use those type of commands  that is totally fine but they will know they are behind a lot of our guest since many will use it. I will use some as I do now but not many. Again I like the game more realistic. This isn't considered cheating in matches etc and that is where the rules are VERY tough to keep cheating down. So if its allowed there then it should be allowed in our servers. Again it will be limited and we will go through them one by one and make a ruling. This will make it fair for all.

Thanks for the post and the discussion by all. This was important to get us started on a set of rules. Rules that will be fair to our guest and BFMs.  Dangers example is very important to remember too. Again a good reason to take the middle road on this one as long as we aren't really changing the game play etc. Give us some more time to start making a more detailed set of rules for our servers. This one was a good start.

RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by Liam)  « Reply #33 on: December 29, 2009, 11:28:14 PM »

Here's the difference between the defaults, and changing those commands


RE: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
(Posted by BFM_Jane)  « Reply #34 on: December 30, 2009, 08:50:05 AM »

I think the maxfps thing is a cap Liam, and your FPS doesn't get anywhere near it. For you and your computer, it shouldn't matter what you set it at (unless you set it a 10, and that would be fail).

I guess most people would use the maxfps if they had an FPS that jumped around a lot (like between 100 and 200, all the time), which could make the motion appear inconsistent. Apparently, the game was meant to be played at 125 FPS, so that is the recommended cap, keep it from going higher than 125.

The things that will help your frame rate will be removing shadows and particles and stuff, and maybe changing the resolution. I messed around with my resolution, thinking it would be faster if it was set lower, and it wasn't. Who knows. I don't think it's helping you to set your maxfps at 125, but it's not hurting either.

I may be wrong.    I think the maxfps thing is similar to V-SYNC and stuff in Halo, and that's a cap of 30 FPS.

END OF PAGE 3 (Only posts that contributed significantly included ~Octane

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Re: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2011, 06:24:03 PM »
is there any chance this will stuff your copy of cod up
if you do it wrong

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Re: Maximize your Call of Duty 4 FPS
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2011, 03:03:24 AM »
No if you do it wrong the command will simply not take. These are built in commands. They will not hurt your game at all.

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