
Author Topic: Recruitment?  (Read 1317 times)

Offline ¥Mderms¥

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« on: February 08, 2008, 03:10:20 PM »
It's actually been almost three months since I signed up for recruitment, and, past offences aside; how have I been doing exactly?

Also, Ĥaz¥, if you happen to read this, then I can truly say that I am sorry for what happened and I swear to the entire BFM family that it will never happen again. I sent you a PM explaining the situation and I never got a response back so I wasn't sure if you got it or not. And I never knew if I was going to be given another chance or not.

I truly do want to be apart of this family, and if I have to go so far as to take counseling for my "issues", then I will do it.

I will do anything to be apart of the team.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2008, 09:57:25 PM by ¥Mderms¥ »
