
Author Topic: >>>Ventrilo Etiquette<<<  (Read 7379 times)

Offline BFM_BluAdpt

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>>>Ventrilo Etiquette<<<
« on: March 11, 2008, 05:56:07 PM »
1.  All persons using the Ventrilo server MUST have a microphone unless they are told to come on without such by an officer or higher ranking member.

2.  Your Ventrilo username must reflect your in-game name as to avoid any confusion as to if a person should be on Ventrilo or not.

3.  Your phonetic, the text-to-speech phrase that is played when you enter/leave the server/channel should include enough of your name to make it recognizable as to who you are to those in game.  Also, phonetics that have repeated sounds and serve little purpose other than to be cute or annoying should be avoided.  Ex. "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL Rebel says LOL".  These phonetics can take quite a few seconds to play and can become rather aggravating to others when they have to hear it many times.

4.  Jumping in and out of channels causes all the individuals in that channel to hear your phonetic when you leave and when you join the channel.  Changing back and forth between channels can often lead to many people having to hear your phonetic played many times, often causing their computer voice to talk over its self and make it so they cannot understand it.

5.  When you post a comment make sure you do not send it with a phonetic that is heard by everyone. Send it silently or make sure you send it in a way that is not a bother to other clan members.

6.  Use the appropriate channel for whatever activity you are doing.  There are many channels in our Ventrilo server.  Almost all of them are unlocked channels and can be accessed by anyone.  You are generally allowed into any channel on vent as long as you don’t abuse that privilege.  If you are playing KOS please go to the KOS channel so that your chatter doesn’t drown out others trying to communicate.  If you are racing in the public servers you will most likely be in the Halo racing room channel where most of the action happens.  During slow times, such as in the early morning hours, when few people are on Ventrilo, it is appropriate to play KOS while in the racing room, so that you are not there by yourself.  The same rules go for CTF and any other activities.

If you are having a personal conversation with someone, go into an empty channel and talk with them there.  No one on vent will barge into that channel to disrupt you or listen in.  Also, should you see two or rather a small group of people in a channel by their selves, you should page one of them (usually the highest ranking of them) and make sure that is okay if you come into the channel.

7.  What happens in a locked channel should stay in that channel unless it is agreed that the information is something that should be public.  Generally when a conversation happens in a locked channel it happens there because it is private.  If someone is pulled into a locked server by a leader or officer for a conversation you should not ask them what went on in there when they return.  If it is something that should be made public then they will tell you.

8.  Profanities are NOT allowed on the Ventrilo server.  If you say a profanity that is considered to be minor, you will most likely be given a verbal and public reminder that it is not allowed, or be kicked from the Vent server. You will also be REQUIRED to change to a push-to-talk hotkey if this occurs, if you do not have one already. If you say something that is considered to be worse, you will be BANNED from the Ventrilo server and required to go through our Leader and Generals in order to be considered for re-instatement. We take a ZERO TOLERANCE approach to profanity on Vent. Once banned from Ventrilo it will be VERY hard for you to regain your access to the server.

9.  As with profanities, sexual, religious, sexist, racist, and derogatory comments will be considered to be the same as saying a profanity.

10.  There are a few words that while being totally acceptable in many parts of the world are NOT acceptable in others.  As we strive to respect all our members, these words are also NOT permitted on vent.  Currently there are 4 that fall into this category.  They are the words (using astericks here only to avoid confusion as to what these words are) :  "C**p", "P**s" or the phrase "P**sed off", "D**n" and the word "B****r".
If you are not sure what some of these words actually are PLEASE get with an officer and find out to avoid an issue on vent.

To help with these and avoid confusion.. the "C" one rhymes with "Snap", the "P" one rhymes with "Kiss", the "D" one rhymes - phonetically anyway - with "Slam", and the seemingly mysterious "B" one rhymes with "Slugger".   Hope that helps  :winkgrin:.

11. Conversations containing alcohol, drug, sexual content are strictly forbidden from vent. There are to be no exceptions. Do not bring up these topics on Ventrilo and if you hear them being discussed please advise those discussing it to stop immediately.
If you feel the need to discuss these topics, do it else where, not on Ventrilo.
Additionally: At NO time may any person, guest, member, or even leadership, access the Ventrilo server while under the influence of any controlled substances, illegal drugs, alcohol, or any other mind altering substances. Should ANYONE be found to be or suspected to be doing such, they will be immediately kicked or banned from Vent and told not to return until such time as they are contacted by a Leader or Colonel via pm that they will be allowed back on.

12.  Respect others.  That goes to say that if a person has a problem with something subject matter you are talking about, or the way you are talking, you should do your best to change the topic or manner in which you are speaking.  Ex. If a person has a problem with a word you are saying you should not taunt them by saying it over and over again.  That is just rude and unacceptable.

13.  Music Integration on Vent will no longer be allowed. The reasoning behind this is quite simple. Though the songs that you may put up are perfectly fine, there are many instances where the artist may have put out one good song, while all of the other songs by that artist may be quite unacceptable. Thus leading to various members being exposed to songs with inappropriate content. This is not something that we want to happen, especially when it is so easily avoided.

14.  Following a scrim, the losing team should go into the winning teams channel and courteously congratulate them on their victory, then return to your channel once conversation has ended.

15.  Most importantly remember that Ventrilo is a meeting place for us where we get to know each other and have fun.

NOTE* All persons, guest or member, with the Vent password will begin receiving this in the form of a PM this weekend. This will also be sent whenever the Vent password is sent to someone for the first time.

*Written by ex-BFM member Rebel™*
*Tonal stresses colored by Cd*
*Updated to include #10 April 12/12 ~Wic~*
« Last Edit: April 12, 2012, 01:22:27 PM by BFM_Wic »
