
Author Topic: Adding the CTF game type to the KOS server?  (Read 1115 times)

Offline =Rival=

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Adding the CTF game type to the KOS server?
« on: June 09, 2008, 10:36:44 AM »
Now I haven't been on the KOS server for at while, so if this idea has already been implemented or suggested....sorry!

With BFM's official CTF server now gone, I was wondering whether this would be a good idea: To add the CTF game type to the current KOS server. CTF is arguably the most popular game type on Halo, and is my personal favourite besides racing. A good old scramble for the flag is always fun, whatever the map.

Ofcourse, I won't be heartbroken if this doesn't happen (far from it, as long as I can still race! ;D). My main strength and Halo enjoyment comes from racing and I also understand that racing is BFM's main purpose, but I just think it would add a nice new dimension to that server.

And as an added bonus....You could then call it the SOCK server! :siderofl:

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Re: Adding the CTF game type to the KOS server?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2008, 01:22:50 AM »
Rival I agree with you but sadly there are many who dont agree. We have tried this in the past. Whenever a CTF map would come up we would have many leave the server who were KOS fans. We would have some others join. But as soon as it went back to KOS those CTF guys left. The server just didnt stay full and it didnt work. Kind of like the limited nades server we have tried in the past.  When you first put it up people kind of like it. In time you find no one wants to race in that server or play in the KOS/CTF server... I shouldnt say no one, I know me and you would like it.

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Re: Adding the CTF game type to the KOS server?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 02:45:26 AM »
I see your point Elvis, can't argue with popular demand. I guess you only have to look at the reasons for removing the old CTF server to see why it didn't work on the KOS one. I was initially very pleased with the limited nades server as well, after becoming tired of nade spam in the other servers. Though now I realise why the idea never caught on, and the old system was the better one. No need to change what is a very efficient system.

Thanks for the reply, and just for the record, KOS is still a cool server name!  :winkgrin:
