
Author Topic: Too Human - First Look  (Read 1622 times)

Offline Gryphon

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Too Human - First Look
« on: July 18, 2008, 12:43:38 PM »
Considering that this is probably the next big game I'm looking into getting, not to mention one of the more hotly anticipated releases for the summer I figured I'd give everyone who has a 360 a heads up on it in case you don't want to attempt the 1.1 gig download for the demo.

You are Lord Baldur, a god among the nordic Aesir, but the world you in habit is not made of fantasy, fairy tale, and legend, but of machines, technology and cybernetics. Let me explain; as a 'Aesir' you are cybernetically advanced to be both man and machine, making you far superior to the unmodified human so far as to make you a god in comparison. Your strength, speed, intelligence and abilities so far surpass anything a normal human can do, making you seem nearly unstoppable on the battlefield.

Your enemies are the classic creatures of Norse myth; Trolls, goblins, dark elves, Grendel, Hel, Loki. However, with the exception of Hel and Loki, these monsters are not of flesh and bone, but are of circuits and servos. Each one fights in it's own unique fashion, such as the trolls having a large mallet for an arm, of the goblin using swarm attacks to overwelm you. To fend these nasties off you have handguns, rifles, swords, hammers, and staffs that can be used in seemless integration of gun and melee combat.

Combat itself uses the trigger buttons to fire your pistols and rifle, and the right analog stick to use melee weapons. The melee system works in that you don't press a button to attack (ala Devil May Cry) but rather point Baldur to the enemy so that he may give them a beat down worthy of a Viking god. Added to this are special abilities that, while limited in the demo, show the level of over the top "cool" that can only come from an epic game.


So far, the game looks good. Combat is fast, viceral and very fun. Sadly only the Champion class can be used in the demo, as I would have liked to try my luck as a Berserker or a Defender. Leveling seemed quick enough, though I must admit that it may take me a little time to get used to the rune upgrade system for equipment.

Voice acting sounded good, however I'll save my judgement when I hear either Hel or Loki, as they are the hardest ones to cast, I think.  Enviroments are large and spacious, giving the game a Khazadum feel (even has trolls and goblins, but sadly no Liv Tyler.) The large enviroments also allow players to take advantage of the wide ranging combat abilities that your chosen class can use. Whether it's the frantic melee action of the Berserker, the balance gun/sword abilities of the Champion, or the ranged specialist the Commando, all classes will feel right at home.

So far, I'm liking what I am seeing and will update after this is released; until then we will have to wait and see who is 'Too Human'.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2008, 01:57:24 PM by BFM_Gryphon »
