
Author Topic: !MY SKULL!  (Read 40601 times)

Offline Firêfôx°

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« Reply #90 on: June 09, 2009, 12:56:31 PM »
while three360 is running away, I come up at kidnap him and put a metal rope around him. :toughguy: I take the skull and runs away into a invisible shield. Then I run into a cave where no one can see me.

MT SKULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tree360 out for 5 trying to get the chains out with a pocket knife

Thanks to BFM_MrT©

thanks to BigmanJT

thank you terra for the amazing userbar

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Offline Racr

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« Reply #91 on: June 10, 2009, 03:11:56 PM »
I use my super-ninja skillz to get into the cave without you knowing, then I take the skull and don't just run out, (that would be too easy, right? :P) I summer-sault my way out and do flips and all this cool stuff.

Firefox stting confused in the cave for five.

Thanks to Manticore for that!

Thank you BFM_Arya for those!!

Offline Gun Haver

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« Reply #92 on: June 11, 2009, 01:51:22 PM »
wile -jr- Racr practicing acrobatics i order my Cheat Commandos to tie him up and trow him in a
closet and then i use my gun and interorgate him asking him were the skull is.
-jr- Racr dosn't anser me so i K.O. him and find out the skull was in his pocket and take it

-jr- Racr is out for 4 intill he wakes up

Offline ¥Mderms¥

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« Reply #93 on: November 18, 2009, 08:30:33 PM »
Mderms re-animates this 4 month long dead thread by throwing an angry penguin at Gunhavr.

I take and eat the skull.

Gunhavr dazed and confused for two.

Offline BFM_Fénix

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« Reply #94 on: November 18, 2009, 08:41:20 PM »
I snipe Mderms with a sleeping dart and take the skull out of him, in a quirurgical way. I leave him in a secluded room. I take the skull and fly back to mexico so you can't find me :)

Mderms is out for 5, till the cops find you
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Offline conrad96

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« Reply #95 on: November 24, 2009, 11:46:13 PM »
i use my awesomeness (like macgyver) to track and beat up tona and take the skull. I eat it then steel plate my stomach and retreat to a super bubble of super protection that is impenitrable while i have an army of 2.5 billion super gorrilas defending my spot. and i put 20 mi. thick steel plates under the ground. with MAC gun emplacements surroundiing my area. MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Tona out for 4 posts


thanks BFM_xsix for the awesome sig

thanks bfm_marine for the sig
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thanks legend for the awsome sig :D

Offline ·WídgêT·

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« Reply #96 on: November 25, 2009, 05:39:41 AM »
In complete shock and awe that my thread actually got revived, I focus on the task at hand. Little did conrad know that his so called "impenetrable" defenses had one weak spot: He built it on the side of a cliff. I use a simple drill to burrow into the side of cliff and steal the skull from conrad while he was sleeping. And for good measure I place strategic explosives to completely cave in his fortress.


conrad out for 3 while digging out of his own grave

Thank you Tanger!

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Offline ¥Mderms¥

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« Reply #97 on: November 25, 2009, 12:43:06 PM »
As Widget sneaks away from his detonation job, he does not realize a stealthy shadow creeping up behind him.

This sneaky shadow trails Widget for three days and three night.

When Widget collapses from exhaustion, The Shadow materializes into the ghostly form of ¥Mderms¥.

"Widget?" I whisper. "I wouldn't move around too much."

As Widget hears this he suddenly jerks to full alertness, standing up so quick he does not realize exactly where he is, and that I had removed his helmet. As he stands up the top of his skull smashes into the roof of the cave so hard he see's stars and collapses to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

"I told you..."

¥Mderms¥ realizes the giant pool of blood forming beneath Widget's head, I slip the skull into my bag, and at the same time take out a giant band-aid and wrap up Widget's head like a mummy.

Feeling slightly guilty, only slightly, I run off into the night.

Widget recuperating for four.

Offline Eragon

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« Reply #98 on: December 31, 2009, 03:14:24 PM »
As ¥Mderms¥ runs off into the night, in his haste to make a grand escape and keep the skull forever and ever he sadly forgets there's other people in this world, people who, like himself, have a burning desire to hold a moldy skull for as longs as they can, well, I am one of those deranged people and as I've been stalking ¥Mderms¥ for the last 7 months waiting for him to make his grand capture, just so I can befuddle him, my time has now come and I take action.
 so....As ¥Mderms¥ begins to run off into the night I have been keeping watch over the mouth of the cave he disapeared into a few hours before, so, I've tied a rope across the trail and sadly ¥Mderms¥ trips over it, losing his grip on the skull and it goes rolling along the dark, shadowy trail into the basket I placed there before, I pick up the skull, konk ¥Mderms¥ on the head then drag him over to the the sarlac pit and toss him in, then I get onto my dragon and fly away into the dawn. Little did I know that ¥Mderms¥ has levetation skillz and he only got half ate before he was able to float out of the pit.


¥Mderms¥ out for 3 trying to heal while holding ice on the bump on his head.
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awesome sig made by bfm_Arya, thx! =)

Offline Arya

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« Reply #99 on: January 01, 2010, 04:51:37 PM »
*hits eragon on the head with a rock after she sneaks up behind him*


Eragon is out for 2 turns trying to figure out what hit him and looking for his skull on the floor

Credit: Inferno
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Offline ·WídgêT·

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« Reply #100 on: January 01, 2010, 04:58:01 PM »
What Arya doesn't realize is that that rock she hit Eragon with is actually a snapping turtle that immediately attacks her after she puts it down again. Widget recovers from his head injury to see Arya running around with a snapping turtle chasing her and takes the skull before she has a chance to notice


Arya out for 2 (those things flip easily :P)

Thank you Tanger!

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Offline conrad96

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« Reply #101 on: January 03, 2010, 04:08:50 PM »
while widget is distracted by arya's hilarious running in circles, conrad gets out of the pile of rubble he had been buried in for so long. i want revenge for what widget did so i smack him across the face with a white glove and pepper spray him. in his pain i slip away with the skull and pull out my invisibility cloak! i stay under my invisibility cloak for the rest of my life so i dont get tracked down.


widget out for two as he cleans the pepper spray out of his eyes.

thanks BFM_xsix for the awesome sig

thanks bfm_marine for the sig
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
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~Brian Posehn

thanks legend for the awsome sig :D

Offline Fraggle

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« Reply #102 on: January 05, 2010, 02:52:54 PM »
Whilst out for a Sunday stroll, I happen upon a rare herb by the side of the path. Diverting my course to investigate, I stumble over an object.

Looking back at the grass, there is nothing immediately apparrant. I kick out and my foot connects with... Nothing!

I kneel down and feel with my hands, a backpack. but I cannot see it. Feeling that it is covered with some sort of material, I gently lift it and see the pack on the floor in front of me.

a snort startles me and I lift the material further until I see a foot. It appears I have stumbled across a sleeping traveller covered by some sort of invisible cloak.

I pull from my cloak a small vial with a noxious potion contained within. The fumes of the potion place a man in a deep sleep for up to 48 hours. I pop the cork and wave it under the sleeper's nose. The traveller's breathing slows and quietens as his slumber deepens.

Sure that I will not now be disturbed, I rummage through the pack and discover the legendary skull.

I cover the traveller back over with the cloak so that he will not be discovered and awakened before I am ready, retrieve the herb which had first attracted my attention, and creep away with the skull.


Retribution out for 2 as he sleeps it off.
Many thanks to BFM_MiG for the awesometastic siggy!!
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Offline jim360

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« Reply #103 on: January 05, 2010, 03:02:12 PM »
Ah, Fraggle, why did you have to collect the herb I had planted there for this very reason? Only by a strange twist of fate it turns out to be a rare plant, Harpullia fraggicus, the deadly poisonous tulipwood. Luckily touching it only induces a temporary coma. The skull clatters to the floor and springing out of the nearby bushes, 360 gathers it up in his trusty Tesco carrier Bag for Life.


Fraggle out for 2 (it's only a small coma).
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Offline ·WídgêT·

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« Reply #104 on: January 05, 2010, 06:01:18 PM »
Ahhh jimmy, how horrible your luck must be.

After clearing the pepper spray from my eyes I noticed a traveler walking by. It was jim360 with his little carrier next to him. However the carrier looked vaguely familiar, and I remember quite a while back that, as a joke, I had planted a very small amount of C4 in a similar container and had wanted to detonate it to see what the owner would see, but fell asleep and missed my opportunity. Realizing I still had the detonator on me, I decided to throw the switch to see what happened.

Lo and behold, the C4 exploded, however it was more vigorous than I had originally predicted. The case was cracked in half, and the small fireball had caught jim360's shirt on fire! While he worried about the flames, the skull flew out of the bag and into my hands. I then stuffed in in my inside jacket pocket and ran off.


jim360 out for 3 while he goes to find a water source to douse the flames.

Thank you Tanger!

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