
Author Topic: **BFM Survey**  (Read 11364 times)

Offline ·WídgêT·

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2008, 02:20:22 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? ·WídgêT·

2. Whats your position with BFM? Possible PR, stay tuned  :winkgrin:

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Usually driving but depends on the map (see below)

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? camp, camp, camp

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Bad spawning :doh: :bang: :bang:

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Team naders by far

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Plasmas, can do frags in non-racing games to stop hogs but not in here for some reason  :interesting:

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Gunning
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Driving
    - Death Island: Driving
    - Sidewinder: Driving
    - Gephryophobia: Gunning
    - Ice Fields: Driving
    - Infinity: Driving

9. Do you have music on when racing? Sometimes

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Rock all the way

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Picking up teammates...I never seem to find people that do  :'(

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?  :evil:...unless there are 4 or less people in the server then  :angel:

13. What is your all-time favorite map? For racing? Probably Timber

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Depends on the weapon set and map, CTF on heavies and big maps, Slayer on small maps and regs

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Hang em High

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Blood Gulch

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? 95% of the time

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Language...I get enough from school I don't need it there  ::)

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? Aerial maneuvers  :winkgrin:

20. BFM #1? Abso-freaking-lutely

Thank you Tanger!

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Offline BFM_ColWlkr

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2008, 02:21:45 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag?  Col Walker

2. Whats your position with BFM?  Potential Recruit

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving?  Depends on the map

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo?  Team rocket or nade ... multiple times

5. Most annoying thing while racing?  Getting killed right before lap nav  :bang:

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders?  Team naders

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades?  Plasmas!

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch:  Gunning
    - Danger Canyon:  Gunning
    - Timberland:  Driving
    - Death Island:  Gunning
    - Sidewinder:  Gunning
    - Gephryophobia:  Driving
    - Ice Fields:  Driving
    - Infinity:  Gunning

9. Do you have music on when racing?  Sometimes

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time?  Rock  :pirate:

11. What do you look for most in a team player?  Consistency

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?  Depends on my mood  ^^!

13. What is your all-time favorite map?  Danger Canyon (PC Race), Hogracing_Day (CE Race),

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill?  Oddball!  Skully! :D

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map?  Prisoner

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map?  Blood Gulch  :zoot:

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav?  Yup

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking?  Seat stealing  :sigh:

19. What makes you always laugh when racing?  Seeing the desperation of people on feet attempting to evade my rockets or spinning wheels of death :D

20. BFM #1?  You know it!

Offline BFM_»Jây! iC

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2008, 02:36:30 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag?
2. Whats your position with BFM?
3. What do you like better, gunning/driving?
  Mostly gun
4. Most annoying thing people do in halo?
  Hop on the gunner seat first...
5. Most annoying thing while racing?
  See #4
6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders?
  Team naders
7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades?
8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch:Gunning
    - Danger Canyon:Gunning
    - Timberland:Driving
    - Death Island:Gunning
    - Sidewinder:Gunning
    - Gephryophobia:Gunning
    - Ice Fields:Gunning
    - Infinity:Driving

9. Do you have music on when racing?
  Only in KOS =D
10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time?
  Avenged Sevenfold
11. What do you look for most in a team player?
  A TEAM player, last time I checked there was no "I" in team y0
12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?
  How do you think I get my kills? :)
13. What is your all-time favorite map?
14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill?
  Most of them are slayer to me anyways, so I'll pick slayer :)
15. Whats your all-time favorite small map?
16. Whats your all-time favorite big map?
17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav?
18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking?
  Spamming chat
19. What makes you always laugh when racing?
  Killing AFKs bwaHAhAHAhAHAHAHAHa!!!1!1!!1
20. BFM #1?
  Sure why not
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 05:56:43 PM by BFM_»Jây »

Offline BFM_Hydra

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2008, 03:24:36 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_Hydra

2. Whats your position with BFM? Sergeant / Forum Moderator

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Driving

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Apologising for their bad driving.

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Having to admin when on 4 laps and 20 kills :P

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Team naders, not even a choice.

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Plasmas. I am one person who is a FIRM advocate of infinite nades in our servers.

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.

    - Blood Gulch: Driving
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Driving
    - Death Island: Driving
    - Sidewinder: Gunning
    - Gephryophobia: Driving
    - Ice Fields: Driving
    - Infinity: Driving

9. Do you have music on when racing? Negative.

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? None.

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Willingness to pick up teammates and LISTEN!

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? Definitely. There are certain exceptions, such as I would not kill a lone hog who has just scored blue base on Ice Fields in a tight match situation.

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Sidewinder

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? KOTH

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Wizard

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Sidewinder

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Easy :)

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Admin Abuse

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? A hog spawning on someone :D

20. BFM #1? Was there any ever doubt? YES! :D

BFM_Hydra Signature: Miser
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Thanks guys!

"Hydra knows the forums like a spider knows it's web." - BFM_Jimmy 5/9/09

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Offline Rypto

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2008, 03:35:09 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_Rýþtø

2. Whats your position with BFM? Admin

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Gunning

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Drivers typing and stopping in the middle of the road.

5. Most annoying thing while racing? My stupid warp.

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Team naders

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Old fashioned

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.

    - Blood Gulch: Driving
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Driving
    - Death Island: Passenger :P
    - Sidewinder: Driving
    - Gephryophobia: Gunning
    - Ice Fields: Both
    - Infinity: Gunning

9. Do you have music on when racing? Sometimes

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Heavy Metal, mostly Avenged Sevenfold.

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Stopping for team mates, willing to driving, gun, or side seat.

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? YES, No MERCY! We make guests Beg For Mercy. :P

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Blood Gulch

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Slayer

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Beaver Creek, shotguns, slayer.

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Sidewinder, snipers. 'nuff said.

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Yes

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Not respecting other guests.

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? Killing high ranking BFM officers lol.

20. BFM #1? Was there any ever doubt? Well since I am in BFM, it's #1. Lol.

Offline BFM_Octane

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2008, 03:37:10 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_Octane

2. Whats your position with BFM? Member/Forum Moderator (officially)

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Driving

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? The gamespy master server list.

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Wishing i had 3 hands.

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Its a blatant troller's act to attack your team, where as Camping and Hog camping is not, its just against the rules to do so here at BFM.

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Frag grenades, less time to detonation and more skill involved to use them to jack a warthog or defend yourself.

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Gunning Hillary (Chainhog)
    - Danger Canyon: Driving Bessy (Rocket hog)
    - Timberland: Gunning Bessy
    - Death Island: Gunning Bessy
    - Sidewinder: Gunning Hillary
    - Gephryophobia: Driving Bessy
    - Ice Fields: Driving Bessy
    - Infinity: Driving Hillary

9. Do you have music on when racing? No, music is too influential and too much of a hobby in my life it would be the equivalent of a huge 4 laps worth of constant sneezing. A concentration killer.

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Blah. Would be Prodigy, IF.

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Any apparent acknowledgment that your team mate is around is enough for me.

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?
Usually, i prefer to see the general players battling it out through race-gameplay, so usually i will show mercy to the lone enemy drivers without a gunner.

13. What is your all-time favorite map?
Boarding Action.  :P

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Anytime anywhere.  :winkgrin:

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map?

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Death Island

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Yep, or Infinity.  :P

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking?
There is no preference, the rules are there, if people break them, its a shrug from me and the push of a button. To me, any slight expression of negative emotion in response to rulebreaking is unprofessional. I dont think of anyone differently for breaking our rules.

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? After racing for nearly 8 years dedicated, i find my amusement elsewhere  :LOL:

20. BFM #1? Not atall. Just proudly set in stone, successful, and proper along with the rest of the well respected race community.  :) Had you asked "General Race scene #1?" i would have said yes. ;D
« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 04:21:20 PM by BFM_Octane »

Offline BFM_Exodus

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2008, 03:38:40 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_Exodus

2. Whats your position with BFM? Captain

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Either. As long as Stealth ends up dead.

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Spawn

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Being Killed by a Spawning/Flying Vehicle

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Where is Joxer on this list?

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? How about Frag the hog then plasma it? Both is good.

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Gunning
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Driving
    - Death Island: Driving
    - Sidewinder: Driving
    - Gephryophobia: Gunning
    - Ice Fields: Gunning
    - Infinity: Driving

9. Do you have music on when racing? Is the sound of Thud's respawning beeps Music?

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? If Thud is respawning... that would make me the artist.

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Picks up teammates when safe to do so.

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?  Depends who is in them.

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Blood Gulch

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? All of the Above

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Beaver Creek/Battle Creek

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Blood Gulch

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Yes

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? I would prefer they didn't break any.

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? Whoever is on vent.

20. BFM_Exodus #1? Sure is!

Nrvend is too old. We race in hogs, not wheelchairs.
Exodus.....why is there a cat in my post?
Exodus is the all-time Major Pain.

Offline MrMxyzptlk

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #22 on: October 08, 2008, 04:15:33 PM »

1. Whats your racing tag? Mr Mxyzptlk

2. Whats your position with BFM? Left Out; Biggest Groupie; Whipping Boy; Stall Cleaner (Oh, wait, that last one's my CC position....  :winkgrin: )

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? See #8

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Surveys.

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Nading solo hogs when others there; Team nading/shooting; AFK gunners  :bang:

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Team *-ers.  The others I just kill and move on....

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Yes. (They each have their specific uses, and I'll get you with whichever one I need for the moment.  :muah: )

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - *
    - Danger Canyon Gunning a Rocket Hog

9. Do you have music on when racing? Not usually while I'm on ventrilo, but pretty-much every minute otherwise.

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Any, except a few genres I don't care for.  (And I mean "ANY!")

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Team play?  :siderofl: :P

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? OF COURSE ... but only AFTER I've taken out the gunned/loaded hogs!  ::)

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Assuming you didn't intend to include Halo CE maps, I guess I'd have to say Danger Canyon, because I love to gun it.  But I also enjoy it almost as much when I'm driving on many other maps.

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Founded a CTF/Slayer clan, so yeah.  I had to play on the BFM K/O/S server to find out how King went, tho! (I like!)

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Prisoner/Slayer-Rockets or Beavercreek/Slayer-Shotties

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Gephy'/Race or Timbercreek Slayer-Snipeys

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? 'You mean can I "do the cave entry?"  Yes.  Ditto for Ice Fields bridge jump, too...  Practice, practice, practice!  :smly_a_wink:

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Any one.  They're all RULES....  (Also, reread #5....)

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? Danger (BFM inside ventrilo joke!)

20. BFM #1? ... Halo Combat Evolved (and now - again, CE) Race servers!

« Last Edit: October 08, 2008, 05:51:12 PM by MrMxyzptlk »
Mr. Mxy's current Word Corner word is catachresis    

Offline meeelisa

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2008, 04:31:40 PM »

You laugh with glee as the wind rushes through your hair when we are speeding along the paths of pain!
Ha I knew you liked me!!!!   :yesyes:

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? servers filled with fun members/guests, Geekums, Meeelisa, wixxie, Muzak, Hogzilla, Vinci, Enoch, 'Medic etc. etc. etc.

Thanks Fanatic!!

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Offline Max

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2008, 04:43:13 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag?
2. Whats your position with BFM?
3. What do you like better, gunning/driving?

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo?

5. Most annoying thing while racing?
Stopping to type and stopping to get health

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders?
Hog-Campers, I hate it when people shoot from a hog when their driver isn't moving or there is no driver.

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades?

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Gunning
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Gunning
    - Death Island: Driving
    - Sidewinder: Gunning
    - Gephryophobia: Gunning
    - Ice Fields: Gunning
    - Infinity: Gunning

9. Do you have music on when racing?

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time?

11. What do you look for most in a team player?
Someone who knows what they're doing. ;D

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?

13. What is your all-time favorite map?

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill?
Sometimes for fun.

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map?

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map?

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav?

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking?

19. What makes you always laugh when racing?
A lot of things.

20. BFM #1?

Offline 'Medic

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2008, 06:24:29 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_'Medic

2. Whats your position with BFM? Sergeant

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Driving, No...Gunning, No, wait...Driving...Nope, Definitely gunning, wait, um...Can I have the next question please?

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Jump over or around me for the gunner seat or get in the gunner when they get to a hog first.

5. Most annoying thing while racing? See question 4.

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Incompetent campers and Incompetent Hog-campers. I mean, At least be good at it!!!

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Depends on circumstances. Vs. walker = frags, vs hog = both

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Both
    - Danger Canyon: Both
    - Timberland: Driving
    - Death Island: Both
    - Sidewinder: Both
    - Gephryophobia: Both
    - Ice Fields: Gunning
    - Infinity: Both

9. Do you have music on when racing? Sometimes

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Rachmananoff, Dave Brubek or Cadillac Jones.

11. What do you look for most in a team player? A sense of Humor.

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? If there are not armed hogs, Absolutely!!!

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Death Island! It's the RACING-EST map of 'em alll!!!

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? What is this strange language you are speaking?

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Blood Gulch 

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map?  Bespin City on Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outkast.

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Nope.

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Language.

19. What makes you always laugh when racing?  wixxie

20. BFM #1?  You have to ask??  :winkgrin:

-signature courtesy of Atroxide & h@ngm@n

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Offline BFM_Skedog

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #26 on: October 08, 2008, 06:25:34 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_Skedög°

2. Whats your position with BFM?Corporal

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving?Gunning(Most of the time)

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo?Dont stop for teammates

5. Most annoying thing while racing?same thing as above

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders?well, hate is a strong word, (Team Naders)

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades?PLASMAS

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch:Gunning
    - Danger Canyon:Gunning
    - Timberland:Driving
    - Death Island:Either
    - Sidewinder:Gunning(I hate Ice)
    - Gephryophobia:Driving
    - Ice Fields:Gunning(Once again, I hate Ice)
    - Infinity:Driving(theres nothing to shoot at)

9. Do you have music on when racing?Yes

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time?Rock, Disturbed

11. What do you look for most in a team player?If they stop for me

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy?lol, no comment

13. What is your all-time favorite map?Blood Gulch

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill?CTF

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map?............cant think of one, I will edit this when I do.

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map?Is Blood Gulch big? lol that 1

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav?Yes

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking?Team Nading

19. What makes you always laugh when racing?When I kill other BFM's :)

20. BFM #1?...

20. BFM #1? Igor #1 BFM #2 :P
lol I dont think so
Skedog=#1 BFM=#2 Igor=-7583476593(lol)  :siderofl:
yes BFM= #1

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Offline Cr@zy

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #27 on: October 08, 2008, 06:59:11 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? BFM_Cr@zy

2. Whats your position with BFM? Member

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Gunning

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Push the rules to the limit, but dont necessarily break them

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Team Nader or Lag

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Team naders

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? I love Frag nades

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Gunning
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Gunning
    - Death Island: Gunning
    - Sidewinder: Gunning
    - Gephryophobia: Gunning
    - Ice Fields: Gunning
    - Infinity: Driving if regular Gunning if every nav

9. Do you have music on when racing? not usually cause i got vent

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Underground rap, or classic rock

11. What do you look for most in a team player? the willingness to help

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? Usually, i like to make ppl fall...

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Danger Canyon

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Slayer

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? is Danger Canyon small? if not then Gephy

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Is Danger Big? if not then all nav Infinity

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Yea

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Language

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? Ediseye, he is a riot

20. BFM #1? YESSSS!! FOR sure man, For sure...

Thanks H@ngm@n Soooo much for the Awesome sig!

Offline BFM_DarkFyr

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #28 on: October 08, 2008, 08:20:50 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? bfm_DrkFire

2. Whats your position with BFM? Recruit

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? Driving

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? Be mean to the new players

5. Most annoying thing while racing? Going AFK and lagging

6. Which do you hate dislike worse most; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? Team naders

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? Ugh... Plasma!

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: Driving
    - Danger Canyon: Gunning
    - Timberland: Driving
    - Death Island: Driving
    - Sidewinder: Driving
    - Gephryophobia: Gunning
    - Ice Fields: Neither
    - Infinity: Side Seat

9. Do you have music on when racing? Of course! What kinda question is that! LOL

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? Metal - Disturbed

11. What do you look for most in a team player? Skill

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? Yea  :keke:

13. What is your all-time favorite map? Prisoner

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Race... Then CTF

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? Prisoner

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? Bloodgulch

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? Most of the time

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? Swearing and Rudeness

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? Killing Tigger

20. BFM #1? No I am


Offline OÐî ñ

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Re: **BFM Survey**
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2008, 08:59:53 PM »
1. Whats your racing tag? OÐî ñ

2. Whats your position with BFM? PR

3. What do you like better, gunning/driving? depends on map but usually gunning

4. Most annoying thing people do in halo? people that dont respect others

5. Most annoying thing while racing? team naders

6. Which do you hate worse; Campers, Hog-campers or Team naders? team naders

7. Plasmas or old fashioned nades? always plasma

8. What you like doing better on each map; Gunning/Driving.
    - Blood Gulch: both
    - Danger Canyon: both
    - Timberland: both
    - Death Island: driving
    - Sidewinder: driving
    - Gephryophobia: both
    - Ice Fields: gunning
    - Infinity: driving all the way!

9. Do you have music on when racing? nope unless you count the monkey with the crash cymbals in his hands  :LOL:

10. If so, what genre/artist is playing most the time? monkey rap xD

11. What do you look for most in a team player? ability to pick up team mates

12. When gunning for a teammate, do you just take out the 1 player hogs with no mercy? with RL hog yup with chain hog I usually have fun first. (one shot at a time)

13. What is your all-time favorite map? BG

14. CTF/Oddball/Slayer/King of the Hill? Slayer

15. Whats your all-time favorite small map? wizard

16. Whats your all-time favorite big map? infinity

17. Can you drive through the canyon in Blood Gulch to the 4th nav? yes (at full speed 2)

18. Whats the one rule you dislike people for breaking? team nading/hogcamping

19. What makes you always laugh when racing? danger, wixxie, hog respawning on people, landing a flip, and when people make silly mistakes.

20. BFM #1? hmmmmmm idk.... how about......  yea lets go with that  ;D

"A hero need not speak. When he is gone, the world will speak for him."

Thx for the sig Ds Black!
