
Author Topic: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)  (Read 5249 times)

Offline BFM_Lemming

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(new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« on: October 27, 2008, 02:10:03 AM »
*kk guys syr about the opening I know it's not very good but you will have to give me some time because I am not use to army based RPs xD but anyway here you go.. please join lol and sorry about the bad spelling lol oh the plot is on the other thread I made called 'rp guys' bfm_bowser was the one who posted it :) *

Keara had lost track of how many days that she and the crew had been couped up in the small ship. The bitter cold and silence of the never ending space out side seemed to press down on them. She had been sitting near the front, every now again looking out of the window into the vast darkness which seemed to be endless in this place. The shine of some distance stars were the only things which seemed to promise at lest some light, as they glided by. Keara took off her helmet and ran some fingers through her short spiky hair, letting out a low shaky sigh. She had never really been good with traveling, the fact of being confined in a small space for so long, made her every inside twist and turn. Closing her eyes for a brief second she allowed her heart to slow its beat in her chest, trying to think of anything and everything which could take her mind off this place. Someone next to her stirred slightly in his sleep, while some men across from her sniggered slightly as one of them moved over to the sleeping man with a pen, getting ready to draw on him. Keara did nothing to stop them. She couldn’t; she had no power over them. It would be like talking to brick wall, there would be no respect and as far as intelligence goes they are no better then a pack of ghetto dogs. Slowly her lips began to tremble once more as she felt her heart quicken, the sooner she got off of this tin can the better. She couldn’t take it much longer, but then what was she going to do about it?Taking yet another deep breath, Keara’s light-blue eyes fluttered slightly as they turn, by chance, towards the window, before flicking back to the interior of the ship. Then wide with surprise back to the window. “What the……?!”, she thought as she snapped her head back to the window, returning to her view over the pilot’s shoulder.  The pilot seemed just as surprised and transfixed at the sight which now lay in front of them. The window framed a planet, which emitted a soft blue glow. In the silence Keara could think of nothing more beautiful. The hum of the engine which had purred in her ears for days on end now, seemed distant, almost like a memory as her eyes moved over the globe; no longer seeing darkness of space that surrounded them. From what she could see this was planet most like earth, like home. A sudden twang of home sickness hit her then. But though the planet looked like earth something was wrong, though there was greenery across the land masses which covered the surface, there was more brown and gold’s of desserts and waste lands. The planet was larger to, almost double the size for their home.  “What is that?” Keara heard herself breath as she pulled herself up out of her seat to stand behind the pilot’s seat. The voice of pilot was distant yet clear, “I don’t know,” he stammered, “It’s not on the charts.” Keara could feel her fingers tighten their grip on the back of the chair, as she continued to look at the planet.  Silence once again pressed down on her ears as she continued to study the planet, but then something pulled her sharply out of her thoughts. A sudden lurch of the ship pushed her back, so that she fell, hitting her head on one of the seats. The ships shell now shuddered under their feet, as it began to plummeted forwards, ever increasing its speed as it moved towards the giant. The ring of the pilot and the squad’s voices filled the air, as the pilot fought to regain control, to no prevail.The back of Keara’s head felt warm and wet, as a dark-red coloured liquid oozed out of a gash on the back of her skull, spreading through her hair like red wine on a silk sheet. Then as the ship’s engines gave out on them at last, Keara felt someone grab hold of her and pull her up into her seat. The seat strap placed around her and a distant voice shout out. The words were nothing but a blur in her ears now but soon it no longer mattered, as her world fell into darkness.
Name: Keara
Age:  25
Gender: female

Mother: Sarah
Father: Cojack
Siblings: 1 older
brother Children:
none Other: none

The outside
Height: 5,5
Scars: one along her side, where she had gotten into a fight to help out a friend and got stabbed. 
Weapons:  assault riffle, two pistols, grenades, one sniper rifle and one small knife
Description: Keara has shoulder length short spiky very light brown hair, some people say it is blond while others say it is brown. She has one bride which is near the front of her head which she always has. She has ice-blue eyes, but she had a ring of orange going around the irises. She has lightly tanned skin, and is slightly built. She normally wears fingerless gloves, and as a wolf pendant, which she wears around her neck. She rarely takes this off.

The inside
Strengths: she is a good fighter, and is someone you want on your team when ever some thing ugly rears its head. She is also a good leader though she prefers to ignore this fact. She is good with grenades and pistols; she is also good with mechanics.
Weaknesses: she is rubbish with the sniper rifle, and why she carries one round with her makes no sense to anyone who knows her.
 Fears: Small spaces, she hates being stuck in one place for to long.
Personality: she is a normally very quiet, and keeps to herself most of the time. But she will speak up if something is going which she doesn’t like. She is witty but also sarcastic, she also has anger and it does not take much to make her snap. But apart from that she can be well grounded and calm when she needs to be.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2008, 02:34:16 AM by Lemming »

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2008, 06:34:54 AM »
awsome, will see if I can throw something up to go along with it. ;D

Offline BFM_Lemming

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2008, 06:56:26 AM »
hehehe kk ty bowser for joining and for giving me the plot :)

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2008, 07:17:54 AM »
NP.. and...

She woke up hours later, A flashing pain in her head. She did her best to push the feeling out of her mind. Groggily, she looked up for the crew... there was nothing but blood, broken seats, wrecked computer screens, and a dim light given by the main tech readout screen, which read:

/*engines disabled, fuel flow at 0.05 %/

/*Operational status at 0.03 %/

Keara knew that the ship would never fly again... but where was the crew? All she could see were bloodstains on the floor,  basking in a hauntingly bluish light. She got the cold feeling creeping slowly up her spine, the same feeling she remembered getting while watching horror vid's as a kid with her brother, who would always tease her and laugh when she covered her eyes and ears when the suspense was too great for her. It wasn't so funny now. She drew her pistol, activated the laser sight, and crept of the bridge. Slowly she made her way to the armory, hoping to find supplies, and maybe some of the crew. The fact that the door was slicked with blood didn't give her too much hope of the latter. After fighting down the overwhelming desire to run, she triggered the door. She walked in, and bumped into something. She quickly drew away, and aimed her gun. She couldn't make out what it was, but she was never one to take chances. She drew out her sniper rifle, and aimed it at the “thing” that she bumped. In a fluid movement, she activated the zoom and the night vision in quick succession. She let out a scream as one of her crew-members faces, horribly distorted, jumped forward in her scope. It's face was in a horrible, ghastly grimace of pain, and was also held in mid-air by a strange device that emitted a ghostly blue light. It slowly rotated around and around, in an endless cycle of death. She stifled her revulsion, and attempted contact“.
   Kenny? Y-you hear me? You alright?”
   Nothing but the echoes of her voice. She swore. All alone, on a ship that was crashed, and probably infested with the thing that had mauled her crew mate. She was suddenly was no longer afraid. No, the strange emotion welled up inside of her was anger. Not that she held any particular like for the crew... always leering, always winking, always asking for a dance. But the fact that something could bear to mutilate someone in such a way... THAT made her angry. She slammed home a magazine for her assault rifle.
   “They wanna mess with the crew?” She snarled. “They get to mess with me.”
   So with her AR at the ready, she crept down to the captains quarters. Keara knew what she saw partially blocking the door was a barricade. She also knew that due to the fact it had been busted through meant that it had also failed its purpose. As she walked in, she saw something move in the darked corner. She flipped on night vision. Their was a groan, a scream, she looked about wildly, trying to control her heart. The captains quarters were small, and made her feel boxed in, a feeling she hated. After she made sure the room was clear, she listed for the noise. She realized it came from above her, along with a ghastly “drip...drip” along noises she couldn't understand. “Voices..?” she thought, and pushed it away. It had sounded... almost spongy. She heard something behind, and she turned quickly.
   “Keara?” It croaked. “Heavens be blessed it's you!”
   It was a man, she could tell that, and the captain by his insignia. He looked like a man that had been through a room of unspeakable, as she saw the jump at every noise, the darting eye's... and the looks in his eye's of a man that has seen worse horrors that can be imagined.
  “I have quite a tale to tell you.” He said. “But lets re-build the barricade, lest they break through again.
“They?” Keara questioned.
 “I'll tell you while we work.”  grated the captain.
Not the best, but I will do I hope. :)

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2008, 07:55:33 AM »
*ooh is this the kinda rp you do?? kwlio nice post bowser !! Awesomeness xD I am not use to this either :D *

Keara gave a small nod, though the each movement she made caused a wave of pain to wash over her and make her head spin. Slipping her AR into place again, she staggered over to where the captain stood. As she drew closer she saw his muscles and shik shiver, his eyes wide and filled with pain and horror. Her hair clung to her face, stuck to her skin with a mixture of blood and sweat, if anything she had seen better days. Slowly she began to rebuild the barricade. With each piece of rubble she placed back, the captain began to speak, he words coming in a hush tone, as if someone was listening in which he didn't want.
"There are these things." he began piling up yet more and more stuff to fill the door way. "they came like a wave" he stammered pausing for a breath as if talking about it made him feel sick " there were so many of them all at once, they swarmed the ship before we had a chance; Keara I have never seen anything like this, nothing on earth can compare to these things. They come and go like the raise and fall of the tide, always swarming always attacking everything and anything which move with out a seconds delay" once again he paused, trying to stifle a cough.
Keara listened; her eyes fixed to the opening in front of her. But though she seemed calm though she seemed normal, her head was in turmoil. Pictures of her crew mates flashed up in front of her eyes, their faces screw up and distorted in pain. She could not think or even imagine someone which cause that look, to cause her captain babble and gag at the thought of these creatures. but one thing which her head had singled out as one solid fact, was that what ever had done this was evil, heartless and blood thirsty, and that what ever it was. would pay.

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2008, 07:58:00 AM »
lol, never done RP before, actually.  :winkgrin: Will work on another piece later... have school ATM..  :-\

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2008, 08:00:45 AM »
lol sounds like fun :) and kks going out in a bit anyways :) look forward to the next post :) and nice one for your first post bowser!! I could never have done that when I started out lol I was really bad and I mean really bad I shiver when ever I look back at my first rps xD *

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2008, 08:43:00 AM »
had some free time...

The captain was no help to her in rebuilding the wrecked barricade, he just sat on the floor, his eye's staring at some unseen horror, his lips frothing. He had obviously been through the meat grinder, so Keara let him sit. Then she heard it again. The wet, spongy sound she had heard before, except this time it was rolling through the hall that led to the captains quarters. She redoubled her efforts to rebuild the barricade, when she felt the captain grab her.
“Let go, I have to finish quickly, somethings coming!” She said in a panicky voice.
“Not something, THEY are coming!”
If the captain had looked bad before, he was worse now. He had a crazed look flashing over his face, the looked of a cornered piece of prey that was being toyed with before death. His words were a flowing river, babbling so quickly Keara had trouble understanding.
“No!!” He spat, we must go, they will come, they will eat, they with kill us!”
The captain was screaming now, and the noises were getting closer. Keara drew her weapon.
“Sorry captain.” She said. “Thanks to the one way placement of your room, there is nowhere to run.”
She calmly slipped a clip of shredder rounds into her assault rifle.
“We must try!” He said with beastly intensity. We cannot fight, we must hide, we are their food, we must hide, they will come... EAT US, we must go. Somewhere, ANYWHERE, hide Keara, hide, they are coming, you must go, GO!”
“He's lost it.” Keara thought. Trying to comfort the captain. The captain wasn't having it, as he forcibly wrenched her away from the door.
“No..” He said. “You cannot fight, it will make them angry.” The captain then fell to the floor, curled up, and became unresponsive. Keara felt a mixture of rage, hopelessness, and confusion well up inside of her. She resented the fact that she was alone again, with the knowledge that something awful was coming, and she didn't know what it was, let alone how to fight it. She knew in her weakened state, that whatever had sent the captain into a state a crazed fear as she had seen would be more than a match for her. She knew the captain was a goner. Even if she had the strength to carry him, they still couldn't escape, for she was boxed in a room, and the only way out was blocked by something that had made the calmest man she knew curl up and whimper.
“Or maybe there was another way..” She thought. She abandoned the barricade and looked around. The entire room was made from solid titanium -A that was three meters think to make it bomb proof.
“And escape proof” She thought as she once again felt fear rise inside of her. She heard the noises coming closer. She knew she was running out of time and options. She peered around, hoping for a vent, a safe, something she could hide into until the danger passed. She was rewarded with a wasted few minuets as her search turned up nothing. She went to the captains private desk, and wrenched it open. Inside were blueprints for the ship.
“I must hurry.” She thought as she located the captains quarters in the prints. Just below here, there was a hot water line that fed the captains bathroom, a private part of the crew's bathrooms. The fact that the pipe ran under his quarters was pure chance, and also a lucky find. She wondered briefly if she would fit inside it, and then discarded her fears.
“Either I fit, or I die.” She thought, and drew a grenade. After shooting a hole through the floor, she primed the grenade and dropped it expertly onto the pipe. A loud crack of the grenade the pinging of the shrapnel was heard a few seconds later. Keara looked down and saw a hole in the pipe. She also saw that the water was not running through it, a stroke of luck. Something was banging on the door by that time. Keara looked at her half finished barricade, hoping feverishly that it would hold for a bit longer. She needed some more time so that she could escape. If the barricade gave too soon, they would find her, and... she could draw her own conclusions from the captains babbling.. Slowly, she lowered herself into the hole.

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2008, 01:15:17 PM »
(decided to try my hand at this)

Keara climbs into the hole.  Before she gets her whole body into the pipe, her face is filled with sweat from the hot steam left inside the pipe.  All of a sudden, the door starts to creak open with each hit.  The barricade gave in too quick, she thought.  If she had continued through the pipe, they would eventually find her escape route and catch her.  She had to do something to slow them down.  Sticking her head back out of the pipe, she took her last grenade, a flash-bang, and as the door opened, she chucked it into the room now being swarmed with "them."  Once she threw it, she turned back into the pipe and crawled away, not once looking at the creatures.  Behind her she could hear screams of pain coming from the quarters.  "They must have eyes and ears if that grenade hurt them.  At least I know a little bit more about 'them.'"  She continued on her way, hoping that they would stay blind and deaf long enough for her traces to go unnoticed.

Continuing through the pipe, she remembers the captain.  Flashbacks haunt her vision, and are making it hard to concentrate on her goal: to survive.  She knows that in his crazed state, there was nothing else she could do to help him.  She has to continue on and forget about what happened behind her.

The sweat from her face clouds her vision, and coupled with no light, Keara becomes quickly disoriented.  But she has to continue on.

Through twist and turns, ups and downs, the pipe starts to become wider.  "I must be gettin closer to the boiler room," she thought.  Continuing on, she begins to hear rampaging footsteps everywhere around her.  "They're trying to look for me.  I'm running out of options.  I have to find the boiler room and hope they're not there."
You blame me?  Remember it had to get past 10 other players before I saw the ball.

Thanks to Spidey for this sig!                                                                                                                  .

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2008, 02:34:32 PM »
It was an exhausting toil to wrench and push her way, red faced, through the pipe. As she dropped into the boiler room, she could only hope that it was undisturbed by the evil that inhabited the ship. She sluggishly made sure the room was clear, gave thanks that it was, and collapsed in a nervous burnt-out heap. She groggily thought of what she would do once she had woken up.
“I must escape this god-forsaken place..”
And then she fell into a nightmarish sleep. She awoke with a start.
“How long have I been out?” She wondered as she cleared the vapors from her mind. The room was no longer undisturbed, she could tell that in a flash. She drew both pistols from their holsters, and began a sweep of the room. Her suspicions were confirmed as she saw slime, gore, blood, and a vile stench leading strait to one of the showers. Her hands shook imperceptibly as she rounded into the shower, expecting anything from a lizard to a machine. Nothing prepared her for what she found. It looked human, but inhuman at the same time. It was clearly a marine, a Staff Sargent from his dirty insignia. The rest of him looked like it had been buried and decomposed for months, dug up, and reanimated.  The fact that he was still remotely human made Keara remove her finger from her trigger, and attempt to find out what had happened him.

Introducing Staff Sargent Victor Ammaridean.


name: Victor Ammaridean

A well built person, very muscular and thick-skulled.
Born in the New California, Saturn. Has no living parents or siblings.

The Inside.

And excellent fighter, and good with all weapons. socially inept, and has become reclusive and rather nasty.

Staff Sargent Victor Ammaridean didn't remember much. He remembered curses, pain, flashes of horrors, more pain, and blackness. He remembered a fight, a battle, being the loser. A parade of painful memories and horrors danced through his mind. Then, when he saw a woman pointing a gun at him, talking to him, it all came back. He was sleeping on a bunk, dreaming the same dream. He was alone, the universe was his, there was no more nosy people to disturb him. He was woken up by a red alert sounding though all the decks, and the captain saying that they were going to crash. He remembered as the horrors had found him and his friends, fought them, beaten them, and transformed them into shambling automatons.
“But not me.” He thought. He was lucky, if you call it lucky. The thing that had taken over him had died shortly after it had entered his body, allowing him to be free again. It had already changed his body, however, a blow to Victor that he would never get over. He could talk, he could control himself, but he was revolted by his body that had become loathsome and sickening. That is why he was alone when Keara found him, willing himself to die. He turned as Keara addressed him, and they stood staring at each other for uncomfortable minuets to come. Just as Keara was thinking that she had better shoot the freak that was nauseating her, disgusting her, and made her afraid, Victor talked.

Offline Goalie

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #10 on: October 28, 2008, 12:43:55 AM »
"Why haven't you shot me yet?" he asks with a lisp due to his mutilated face.
"What are you talking about?" Keara asks back.
"Look at me.  I'm a freaking side show.  I don't deserve to live like this.  Not even my own wife would realize it's me, if I made it out of here."
"What happened to you?" Already knowing the answer, but wanting his side.
"You really want to know?"
Keara nods slowly.
"Well, I can't remember much, but here I go anyway."
And so he explains what happened, but not to much detail.  Sometimes he wandered off on a tangent, but Keara did not mind that so much, as she was constantly studying his body and the surroundings.  The entire scene spoke for itself and even made more sense than Victor did at times.

She stops him mid-sentence.  "We have to get out of here.  They could come at any minute."
"Then why in the world did you let me keep talking like that?"
"More pressing matters at hand.  Such as how we're gonna get out of here."
"Well, there's a couple ways out of here.  Air vent, pipes, and the door."
Not wanting to go back in the pipes, and the air vent would virtually be the same thing, she says, "We could use the door..."
He snaps.  "Are you mad?  There's those...those things out there, and you want to walk straight into them?  God, you really are dumb..."
"I was just asking... sheesh..."
"Best bet would be the vents.  Only problem is, I don't know how to navigate them.  For all I know, you could run into them at any turn.  Pipes would be next, but that can only get you so far, then the pipes would be too small."
"Tell me about it..." She mutters under her breath.
"Last option would be to go out there through the door and hope you don't run into them.  I know the routes to the armoury and the hangar, and that's it.  But it'll be really easy for them to spot you.  So, Sunshine, what'll it be?"
"Wait, you're not coming with?" she exclaims.
"Took me all my strength to get here.  Doubt I'll have enough to make it any farther.  Plus, I'd just slow you down anyway.  Better one person make it out than none."

Keara walks about the room, pondering her options.  "Well, Sunshine?" Victor spoke. "Are you just gonna let them come here and eat us or are you gonna do something about it?"
You blame me?  Remember it had to get past 10 other players before I saw the ball.

Thanks to Spidey for this sig!                                                                                                                  .

Offline BFM_Lemming

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2008, 02:13:07 AM »
She froze at this, listen to his acidic voice. 'Wife' she recalled him saying 'how could he ever get a wife' but then she glanced over her shoulder at him and nodded her head. "what do you think?" she growled "that I am just gonna sit back and let them eat me" then she moved her eyes over Victor, she had not seen anything like it before and she had no desire to try out the new design wear on this planet. "But I can't do anything with out you" she said. Everything inside screamed for her to leave this repulsive thing behind, she found she could not, it wouldn’t feel right. “Your good with guns right?" from what she had heard about the Sergeant he was but then not all rumors were true. Tucking some of her spiky brown hair behind one ear she finally turned to the sergeant waiting for his answer, only to find him glaring at her.
"Of course" he spat allowing himself a grin at this "one of the best" but he paused looking the girl up and down " you don't really think I am going to go with you; do you?" he growled his voice like sand paper on granite.
He laughed at this and shook his head "I will only slow you down as I have said before, leave me here to die"
Now it was Keara's turn to laugh as she shook her head "you don't get it do you? you are the only person who I have found still alive ...well apart from the captain ..but ... anyway we could be the only  people still alive, I will need all the help I can get if I am going to get off this place " adding a little tone of disgust on the last word, Keara fixed her eyes back onto the man (if that's what you could call him) in front of her. "WE ...are going; now.” She said.
At this she pulled out her AR and held it out Victor, waiting for him to take it.
"Come on" she hissed feeling the blood begin to drain from her arm. "I am going to have to stand here all day! just take the gun Victor! I am not asking!"

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

Offline Bowser

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2008, 08:18:59 AM »
Victor may have been mutilated, changed, sent into a pain that no other living person could imagine. But somewhere, somehow, victor had a spark of humanity left. I was a tiny flame that caused him to accept the proffered assault rifle. It was the desire that even the lowest life form had: Victor didn't want to die. He had ignored it earlier, as he had no hope, no companion except pain, and nothing left to live for. But the woman had fueled his spark, somehow building it up to an intensity that gave Victor energy, some hidden warehouse was opened to fuel his desire for life. He grated.
“Fine, i'll come Sunshine... but there is something you must promise to do.”
“What?” Keara said, although she had a gut instinct as to what he would tell her.
“If I start to attack you, even act funny... you shoot me in the head.” He rasped. “Otherwise, you will die, I will die... Or at least, the human traces will be wiped out.” He grinned, exposing shipped, ravaged, and yellowed teeth. So much about this thing- this man, she corrected herself, sickened her. And yet somehow, she pitied him.
“Fine.” She said.
With that, they readied their weapons and walked through the door.

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2008, 04:00:58 AM »
Keara could feel her heart quicken as they stepped through the door, she was half expecting to find the creatures which had over run the ship, but the corridor was empty, though blood and slim covered some of the walls. Keara ignored that though, well at least tried to. It was the only way that she could stop her self from throwing up. There was heavy rotten scent in the air as well, filling her lungs and making her gag. She knew this smell well, death and decay, a scent which had followed her through her life with the army.
Her arms began to shake as she walked on through the corridor her pistols held firmly in her hands. Each foot step she made echoed, the sound bouncing off the walls, and causing her to flinch with each beat. "I hate this" she whispered to herself, keeping her eyes forward. she couldn't bring herself to look a Victor, who walked slowly behind her, the smell of the air was already making her feel sick and she was scared that even just one look would push her over the edge and spill the contents of her stomach on to the floor. Lifting one hand up, she brushed away some of her hair away from her forehead wiping away some of the blood and sweat which plastered her hair to her skin.
"How are you holding up?" Keara said not looking back at Victor.
"Better then you" came the reply, a bitter under tone in hisvoice "now keep it down, or they will hear you!"
at this a strange noise filled the air, and both of them stopped. Keara knew that noise just as well as Victor. who now swore under his breath. "see, look what you have done" he growled "that's them, they heard you"
« Last Edit: October 30, 2008, 05:08:28 AM by Lemming »

Terrible stats I know but like I said, I am not the greatest xD

T h ank you J ane! !

I never realised these were made for us all those years ago. SO I would like to thank and apologise to Lucky. Your medals are awesome! Thank you and sorry I missed them till now.

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Re: (new rp halo based) Silence Before The Storm (please join)
« Reply #14 on: November 02, 2008, 01:48:29 PM »
"This way," Victor said.
They both hurried down the dimly lit corridor.  Victor took the lead in a quick stride, not stopping or waiting for Keara to catch up.  Keara continued to take several glances behind her as she tried to keep up with him.  "For a guy that wanted to die a minute ago, he sure is moving fast," she thought.
The eerie sounds continued to surround them.  Every turn they took seemed to move them closer to the sounds.  Every corner looked the same as the last:  the stench was heavy, lights were flickering, some type of carcass covered the walls.  Keara quickly lost her sense of direction again.  Should could barely keep her eyes on Victor ahead as she continued to watch behind her.
After several turns and what seemed like an eternity, Victor stops at a door.  Keara, not paying attention, runs into him.  A large bang echoed as both of them hit the door.  "You idiot!  Watch where you're going!  Now they're gonna be all over us," Victor exclaimed in a hoarse whisper.
The moanings became louder around them.  "If you see anything, shoot it.  I need to unlock this door so we can get into the hangar," Victor said.  With that, he turns to the dismantled keypad and starts working with the cables.
Keara heard the sounds getting louder and louder.  Her heart began to pound harder.  She knew at any moment those things would pop out and kill them both.  She had to keep them back if they came.  But she wasn't sure if bullets would kill them.  Nevertheless, she kept her guns in hand a pointed directly ahead.  "Hurry up," she whispered.
"Don't push me," Victor said back.  "Odd, these wires were cut, they didn't tear because of the crash..."
"What?" Keara exclaimed.
"Nothing.  Can you do this?  My hands are too stubby to hold the wires."
"Fine," as they switch places.  Keara puts her guns down and starts fiddling with the wires.  She also notices that they were cut by someone, or something.
All of a sudden, Victor opens fire.  "They're here!!!" he shouted.
Keara starts scrambling with wires, trying to find the right ones to open the door.  Victor continues to shoot and scream at the enemies.  Keara finally makes a connection and the door springs open.  Victor, seeing that Keara did her job, it was now time to do his.
He pushes Keara through the door with his foot.  Keara stumbles through and turns around toward Victor.  Victor shouts to her, "I'll hold them off.  You get in a hog and get out of here!"  With that, he hits the panel that Keara so carefully put back together and closes and locks the door.  Keara goes to the door and starts shouting for Victor to come with her.  On the other side, she can hear him scream evermore now, fighting for his life.
The screams die, and she can hear only movement on the other side.
After a few seconds, she turns back to the hangar and finds a warthog.  The hull is heavily damaged, but the engine and fuel tank are still intact.  Starting up the warthog, she drives to the edge of the hangar and finds the emergency door switch.  She pulls the lever and gets back inside the hog.  The hangar bay opens and Keara drives out into the open land, knowing not what to do next.
You blame me?  Remember it had to get past 10 other players before I saw the ball.

Thanks to Spidey for this sig!                                                                                                                  .
