
Author Topic: Need advice for French  (Read 4479 times)

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Need advice for French
« on: November 12, 2008, 05:02:29 PM »
I need some advice for French.  See, I recently got my report card back (got it back today, actually), and I found (to my mother's anger and, thus, my horror) that I got a C+ in French 4 because I "Need to improve my listening skills."  Except the video that she usually uses goes too fast for me to keep up, and the subtitles go too fast for me to write it down.  I'd be writing down an answer, and while I was doing that, the answer to the next question would pop up, and I would miss it. 
When I ran this by both my French teacher and my furious mom, they both said the same thing:

"Well, you'll just have to improve on your comprehension!"

I don't know how I'm supposed to go about doing that, however; just reading a textbook and saying the words outloud isn't going to help, I think.
Anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what I could do to improve my listening?

P.S.  My mom suggested that I just watch movies in French with French subtitles on, but I thought, "That wouldn't be any better than the video!  It just brings me back to square one!"  Anyone have something similar to put forth?

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2008, 05:23:56 PM »
Hey Spartan,

I myself am in French 4, and it is pretty difficult (it's an honors class). But, I don't know why, but I have always done very well in French. Currently i have a 94% in French 4.

What I do to keep an A in the class is to study the vocabulary and get used to talking in French. That is one reason I really like my French teacher, she always makes us communicate in French. We can talk about anything we want to for the last ten minutes of class with our friends, as long as it is in French. It gets easier and easier to understand what others are speaking once you start speaking it yourself.

It can be for 2 minutes or 20 minutes, get a buddy from your French class and just talk what you always talk about, except try your best to speak in French. This will help you get your grammar straight, strengthen your vocabulary, and learn the language better.

Hope this helps!

Bonne chance!

~ Rypto

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2008, 09:56:08 PM »

The only way to improve your comprehension is to listen to French being spoken by native French speakers, not a friend from class.  I don't think knowing the vocabulary is good enough either.  You have to be able to pick up the rhythm and all the spoken words can all blend together.  After listening to TV, radio, audio recording etc. you'll be surprised, but you'll start to pick it up if you spend some time.

Does your school have audio recordings that you can listen to?

If not, here is a website that has a lot of them.

Go down to the section "Listening Comprehension".

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2008, 06:08:52 AM »
The best method to improve your french listenning is to talk with french speaking people, like says Rypto and Kiwi. And If you can, to go in France, or other french speaking countries (be carefull about the vocabulary differences). And if you are like me (you can't go in a foreign country), watch movie, listen songs, try to listen french radio. or the movies for exemple, begin with french sounds (?) and english subtitles. And when feel youself ready, next step, french sounds with french subtitles (sometimes, may be you can't understand that actors say). And when it is easy for you, next step again, only french sounds, without subtitles. I do this method with english.
And for the movies, choose subject which you have interest !

Bonne chance de la part d'un français !
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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2008, 08:55:09 AM »
I have two basic tips to improve French listening:

1) Listen to French more, and see if you can pick up the "gist" of what is being said - then gradually you will be able to work out the rest, or at least most of it. Where I am from, to get marks in listening it is usually only necessary to understand one or two key words that will define the content of the speech - eg. If you hear "blah blah blah perdu blah blah blah son cle" then someone other than the speaker lost his key - the question as it is phrased may give you a clue as to who has lost it.

2) Think as much as possible IN FRENCH. This cannot be stressed enough. The more time you spend translating the words into English, the less you will actually pick up. If you can make the step of thinking what you want to say in French without first translating/ expressing it in English, then the speed at which you work will almost double. This last point is quite hard - I presume that for most of your life you will have spoken English only - but crucial and, if you make it here, then essentially you will be bilingual. Incidentally, this applies to all French work, not just listening.

Incidentally, I don't think I ever made the last step, but one good way to practice it is to use a monolingual French Dictionary. That way, you will learn to define words in French and not by their English equivalents. Using a French-English dictionary is good for translation skills, but not for listening skills as it takes too long to convert from one language to the next.

Hope this helps. But, of you can't get hold of a Dictionnaire Francais Contemporaire or similar, then you'll still be able to make it by practice!!!

Incidentally, watching French films with English subtitles is probably not a good idea to practice with, as very often there will be idioms that don't properly convert, or the subtitles are only "approximates" to the French as spoken. Instead, I'd recommend downloading French radio podcasts or tuning into it - depending on how easy this is - and listening to that without any translation in front of you, over and over again, until you think you know what it means, then check. Don't rely on subtitles!!

This is a lot of hard work, but what it's worth remembering is that learning any language is the hardest skill in the world, so if you can construct sentences in English that express complex ideas, and simple ones in French, then you really have achieved something quite remarkable.

Can someone give me a description of what French 4 is like - level, content, subjects covered, vocabulary and grammar, etc.?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2009, 03:41:05 AM by jim360 »
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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2008, 02:48:43 PM »
Wow, thank you guys SO much!  This'll help a lot. 
@ Rypto:  Thanks for your suggestion.  There's just a couple of problems with that in my case, though...First off, I don't actually have any friends in my French class, and second, even if I did, they wouldn't be too eager to speak French unless asked to.  I don't know why, they just are.  Thanks anyway, though.
@ Kiwi:  Thanks for the link.  Seems pretty useful, I'll check it out.
@ Anubis:  I like that idea of watching movies with French sounds w/various subtitle settings.  That sounds like it could work.  =)  As for talking to people in French...well, that shouldn't be a problem should my cousins decide to drop by.  (I have cousins that were born in France who are...ex-patriots, I think they're called?)
@ jim:  Huh...I never thought of that first one.  Though I don't think I'll be able to make that last step.  I'll try and see if I can find one of those "Dictionnaire Francais Contemporaire" things, see if it helps.
Thanks again, guys!  =)  I really appreciate all your help!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2008, 02:59:39 PM by Spartan1337 »

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2008, 04:02:34 AM »
As for talking to people in French...well, that shouldn't be a problem should my cousins decide to drop by.  (I have cousins that were born in France who are...ex-patriots, I think they're called?)

Yes, talk in french with them.

The french word is "ex-patrié(s)" which means that they are out of their "patrie" (fatherland ?), but not they aren't patriots.
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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2008, 06:07:25 AM »
The word in Englsh is expatriate, which sounds very like expatriot, so it's an easy mistake to make.
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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2008, 07:12:35 PM »
Another thing that also helps me is instead of reading the International section in the newspaper, go to youtube and listen to the news in French. Our teacher makes us do that and I learn a lot from it.

Offline BarbeBleue

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2008, 11:47:32 AM »
Hello Spartan,

 Just wanted to drop by my personal experience.  My english is far from perfect since I always speak in french until now that I moved to Montréal and otherwise when I am online.  I mostly learned english from playing games with all of you, gamers :P.  That helped me alot with the english classes I had at school.

to perfect my english language, listening to english movies with subtitles helped me alot... althought Hollywood use alot of curse words as well as regular gamers from most of the games, except here on BFM.  But yea, movies in french should help you alot.

I really think learning french is alot harder than learning english so.. if you need an online translator that goes french >>> english and english >>> french, try (you will need to go back to the site after each translation since it only gives you one try before asking you to pay for it thought =,=)

Good luck, and I will try to help you if you have any more questions.
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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2008, 05:31:31 AM »
I am in French 2, and I can't stand watching French movies with english subtitles--They talk to fast. I have a solid A in the class just by studying the material that is going to be on the tests.

                                                                                                                           Thanks Slayton!!
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Offline MusicGamer

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2008, 02:31:05 PM »
I am in French 2, and I can't stand watching French movies with english subtitles--They talk to fast. I have a solid A in the class just by studying the material that is going to be on the tests.
...I envy you SO much!  In my class, the teacher grades on listening, participation, AND the quizzes and tests (though we almost never have tests...).  >_>

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Re: Need advice for French
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2009, 06:51:48 PM »
I know i'm late on replying (deal with it)

I'm only i my 3rd year of french so I haven't learned very much (mainly due to my class) but I do well enough to get some level of an A. But reading all of the different ways to comprehend helps a lot!!!

Thank you very much Mderms for the amazing sig!!!! YAY!!!                       Big thanks to Blitz!!!! YAYZ!!


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