
Author Topic: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)  (Read 3030 times)

Offline BFM_SirTaco

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I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« on: January 19, 2009, 07:56:59 PM »
One disclaimer before we go on:  When i say a game is my favorite i mean that it is second to Portal, the greatest game of all time.  ex. "Fallout 3 is the best game ever" means "Fallout 3 is second to only portal"

Ok so i finished all my awesome games and there are not LAN party people in the area so i cant really play left4dead... if you haven't played it already it is really boring if you don't have the other people in the room with you....

2008 brought many Great games and is probably the best year for the PC gamer in a while.

Here is my checklist with the game genre so you can get a feel for with i like to play as well as my take on the game:

Fallout 3 - RPG/Open-World FPS

Collectors edition... yes i have the lunchbox.  Great game if you are into the other Bethesda games like oblivion.  Actually if you aren't this is barely like the other ones.  Great game play and a story line that is catching enough to keep one going for several weeks unless you start the main storyline.  The weapon selection and quests are awesome as well as V.A.T.S. which is a turn based accuracy fighting style as well a the real time shooting.  The voice acting, like in all Bethesda games, is amazing.  I thing the only down side to the game is that when you beat the main quest it is over. I'll give it a 8 out of 10 because it was hard to navigate around the game and there was no play after the main quest.

World of Goo - Puzzle

For a 2D game this is AMAZING.  I absolutely loved every minute of this game.  The sound track is enough to offset the price.  The story to the game is minimal but alludes to an anarchical society and the writing style is very similar to the best game of all time: Portal.  The mysterious Sign Painter is very much like Glados in his/her attitude.  Over all one of the beast games i have played in a while. I give it a 9.5 out of 10 because the game was too short.

Left4Dead - Co-op FPS

Based on a zombie apocalypse in the near future.  With a minimal story line and characters that you know little about, this game is emersive and lets you draw your own conclusion.  A pioneer to the Co-op Shooter Left4dead lets you be the actor is a zombie movie; a new concept that was very entertaining and fascinating to see play out.  If my score meant anything id give it a 9.5, the only down side being, it isn't very fun to play unless you are in the room with the rest of the players you are playing with.

Mirroro's Edge - Puzzle/FPS

My brother rented this one for 360 then i rented it after just to see ho bad it was.  Not much to say about this load of crap... the hype was big but it turned out that game was only fun for the first 30 minutes then it got EXTREMELY BORING.  I dont know about you but constantly dieing isnt my thing...  Also the story (if you can call it one) is TERRIBLE.  The only up side to this game was the art style was new and interesting, i liked the minimalism of it and it was a breath of fresh air to the Cyrsis-like copycats that have been going around lately. I give it a 5.3 out of 10.

Call of Duty World at War - Action FPS

Now i know there are a few people here that like this game but frankly i found it absolutely terrible!!!  There are two companies that alternate the Call of Duties: Treyarch and Infinity Ward.  Call of duty 4 was a very fun game for a while.  A great campaign and an awesome story line, but it seems when ever it is Treyarch's tearn they got back to WWII...  Not only are the graphics disappointing, the storyline is choppy and out of place.  Not saying that i would like them to make a game in the future, but they could have at least stayed in the same time period.  Aside for all the flaws in the game's story, the co-op in it is set up in the stupidest way possible.  The "Split Screen" in it is not a split screen, you play with 2 6:9 screens in the corners of the TV and even with our HD tv they were still smaller than my 15" monitor that i use for the secondary monitor on my computer.  Over all i give it a 3.5 out of 10.

Spore - Strategy

Too much hype and to little reward.  I thought it was entertaining but there simulation of natural selection never always went in your way which made the game too easy.  I even tried making a completely retarded animal that could barely move and it still prevailed over all... what ever.  I could go on but instead ill just give it a 7 out of 10 and be done with it.


Top 3 games of 2008:

1.  Left4Dead
2.  World of Goo
3.  Fallout 3

Biggest Disappointment:


Now that i look back on it i really didnt play that many games but they did take up a lot of my time

I am looking for RPG games that arent MMO, so if you know of any please shoot me some links.

Offline Fralalala

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Re: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2009, 10:28:46 AM »
Need more MGS4.

Offline Wic

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Re: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2009, 10:41:20 AM »
Hmm... I'd hesitate to classify Portal as a game in the same group with something like Fallout3.  Its a puzzle/problem-solver 'game' yes, but so drastically different gametypes I don't see how it can be compared to something like Fallout3 or Call of Duty.

Portal is an excellent "Brain-stretcher" for sure.
Fallout3 - I'm completely addicted and in no hurry to finish quests - just wandering around is too interesting.

Call of Duty 4 I have managed to avoid so far  :P
Same with Spore, World of Goo, Left4Dead, & Mirror's Edge.

I do find 007 Quantum of Solace to be challenging, though as reviews say the storyline is disjointed when compared to the actual movie.

Legendary, which got huge hype and downright lousy reviews is not quite as bad as they say.... graphics are unimpressive, but it certainly keeps you moving, no standing still.  Its a time-killer, but for the money there are better ones out there for sure.

Tomb Raider Underworld I have but have yet to start it  ::)

Dead Space - just started, very interesting - not far enough into it to voice an honest opinion.

I enjoyed Crysis - Warhead, but it was too short - such is a sequel however.  Same with the F.E.A.R. and Half-Life installments.

Theres more but I'll stop there for now......

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Re: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2009, 07:50:48 PM »
Have u ever tried World Of Warcraft. Its a Nice RPG. if u need more info. go to

Offline BFM_SirTaco

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Re: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2009, 09:34:37 PM »
Have u ever tried World Of Warcraft. Its a Nice RPG. if u need more info. go to

no and never

I HATE MMOS!!!!!!!

but thanks for the sugestion

i played runescape for 2 years and waited over 2300 hours playing it (recorded on my world switcher)

i tried world of warcraft for 40 hours straight and then wasw like... this stinks

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Re: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2009, 07:43:09 AM »
Battlefield Bad Company is really, really good. Everything in the game, including multiplayer mode, is destructable.

Also,  Halo 3.  :P

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Re: I NEED MORE GAMES!!! (2008 reviews)
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2009, 04:56:07 PM »
Do they have to be games that came out recently? Or can they be anything?

I suggest dwelling into the RTS genre, preferably the Command and Conquer Games (maybe a review of Red Alert 3? :winkgrin:)

Thank you Tanger!

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