
Author Topic: -+=Angel=+- Allowed for over two years, but not now?  (Read 1233 times)

Offline Marzenus

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-+=Angel=+- Allowed for over two years, but not now?
« on: February 03, 2009, 02:38:38 AM »
To whomever

For the last few years I've been playing as -+=Angel=+-. But last week I was told to change my name by either BFM_ Jixar, BFM_NavyJH4, or BFM_ColWlkr. I tried to argue. Finally I said BFM Sucks to which I was understandably kicked.

Returned on the weekend to a different BFM server and asked the Four Officers present and they said Angel is an allowed name. I played as -+=Angel=+- for a few hours. Two hours ago I was kicked for not changing my name by either BFM_Jixar,NavyJH4, or ColWlkr dispite my siting the others who said Angel was an allowed name.

BFM_Enoch is just as biblical or Religious of a name as Angel. It seems like some BFM Members abuse their Power which has always bothered me about some BFM members. I have very deep respect for some.

I have been a very respectful player for the most part.

Jixar told me to "take it up with the furums" so here it is. WTH? I really would like to play under my preffereed Identity.

Offline BFM_Elvis

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Re: -+=Angel=+- Allowed for over two years, but not now?
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 02:54:24 AM »
Not sure why you would say BFMSucks. Just because you didnt get your way?  Sorry but Angel is NOT allowed on our servers. The admins who asked you to change were 100% correct.  At least now you know. Its up to you if you choose to race on our servers anymore. You are more than welcome to. We would be happy if you did still choose to race on BFM servers.  You just will have to choose another name when racing in BFM servers.  I promise you this isnt personal. I do think it is the correct policy and we just have to uphold the rules.

Offline Marzenus

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Re: -+=Angel=+- Allowed for over two years, but not now?
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2009, 02:28:50 PM »
Thank you for your pleasant response BFM-Elvis.

 :sad:  The whole topic of allowed names has perplexed me since day one. People are told to change their name if they want to play as Jesus even though it is a perfectly good, typically Spanish, name. Yet you allow Enoch still which I mentioned is a religious name. It's one of the Books found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

I will decline to use -+=Angel=+- in your servers in the future.  :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

 :evil:  I said "BFM Sucks" because of frustration. You can understand that. As I said I had been playing as -+=Angel=+- for over two years without incident.

 I don't play as much with you guys any more because I really hate injustice and abuse of power and I've seen some BFM be very unreasonable and seeming to abuse power as they chase-kill their way across the map or nade you at the start and blame you when you try to survive it. 
:love:  Other than that...BFM has some truly wonderful members that I deeply respect and would be proud to race with any day. I'll just be racing as Marzenus.

Thank you. And sorry if I sounded too much like an ****.

**Please refrain from using such language in our forums.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2009, 02:42:14 PM by BFM_Kàkà§hì »

Offline BFM_Elvis

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Re: -+=Angel=+- Allowed for over two years, but not now?
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2009, 11:21:00 PM »
Marzenus what you should like about BFM is that we allow you to come in here and make a statement that you and I and the other guest know is simply not true but yet we don't ban you from our forums. You say BFMs chase people up and down the map. I really now see why you said BFM Sucks. Lets just lay out the truth. You didn't get what you wanted. You then decide to throw a fit as a young kid would. I didn't get what I wanted so I will say you suck and then go post a lie. That will show them. But guess what? We are STILL willing to allow you to race for free and still willing to allow you to join our servers and us admin them for free. We will still treat you with respect as long as you follow the rules. Sadly you make up things to try to make your point. When you do that then you lose all creditability in your argument. So now this argument you made amounts to nothing. You did start out well but faded in the end.

Little advice. If you have to make up facts or not tell the truth to make your argument look good, then maybe your argument cant hold water and you might want to rethink even trying to post it. Honestly I think you knew it was wrong and probably totally agree with the rule and understand it. But if you said you did agree, then you couldn't throw a fit. Its OK. We still wont treat you on the severs as you have treated us.

We have allowed you to take your shot while shaking our hand and smiling at us. We will now lock this thread and still welcome you to race on our servers. Have fun Racing!
