
Author Topic: Spanish help  (Read 3149 times)

Offline PR_Aussie

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Spanish help
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:56:29 PM »
Hey Guys,

I have to give a spanish presentation tomorrow on how I made "Lentejas" better known as Lentils. Anyways, I need to describe the process and it's all in Spanish. If someone is fluent in Spanish and could help me translate, that would be great. Thanks.

Yo puse media hora a remojo las lentejas. Mientras yo fui a preparando los ingredientes: yo trocia el jamón en dados pequeños, yo corté el chorizo de guiso en rodajas, yo corté también a rodajas finas las zanahorias y las patatas pequeñas yo pele y yo deje enteras;

Una vez remojadas las lentejas (tras esa media hora) yo puse al fuego en una cazuela que las cubra de agua. Depues yo eche a la cazuela lo que hemos ya preparado: el jamón, el chorizo, las zanahorias y las patatas. También yo eche la hoja de laurel, la pimienta, el azafrán y el vino.

Yo pice la cebolla (cortadita en trozos pequeños) y yo eche a la sartén con el aceite. El ajo yo pice y yo agrege a la cebolla. Yo deje sofreír hasta que yo frie (pero que no se ponga dorada).

Yo agrege la cebolla y el ajo a las lentejas y yo puse la sal en la cazuela que ya estaba al fuego. Tandare de 30 a 40 minutos con un fuego mediano.
Thanks to Miser for the sigs!

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2009, 09:20:26 PM »
I'm not fluent, but I'll give it a shot.  Fuzion and Snake are our two resident spanish-speakers, so they may be able to help out better than I can.

Yo puse media hora a remojo las lentejas. Mientras yo fui a preparando los ingredientes: yo trocia el jamón en dados pequeños, yo corté el chorizo de guiso en rodajas, yo corté también a rodajas finas las zanahorias y las patatas pequeñas yo pele y yo deje enteras;

(I put in half an hour of time into the lentils.  (Mean?)While I was preparing the ingredients: I diced the ham into small pieces, cut the sausage casserole(?) into slices, I even also cut into fine slices the carrots and small potatos left aside;)

Una vez remojadas las lentejas (tras esa media hora) yo puse al fuego en una cazuela que las cubra de agua. Depues yo eche a la cazuela lo que hemos ya preparado: el jamón, el chorizo, las zanahorias y las patatas. También yo eche la hoja de laurel, la pimienta, el azafrán y el vino.

(Once the lentils soaked (for about half an hour), I put then over a fire in a crock with water.  Later I threw into the crock everything else that I prepared: the ham, the sausage, the carrots and the potatos.  I also threw in a leaf of laurel(?), pepper, saffron, and wine.)

Yo pice la cebolla (cortadita en trozos pequeños) y yo eche a la sartén con el aceite. El ajo yo pice y yo agrege a la cebolla. Yo deje sofreír hasta que yo frie (pero que no se ponga dorada).

(I chopped the onion (cut it into small pieces) and threw it into a frying pan with oil.  I chopped the garlic and added it to the onion.  I left it to brown until I(?) fried (but not golden).  :siderofl: (Bad subject-verb agreement)

Yo agrege la cebolla y el ajo a las lentejas y yo puse la sal en la cazuela que ya estaba al fuego. Tandare de 30 a 40 minutos con un fuego mediano.

(I added the onion and garlic to the lentils and added salt into the crock that was already heated.   I let it sit for 30 to 40 minutes over medium fire.)

That's the best I could do.  I used a website called  It's not the best, but it gave me an idea of what you were saying when I didn't know certain words.
Also, if you want to say 'heat,' use 'calor.'
Since this is in the past, make sure all your verbs are past tense, and make sure the Subject-verb agreement is good.
The words with a (?) next to them I was not sure what you were talking about, or I wasn't sure if that's what you meant.
You blame me?  Remember it had to get past 10 other players before I saw the ball.

Thanks to Spidey for this sig!                                                                                                                  .

Offline PR_Aussie

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2009, 09:24:59 PM »
I'm not fluent, but I'll give it a shot.  Fuzion and Snake are our two resident spanish-speakers, so they may be able to help out better than I can.

Yo puse media hora a remojo las lentejas. Mientras yo fui a preparando los ingredientes: yo trocia el jamón en dados pequeños, yo corté el chorizo de guiso en rodajas, yo corté también a rodajas finas las zanahorias y las patatas pequeñas yo pele y yo deje enteras;

(I put in half an hour of time into the lentils.  (Mean?)While I was preparing the ingredients: I diced the ham into small pieces, cut the sausage casserole(?) into slices, I even also cut into fine slices the carrots and small potatos left aside;)

Una vez remojadas las lentejas (tras esa media hora) yo puse al fuego en una cazuela que las cubra de agua. Depues yo eche a la cazuela lo que hemos ya preparado: el jamón, el chorizo, las zanahorias y las patatas. También yo eche la hoja de laurel, la pimienta, el azafrán y el vino.

(Once the lentils soaked (for about half an hour), I put then over a fire in a crock with water.  Later I threw into the crock everything else that I prepared: the ham, the sausage, the carrots and the potatos.  I also threw in a leaf of laurel(?), pepper, saffron, and wine.)

Yo pice la cebolla (cortadita en trozos pequeños) y yo eche a la sartén con el aceite. El ajo yo pice y yo agrege a la cebolla. Yo deje sofreír hasta que yo frie (pero que no se ponga dorada).

(I chopped the onion (cut it into small pieces) and threw it into a frying pan with oil.  I chopped the garlic and added it to the onion.  I left it to brown until I(?) fried (but not golden).  :siderofl: (Bad subject-verb agreement)

Yo agrege la cebolla y el ajo a las lentejas y yo puse la sal en la cazuela que ya estaba al fuego. Tandare de 30 a 40 minutos con un fuego mediano.

(I added the onion and garlic to the lentils and added salt into the crock that was already heated.   I let it sit for 30 to 40 minutes over medium fire.)

That's the best I could do.  I used a website called  It's not the best, but it gave me an idea of what you were saying when I didn't know certain words.
Also, if you want to say 'heat,' use 'calor.'
Since this is in the past, make sure all your verbs are past tense, and make sure the Subject-verb agreement is good.
The words with a (?) next to them I was not sure what you were talking about, or I wasn't sure if that's what you meant.
Hey, thanks for your help. The problem is that my teacher doesn't want us to use translators so...and he can also tell, I nearly failed the first project because I got stuck and tried to use a translator. It didn't make sense.

Also, if anyone knows if what I'm saying is not grammatically correct, please tell me. We have to present it as if it were in past tense. So I was trying to conjugate as many verbs as I could  :)
Thanks to Miser for the sigs!

Take it to make it!

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
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Offline Fuzion

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2009, 09:30:17 PM »
Yo puse media hora a remojar las lentejas. Mientras preparaba los ingredientes: trocé el jamón en pedazos(sounds better than dados) pequeños, corté el chorizo de guiso en rodajas, también corté en rodajas las zanahorias y pelé pequeñas papas y las déjé enteras;

Una vez remojadas las lentejas(durante media hora). Las puse al fuego en una cazuela que las cubriera de agua. Después eché a la cazuela lo que ya hemos preparado, es decir, el jamón, el chorizo, las zanahorias y las papas. También eché hoja de laurel, pimienta, azafrán y vino.

También piqué una cebolla (cortada en trozos pequeños) y la eché a la sartén con aceite. Piqué ajo y lo agregué a la cebolla. Y los dejé freír (pero sin que se dore).

Agruegué la cebolla y el ajo a las lentejas y puse sal en la cazuela que ya estaba en el fuego. Tardará de 30 a 40 minutos a fuego medio.

As you can see in spanish there's no need to put I alot and also alot of verbs in past have an (´). Hope that helps.  ;D

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(July 07)

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2009, 09:34:11 PM »
I would assume they wouldn't want you to use translators to translate the entire essay.  I only used the translator for certain words that I never recalled seeing.  I would assume something like that would be okay.  I could read most of the essay, though, without the help of the translator.  Certain things (like sausage casserole?) I've never seen before in my life I had to use that website for.

But good luck!

(heh, I

Oh ya, if you're using Word to create this, type Ctrl+' then press the letter you want the accent over.  That will put make the letter accented (same goes for the n with the tilde).  Or, if you're using another program, you can go to the character map on your computer and find the right character there.  The character map is under Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools.
You blame me?  Remember it had to get past 10 other players before I saw the ball.

Thanks to Spidey for this sig!                                                                                                                  .

Offline PR_Aussie

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2009, 09:36:12 PM »
Oh ya, if you're using Word to create this, type Ctrl+' then press the letter you want the accent over.  That will put make the letter accented (same goes for the n with the tilde).  Or, if you're using another program, you can go to the character map on your computer and find the right character there.  The character map is under Start Menu -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools.
Ya, I know, I'm just feeling tired and lazy.

Oh, and thanks Fuzion :D
Thanks to Miser for the sigs!

Take it to make it!

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste Bunny into your
(")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.

Offline Toe Tag

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2009, 08:33:55 PM »

أضع نصف ساعة لامتصاص العدس. أثناء إعداد المكونات : قطعة لحم خنزير في شاحنة (يبدو أفضل من الزهر) قطع صغيرة من الحساء chorizo شرائح ، كما تشريح البطاطس والجزر الصغيرة وبيليه وتركت سليمة ؛ بمجرد مصاصي العدس (نصف ساعة . وبدأ الحريق في وعاء من الماء إلى أن يغطي عليها. بعد ان غاب عن وعاء من التي وضعت ، وهو لحم الخنزير ، ونوع من الخبز ، والجزر والبطاطس. كما غاب عن أوراق الخليج والفلفل والزعفران والنبيذ. بيكيه أيضا البصل (قطع الى قطع صغيرة) ، وفوت مقلاة بالزيت. بيكيه ، ويضاف الثوم والبصل لل. وتوقفت عن القلي (ولكن ليس احمر). تضمين البصل والثوم على العدس ووضع الملح في وعاء كان بالفعل على اطلاق النار. يستغرق بين 30 و 40 دقائق على نار متوسطة.

Yummy recipe!
LIfe is good.  Vacation is better!

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Re: Spanish help
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2009, 08:52:07 PM »

Yummy indeed Toe Tag.  I'll have to try that - I wouldn't have thought to add mint as a garnish, but sounds delicious.

Here is my tried and true recipe.

我將在一個半小時的時間到了小扁豆。 (平均數? )雖然我準備的材料:我切塊火腿成小塊,降低香腸砂鍋 chorizo 成片,我什至還切成細片胡蘿蔔和小馬鈴薯擱置.  餘切碎的洋蔥(切成小塊)和把它變成煎鍋的石油。餘切碎的大蒜和添加到洋蔥。我離開它,直到我布朗 油炸(但不是金

Cin Cin!
